
Moss — The elf of the plant planet

author:Wood plum plant planet
Moss — The elf of the plant planet

Speaking of moss, what comes to mind? Is it a long-deserted ancient road? Is it a stone staircase on a rainy day? Or a deserted, gloomy courtyard?

"Three or four o'clock on the Bichi platform, one or two yellow orioles at the bottom of the leaves."

"Yin is ancient moss green, color dyed autumn smoke blue."

In people's minds, moss always seems to appear in dark and damp places. These impressions aside, have you ever caught a glimpse of moss in the brick crevices of the sidewalk? Ever found moss on the eaves of a roadside? Mosses are often referred to as the dwarfs of the plant kingdom, but it seems more appropriate to describe them as the elves of the plant kingdom — they are petite, cute, and quietly live in places you don't easily find.

Moss — The elf of the plant planet
Moss — The elf of the plant planet

It was a group of pointed leaf bulbophylls, and because it had just rained, the air was moist and fresh, and they were well fed even if they only grew on vertical stone walls.

Moss — The elf of the plant planet

In its natural state, the sharp-leaved lamp moss

After drinking the rain, the neatly arranged leaves on the stem stretched out, because the leaves only had a thin layer of cells, and the green was transparent and shining in the bright light outside, and the color of the leaf veins was slightly lighter, from the bottom of the small leaf to the tip of the leaf, such a delicate stroke must have poured into the Creator's extremely delicate mind to create.

Against the backdrop of the dark gray rough stone walls, it is even more delicate and crisp. It is like a piece of transparent emerald jade, on which is carved with extremely small and very fine stems and leaves, which is ingenious!

Moss — The elf of the plant planet

Sharp-leaved lamp moss detail

Although they are stems and leaves, they are only because their shape is similar to that of other higher plants. To be precise, none of their rhizome leaves have a vascular structure, and the leaves have only one layer of cells, which is botanically called leaf-like.

Observed under a microscope, the cell shapes of the veins and margins are more elongated.

Moss — The elf of the plant planet

Microscopic subterranean moss veins

Moss — The elf of the plant planet

Microscopic pointed leaf ramping moss leaf margin

Moss — The elf of the plant planet

Under this deep gray stone wall, another type of moss-gate plant is tiled - land money. Irregularly shaped leaf-like bodies that cover the soil, with small cups (spore cups) at the top of which contain small spores.

When the water droplets fall from the air and fall into the small cup, the spore sprouts jump out through the impact of the water droplets, land on a new soil, take root, grow...

Moss — The elf of the plant planet

Land money in its natural state

Moss — The elf of the plant planet

Spore cup on the phyllum

Above the leaf-like body, there is also a small umbrella like a flower, which is extremely cute and delicate. Look closely at these small umbrellas, some are round, some are cracked out of the umbrella bone.

The different forms of these small umbrellas mark their different genders, the round and cute are girls; the umbrella bones are exposed, and the personality is shown by boys, what a wonderful arrangement nature has!

Moss — The elf of the plant planet

Land money Xiongtuo

Moss — The elf of the plant planet

Land money female trust

Moss — The elf of the plant planet

Moss alone looks small and exquisite, the crowd is brilliant and shocking, his beauty in its delicacy, in its agility, in its richness. If you can bend down, lower your gaze, and gaze at the elf creeping on the ground, he will awaken and bloom in your eyes.

Moss — The elf of the plant planet
Moss — The elf of the plant planet

The most beautiful thing about moss is the way they try to live on this planet. Get out of the house, go to the side of the road, go to the park, go to the forest, go to the mossy home.

Go see how they curl up in times of drought, how they stretch after rain; see where they live and when they grow.

Attached below are the outdoor viewing needs:

Moss — The elf of the plant planet


Eagerness and curiosity – helping you discover beauty that you have not been able to discover.

Enlarge the mirror – assisted by the naked eye.

Fill the watering can - spray moss, you will have a different discovery!

Pen and paper – record what you see and feel.

Reference Manuals – Consult in a timely manner.

Mobile phone - shoot, share. (If you have macro photography, you'll be able to take even more stunning photos!) )

Water-proof shoes – don't ask! You'll know it when you go!

Note: The above is a necessity, in addition to personal circumstances can bring tweezers, plastic bags, snacks, drinks...

Accumulate your enthusiasm and curiosity, and when the epidemic is over, take action!

At the beginning of contact, you don't have to have too high requirements for your professional knowledge, after all, it is worth it to feel the beauty, observe more, learn slowly, you can definitely slowly discover more fun in moss!

(The pictures in this article are partly from the network, see the picture watermark for details)

This article was first published in Princess [Muzi Plum Plant Planet], a public account that pays attention to plants and integrates plants into life.

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