
The Russian Wolfhound, a natural aristocrat, is a combination of beauty and strength!

author:Encyclopedia World

The Russian Wolfhound was bred as a hunting dog that chases wild animals in open areas and relies primarily on sight rather than smell. To this end, the Russian Wolfhound has a very special body structure to catch and control prey. The Russian Wolfhound is brave and agile, with an elegant and noble temperament, smooth lines, and a variety of colors and silky smooth hair.

The Russian Wolfhound, a natural aristocrat, is a combination of beauty and strength!

The Russian Wolfhound is a gentlemanly, sturdy companion dog, tall and slender, full of power, giving people a feeling of vitality. The Russian Wolfhound is extremely good at running, its running movements and posture are graceful, the male appears majestic but not rough, and the female appears feminine but not weak. The Russian Wolfhound behaves gracefully, has a calm, dignified attitude, is polite to people, and rarely barks.

The Russian Wolfhound, a natural aristocrat, is a combination of beauty and strength!

The Russian Wolfhound is a dog that combines dynamic and static, and when it is in the room, it is so elegant, quiet, even gentle. In the process of chasing other dogs, although it is always in the leading position, the running posture seems to be very careless. The movements always seem to be half a beat slower than other dogs, but it relies on its long legs to maintain a speed advantage.

The Russian Wolfhound, a natural aristocrat, is a combination of beauty and strength!

It's only when other dogs are catching up with it that it really exerts its power, and you'll see a truly agile and powerful Russian wolfhound. Its powerful posterior body provides a huge thrust to the entire body through the dexterous waist, and the front body stretches and calmly strides a great stride, still maintaining an elegant gait in the rapid forward.

The Russian Wolfhound, a natural aristocrat, is a combination of beauty and strength!

The Russian Wolfhound is lively when moving and quiet when quiet, so it can play as a clown or a prince at any time in your life, adding a lot of fun to your life. The Russian Wolfhound behaves coldly to strangers, but its enthusiasm for its owner is not inferior to Thatu Mu. Although the Russian Wolfhound has a stable personality and rich feelings, it often has a restrained personality and a stubborn side, so it is necessary to be extra careful while breeding, training and managing the Russian Wolfhound with complex personality.

The Russian Wolfhound, a natural aristocrat, is a combination of beauty and strength!

The Russian Wolfhound is a combination of gentleman and strength, as a companion dog it is gentle and elegant, as a hunting dog, it is more courageous than the wolf, which is what we now call the combination of beauty and ability. The Russian Wolfhound prefers to be outdoors, and in the fresh air, it prefers a lower temperature because of its "double-layered" coat.

The Russian Wolfhound, a natural aristocrat, is a combination of beauty and strength!

Although the Russian Wolfhound has now entered the family and becomes a pet in the apartment. But it still retains in its nature an innate passion—the desire to hunt. In the family, it is not overactive, showing a calm, elegant and docile temperament, but this does not hide its wild side. It loves objects that can move fast, and once its small animal-hunting instincts are awakened, it's hard to stop.

The Russian Wolfhound is like an elegant, personable, independent, quiet and close friend, its territorial awareness is not strong, and even if a stranger invades, it cannot be expected to send an alarm message. Although it is larger, it does not actively attack humans. In addition to family, the Russian Wolfhound is not very suitable for staying with children, who often make it nervous.

The Russian Wolfhound, a natural aristocrat, is a combination of beauty and strength!

The Russian wolfhound does not want to be alone, needs the company of its owner or family, it needs a certain amount of exercise every day, and it must be pulled when taking it for an outdoor walk, otherwise it will chase after the small animals when it sees it. The Russian Wolfhound is not very patient with small children, cold to strangers to unfriendly, aggressive to other dogs, and requires strict, gentle, and patient owners to socialize them.

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