
The little blue elf, the duck plant grass, is spread out of the fence, and the thin-winged Shu Qing is ready to fly. A few mistakes will be fanned, and the first mistake is to recognize the wrong mind. ”

author:Liangxi Xuezi
The little blue elf, the duck plant grass, is spread out of the fence, and the thin-winged Shu Qing is ready to fly. A few mistakes will be fanned, and the first mistake is to recognize the wrong mind. ”

Every late summer and early autumn morning, walking on the park or field path, as long as you pay a little attention, perhaps at your feet, a plant, a few green leaves shining with dewdrops, blooming with small blue flowers, smiling and groaning at you, although silent, but from its gentle swaying appearance, you will naturally accept its affectionate greetings, and immediately rise from your heart A warm and fresh feeling, let you can't help but stop for it and watch: What kind of grass is this? oh! It is the most endearing blue elf in the plant world, the duck plant.

Framed with the graceful peony, its posture appears thin and lustful; the magic is that it can take you out of the noisy and exaggerated red dust, making people's hearts as still as water; compared with the dazzling peach blossoms, it will be eclipsed, but you see the dreamy blue petals at a glance, somehow as if the whole world is quiet, is it the color dyed by a drop of water in the sea? The fragrance of lotus is long and long, and the duck plant flower directly evokes people's sense of smell with a fresh and seemingly innocent fragrance, which is an aftertaste and endless.

The little blue elf, the duck plant grass, is spread out of the fence, and the thin-winged Shu Qing is ready to fly. A few mistakes will be fanned, and the first mistake is to recognize the wrong mind. ”

Legend has it that there is a person in Chu Guoyin in China, brave and courageous, he will paint a little of the white clay powder used to paint the wall on his nose, so that the craftsman suddenly cut off the axe, just cut off the white powder on the nose of the Chu people, but the nose is safe. Looking at this Chu man again, his face was calm and he had no fear at all! This story is called "The Nose Axe of the Yin People". In the Tang and Song dynasties, the world saw a wildflower with a little white petal in the middle, like the Chu people who smeared their noses with white powder, so they called it "nose axe grass". Because of the pronunciation relationship around Wuyue, the word "斫" was later falsely rumored as "metatarsal", and this weed was called "nasal plant". Later, because this grass often grows on the banks of damp streams, ducks by the water like to use their fresh stems and leaves as food, and they are renamed "duck plant". This is where the name Plantagenet comes from.

Of course, depending on the shape of this grass, different countries or places give it a different name. "Bi Chan Flower", "Bamboo Leaf Vegetable", "Dew Grass", "Blue Butterfly Flower", "Bi Bamboo", "Green Butterfly", etc., a small weed, has been given so many wonderful names, it is really beautiful.

The little blue elf, the duck plant grass, is spread out of the fence, and the thin-winged Shu Qing is ready to fly. A few mistakes will be fanned, and the first mistake is to recognize the wrong mind. ”

Duck plant is a powdery endosperm of the duck plant family and the genus of the same name, the growth cycle is only a short year, the flowering period is mainly concentrated in June to October every year, perfectly spanning the hot summer and cool autumn.

It is loved by people because its appearance ranges from leaf to flower beauty to suffocating.

The whole body is emerald green, and the transparent and delicate green is straight to people's hearts. The interspersed leaves on the branches shaped like bamboo knots are sword-shaped and bamboo leaves, and in this exquisite green leaf cluster, dotted with exquisite blue flowers. In the wild, full of red, yellow, white, and purple flowers, this little bit of blue is indeed the most eye-catching color.

It is only a small blue flower like an adult fingernail cap, which is the most beautiful essence of duck plant. The flowers of duck plant are extremely simple, consisting of only three refreshing petals. Two petals as thin as cicada wings, blue and green petals, looking at it from a distance, like a blue butterfly with wings spreading its wings stopping on the plant, no wonder in the poem of the Song Dynasty poet Yang Xunzhai, the beauty is dazzling:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" >". A few mistakes will be fanned, and the first mistake is to recognize the wrong mind. ”</h1>

Of course, the beauty of the duck plantagea flower is not completely here, the key is that under the two petals that dance, with another petal with a shorter white shape like winter snow, when you gaze at this flower, you suddenly feel sighed: The blue sky and white clouds are just like this, right? What surprises you more than that between the blue and white petals, six flower buds are protruding, with different lengths and lengths. The short bean sprouts like three water spirits stand in it, and the long top seems to wear a brown top hat, bending down to salute. A small wildflower, blue, white, yellow and brown, long and short curved into a straight contrast. Forming a beautiful overall flower body, it is really wonderful, quietly lying in the verdant grass, not only a beautiful watercolor painting, but also an ancient story in the middle of it!

The little blue elf, the duck plant grass, is spread out of the fence, and the thin-winged Shu Qing is ready to fly. A few mistakes will be fanned, and the first mistake is to recognize the wrong mind. ”

The beautiful and elegant image of the duck plant is loved and praised. In fact, its magic lies in the wonder of reproducing future generations, that is, a great gathering of wisdom.

In order to reproduce, the planter evolved into a hermaphrodite, cleverly designing six stamens for itself. These six stamens have their own duties. Among them, the shorter three no nectar, that is, some pollen, no fertility, but the delicate goose yellow is responsible for attracting bees and butterflies for the pistils; the bee butterfly insects that are beautiful and plucked on it will naturally encounter three other long stamens with nectar, and unconsciously, the happy little insects have built a magpie bridge for the duck plant, completing its dream of succession.

However, if you encounter bad luck, the duck plant is not favored by the bee butterfly, can not pollinate, what can be done? When forced, the middle of the three long stamens of the duck plant can pollinate by self-flowering. Of course, this is the next step, because the duck plant also knows that close relatives get married, and the offspring will be deformed!

How amazing! Such an unwritten weed by the roadside has such a cunning intention, it is really a great praise for human beings!

The little blue elf, the duck plant grass, is spread out of the fence, and the thin-winged Shu Qing is ready to fly. A few mistakes will be fanned, and the first mistake is to recognize the wrong mind. ”

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that "Shi Zhen yue, bamboo leaf vegetables, everywhere in the flat ground, seedlings grow in March and April, purple stems and bamboo leaves, can be eaten when tender." Flowers bloom in April and May, like a moth, two leaves like wings, green and lovely. The horns are sharp and curved like a bird's beak, real in the horns, as large as small beans, and there are fine seeds in the beans, gray and black and wrinkled, shaped like silkworm droppings. The skillful craftsman picks its flowers, takes the juice for painting colors and colored sheepskin lamps, green and blue. "It can be seen that duck plant is different from other wild grasses in that in addition to medicinal use, it also has a specific function - as a dye for color

Clever ancestors made blue dyes from the juice of duck plant flowers, which were popular for a while in clothing, lanterns, and paintings. Further afield in Japan, it is said that they also had the habit of making dyes from duckweed during the Tang Dynasty. However, due to the fact that the blue colored with duck plant is easy to fade, it was slowly eliminated by people later.

Whenever I see the national treasure blue and white porcelain, I always think: in the dye of blue and white porcelain, will there also be a credit for the duck plant?

The little blue elf, the duck plant grass, is spread out of the fence, and the thin-winged Shu Qing is ready to fly. A few mistakes will be fanned, and the first mistake is to recognize the wrong mind. ”

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