
An inquiry into the geographical significance of atmospheric motion

author:Educational reverie

Atmospheric motion is one of the most important components of the study of the Earth's environment, and the geographical significance of atmospheric motion is even more important, which will be briefly explored in this article. The geographical significance of atmospheric movement mainly includes: the formation of winds, the influence of climate, the influence of water circulation, and the formation of ocean currents.

A brief description of atmospheric motion

An inquiry into the geographical significance of atmospheric motion

The movement of the atmosphere mainly refers to the exchange of various heat, momentum and moisture between different regions and altitudes; the air of different natures can move and communicate with each other, and thus exchange to form a variety of weather phenomena and the general term for the movement that adapts to weather changes. The movement of the atmosphere mainly includes two forms: the horizontal movement of the atmosphere and the vertical movement of the atmosphere. The main influencing factors affecting the nature and force of the vertical movement of the atmosphere by horizontal motion are: the earth's atmospheric pressure gradient force, gravity, friction force, earth's rotational deflection force, inertial centrifugal force, and gravity.

Two. The horizontal movement of the atmosphere – the wind

Wind high temperature is a natural phenomenon caused by the lateral movement of the Earth's atmosphere, which is mainly caused by the uneven lateral movement of the sun and the ground caused by the radiation movement of the sun. Because the sunlight directly hits the surface of the earth, the temperature of the surface rises rapidly, and the sunlight and cold air on the surface gradually rise due to the lighter expansion after gradual heating. After the high temperature of hot air rises horizontally, the cold air of low temperature flows horizontally, and the rising sunlight and cold air gradually fall with the cooling degree of the earth, because the temperature of the surface of the earth is high when it rises, so it will gradually increase the temperature of hot air and make it rise laterally, which is caused by the lateral movement of the sun and the ground.

An inquiry into the geographical significance of atmospheric motion

There are three main properties of the gradient driving force that drives the movement of objects and air, namely: the pressure gradient driving force, the rotational bias force on the earth, and the friction force.

The force of the differential air pressure gradient is mainly due to the uneven distribution of indoor air pressure, and the air flows from the place where its own air pressure is high to other places with low air pressure, and the greater the difference in the air pressure gradient, the greater the gradient force. It is itself an important driving force that affects the movement of the indoor atmosphere, which not only directly affects the indoor wind speed, but also directly affects the wind direction of the atmosphere.

The geodesic deflection force belongs to a kind of earth inertial bias force, which is generated by the rotation of the earth and the movement, its rotation direction is completely perpendicular to the earth's wind direction, and only affects the wind direction of the earth, and does not directly affect the wind speed of the earth.

Frictional force refers to a kind of frictional resistance of the land surface to the movement of air in the opposite direction, the direction is completely opposite to its wind direction, which directly affects both the land wind speed and its wind direction. Friction is most pronounced near the ground, the higher the altitude, the weaker the effect, and at high altitude it is negligible.

Three. Atmospheric circulation and air pressure belt wind belt

Not only that, but the formation of air pressure belts and wind belts is also related to atmospheric movement.

The atmosphere is always blown from a place with high air pressure to a place with low air pressure, thus forming different pressure zones and wind belts on Earth. At low latitudes, temperatures rise, and vice versa. Therefore, the air pressure belt is formed, and the high pressure belt and the low air pressure belt are distributed at intervals.

In the complex reality that people ignore the fluctuations of the earth's high and low latitudes, the distribution of sea and land, and the differences in climate, due to the three circles of atmospheric circulation, a global atmospheric circulation is formed between high and low air pressure and wind belts. This global atmospheric circulation is mainly distributed at different latitudes and locations, forming a zone with different climatic properties that move horizontally along the atmospheric circulation, called the global wind belt. There are six names for wind belts: polar east wind belts, west wind belts, trade wind belts, etc., which are similar to the north and south and the western hemisphere.

Four. Effects of atmospheric movement on the water cycle

An inquiry into the geographical significance of atmospheric motion

The water cycle, also commonly referred to collectively as the "water cycle" or "hydrological cycle", is a general situation that refers to the presence and influence of natural water throughout the earth, in the earth, and between land and sea above the earth. The natural water cycle of the entire earth is in a constant motion, and it is constantly changing its form of existence, from liquid in the atmosphere to water vapor and then from solid to water and ice, and then to cycle back and forth. The natural water cycle has been on earth for billions of years, and all natural life on Earth depends on the natural water cycle. If the earth were free of water circulation, the earth would be considered a lifeless place. The natural water cycle is essentially a multi-link, global natural water cycle process. The global natural water cycle mainly involves the evaporation of marine water, the transport of natural water from the atmosphere, the circulation between surface water and other groundwater, and the transmission and storage of natural water in various forms such as groundwater. One of the main links affected by the movement of water in the Earth's atmosphere is the transport of natural water from the Earth's atmosphere. The water in the earth's oceans is first transported to the earth's atmosphere through the evaporation of the atmosphere, and then due to the movement of the atmosphere, it is brought to the land, and the water vapor condenses in the atmosphere and forms clouds that fall to the surface of the earth with the rain, and then part of the water seeps into the ground from the atmosphere to form groundwater, and the other part infiltrates into the ground to form ocean lakes or rivers back to the earth's oceans, which has completed the natural water cycle between the earth's sea and land.

Five. The effect of atmospheric movement on ocean currents

An inquiry into the geographical significance of atmospheric motion

When the ocean currents on the surface of the ocean hull flow in a certain horizontal direction, there is a certain regular large or small horizontal flow, which is called a horizontal horizontal flow ocean current. The main source of reverse dynamic effects that cause the vertical earth movement of the Earth's ocean currents is mainly the northeast wind, which is manifested because of the positive wind movement stresses used in the earth's sea surface in the vertical earth movement operation, coupled with the interaction with the wind motion stresses at the time when the earth rotates north-south and the equatorial bias, which directly affects the positive flow between the ocean current seawater and other ocean currents, which has both the positive flow of the earth level and the reverse flow of the earth vertically. Among them, the monsoon currents that are prevalent in marine activities are the main source of power and the largest driving force of the monsoon currents. Ocean currents can be subdivided into velocity wind currents, density wind currents and compensatory wind currents according to their different causes of movement.

Among them, the upper wind current is naturally formed under the action of the wind, and the prevailing wind can blow the upper sea surface, promote the upper sea water to drift along the direction of the wind, and can make the upper sea water effectively drive the flow of the lower sea water, forming a large-scale ocean current, called the wind sea current. The systems of movement of various ocean bodies located on the surface of the world's oceans are mostly wind currents by their nature and causes. The water movement system in the atmosphere is the main source and power of water movement in the entire ocean system.

The Somali monsoon in the current system forms a circulation, which is also gradually formed due to the seasonal and weather changes of the prevailing winds in the ocean currents, and the heat absorption and dissipation rate of the land and sea are different in a large area due to the height of the surface and the distribution of land and sea. These two conditions extend to a long period of season, but also because of the prevailing wind seasonality and weather differences, the prevailing wind direction or low pressure system often has no obvious seasonal and weather changes, and gradually formed a monsoon circulation. In various systems that form a circulation through the monsoon, the generation and onset of the monsoon is often obviously explosive or abrupt, and the time of outbreak and stagnation varies. For example, the West African summer wind system in ocean currents erupts northwards in mid-May each year; the Indian summer winds in ocean currents and the East Asian summer winds in ocean currents have staged northward outbursts and advances from mid-May to mid-July, with a period of rapid propulsion and sudden stagnation at each monsoon stage; the Australian monsoon usually erupts suddenly southward in December of each year. Around mid-May each year, the southeast monsoon current from the Southern Indian Ocean Maskellin High Pressure moves low along the east coast of New Guinea, Forming a strong Somali monsoon rapid, flowing straight towards the Indian subcontinent in South Asia and causing continuous precipitation, which is the South Asian summer wind. The weather systems that cause precipitation are mainly monsoon troughs and monsoon low pressures. The monsoon trough basically stretches along the southern side of the Himalayas, from northwest to southeast to the Bay of Bengal and the Indochina Peninsula. When it is in the active phase, there is a series of low-pressure activities along the trough line, resulting in a series of heavy precipitation processes. These low pressures have been further developed and strengthened in the Bay of Bengal, so the Bay of Bengal region is the region with the highest frequency of low pressures in South Asia.

Six. The relationship between climate type and atmospheric movement

We live under the umbrella of the atmosphere every day, and the activity of the atmosphere also has a profound impact on our climate, such as sea and land winds, valley winds, etc., and each climate type also has their corresponding atmospheric movement characteristics.

An inquiry into the geographical significance of atmospheric motion

1. Temperate oceanic climate: Most of them are distributed in the mid-latitude area of 40 degrees to 60 degrees, and the surrounding coast is controlled by marine air masses all year round. Strong sea breezes, abundant moisture in the atmosphere, suitable temperatures, and natural precipitation throughout the year, are also the first choice for pastures, and the United Kingdom is the best example.

2. Analyze the climate of China's subtropical rainforest area: Since China's subtropical rainforest belongs to the seasonal tropical climate type, it is also known as subtropical rainforest and equatorial rainy forest climate. Most of the subtropical rainforest areas are distributed in the low-altitude latitude belt and subtropical rainforest areas near the southern end of the equator of the north latitude of the Earth to 10 degrees, and due to the strong electromagnetic radiation of the sun to the entire earth during the summer, the summer atmosphere there is relatively low relative to the winter air pressure, showing a deep sinking air flow. The average annual temperature in each month is between 25-28 °C, and the average annual seasonal rainy precipitation density can reach more than 2000 mm. Seasonal average rainfall throughout the year is relatively evenly distributed, with no dry periods. The main tropical climate regions are found in the amazon plain of south America in the north of the southwest Pacific Ocean, the Congo Basin in Africa and the coast of the Gulf of Guinea in southern Africa, most of the British Indian Malay Archipelago in Asia, and the southern Part of the Indian Malay Peninsula in Africa. Significant typical climatic geographical characteristics: high temperature, rainy summer and small temperature difference in the whole year. The formation of the global tropical rainforest climate is mainly affected by the comprehensive intensity of the sun's radiation to the earth, (the formation of the global tropical rainforest climate The comprehensive rainfall of the sun to the earth's radiation is generally 10 to 180 kcal square centimeters) The equator is a low pressure zone, the trade wind gathers rapidly near the earth's equator, the radiation intensity rises, and the water vapor contained is easy to become cirrus clouds to rain. Among them, the most typical and extensive Area of the Amazon Rainforest Species Climate Distribution Area is the highest proportion of Amazon Rainforest species, most of which are located in the Amazon Plain adjacent to South America, covering an area of 5.5 million square kilometers. The Amazon rainforest climate distribution spans nine tropical rainforest countries: including Brazil (about 60% of the world's forests), Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and France (French Guiana), accounting for half of the current world's tropical rainforest species area and 20% of the current global tropical forest species area, making it the largest and most tropical rainforest species in the world today. The Amazon rainforest is universally known as the "lungs of the earth" and the "green heart" of the world. The vast tropical rainforest species area on the earth inhabits a large number of tropical rainforest species, because there are currently about a quarter of the world's modern medicines are formulated and refined by the plants of the Amazon rainforest, so the Amazon rainforest is called "the world's largest pharmacy" by the world. Because tropical rainforests are rich in tropical rainforest products, most of the countries in tropical rainforest areas mainly develop and sell their own natural resources, and there are basically no developed countries. Due to the concentration of rainfall in the humid climate of the tropical rainforest, there will be major floods all year round, and residents live in the underground overhead, and the walls are high-footed houses with many gaps, which are very conducive to blocking the passage of floods. This stilt can prevent dampness, two heat dissipation ventilation, three can avoid the invasion of insects and beasts, and four can avoid the impact of flooding.

Most of the stilt houses in our country are concentrated in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China.

An inquiry into the geographical significance of atmospheric motion

3. Southeast Asian subtropical monsoon climate: mainly distributed in South Asia near 10° north latitude to the Tropic of Cancer east longitude and most of Southeast Asia, such as Japan and China's southern Taiwan, Leizhou Peninsula, Hainan Island and China's southern Yunnan, Indochina Peninsula, most of the Indian Peninsula, the Philippines and the northern coast of Australia. The tropical cyclone monsoon here is significant, and the seasonal and latitude variations of the wind direction throughout the year are obvious. As the center of the air pressure belt and the northeast monsoon belt moves southward during the dry season, much of the region is affected by the northeast trade winds and blown to the Australian ocean by the inland regions of asia throughout Asia, and deflected southward at low latitudes, and gradually forms the result of the combined effects of the northeast monsoon.

During the rainy season, due to the west-northward movement of the summer equatorial low pressure regulation belt and the winter monsoon belt, this climatic region is caused by trade winds in the southeast direction, the southwest monsoon that is deflected across the northeast direction of the equatorial monsoon belt, and the interaction of the ocean monsoon and the monsoon blowing to the land caused by differences in the thermodynamic and climatic properties of sea and land space. In terms of agricultural economy in subtropical monsoon climate areas, the representative economic country is Thailand. In addition, Thailand is also known as the 'king of fruits', and the special fruits include durian, mangosteen, rambutan, mangosteen, longan, rubber and so on. Although Thai rice in the world is also a certain popularity and influence. However, this phenomenon may also make thailand's rainfall time unevenly distributed, which can easily cause severe flooding disasters.

4. North China temperate monsoon climate: the monsoon region climate between sea and land thermal activity nature is relatively large, the summer mainly blows tropical sea breeze, winter mainly blow temperate land wind, China's north China and northeast China is affected by this climate, rainfall is mostly concentrated in summer.

5. Climate of Tropical Sahara Desert in Africa: The climate of tropical Sahara Desert in Africa is mainly controlled by the climate of the subtropical high pressure zone or trade wind belt on the earth, which is dry and rainy all year round, and the average annual temperature is high. The subtropical Sahara Desert is currently the largest desert in the world, and the climate of the tropical Sahara Desert is also the most typical. It is extremely arid and extremely hot, with an average annual minimum of less than 50 mm of rainfall in most areas, and in some places even a drop of rain for many years, it is currently the driest tropical desert climate on Earth. The number of african tropical Sahara desert climate wildlife is relatively small, and African wildlife includes Sahara camels, big-eared foxes, Sahara geckos, desert vipers, desert hedgehogs, and Mauritari toads. Animals belonging to Asia include Sahara wild horses, Tarim rabbits, yellow sheep, wild boars, sand pythons, prairie vipers, rattlesnakes, American large poisonous lizards, min foxes, desert turtles, steppe wolves, and butterflies.

Seven. Effects of atmospheric motion on thermal circulation

The simplest category of atmospheric motion: thermal circulation

One of the reasons why the thermal circulation is mainly formed in the suburbs is the uneven distribution of the cold and heat pressure difference between the high altitude and near the ground, such as the temperature relationship between the suburbs and other cities, and the current suburbs are greatly affected by heat on humans. The high-altitude heated area forms a low pressure due to the expansion of the air and the close ground, and the high altitude forms a high pressure (relative to the same height), while the contraction and expansion of the heated area with low air temperature also forms a high pressure, and the high altitude also forms a low pressure. The air pressure difference is directly formed on the horizontal plane of the same height, which directly causes the heat to move in the opposite direction of the atmosphere, forming a high and low thermal circulation.

Due to the different conditions of the ground, the circulation of heat radiation may take different forms. For example, the formation of sea and land winds, the formation of thermal radiation of valley winds, the circulation of thermal radiation in cities and suburbs, and the formation of forests (or large reservoirs) and bare ground to form thermal radiation circulation.

An inquiry into the geographical significance of atmospheric motion

All of the above are changes brought about by the atmosphere in some small areas, and let's look at what changes the atmosphere can make to the geographical environment in a larger area.

1. Atmospheric circulation: Of course, there are many moving factors of the earth generated by atmospheric circulation, and it also directly guides the movement characteristics of air masses and anti-air masses. If a country's climate is controlled by the low pressure zone for a long time, it may show a higher air flow than usual, and there will be stronger continuous rainfall and cold air than the perennial. If an area is controlled by the high pressure zone for a long time, it may show a sinking air flow than usual, and the climate may be more arid. The former can take the region near the Earth's equator as an example, and the latter can even directly take the area near the Tropic of Cancer, which has formed a typical global climate movement characteristic, all of which are directly guided by atmospheric circulation.

Atmospheric and water vapor circulation also plays an important role in the transport of the main water in the atmospheric transport system, and the water content and its transmission direction are closely related to the direction and intensity of the atmospheric and water vapor circulation in the northern hemisphere. For example, in the northern hemisphere, the atmospheric transport of water vapor is transported to the middle and high latitudes through the west wind ocean air flow near 30 ° north latitude, and to the south through the trade wind ocean air flow to the low latitude. At present, there are two main parts of China's atmospheric and water vapor transport: one from India's Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean and South China Sea, which is jointly imported into China with the southwest ocean current; the other is from the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean, and is jointly imported into China with the northwest ocean current. The southern one has a large amount of transportation, and the northern one has a small amount of transportation, and the boundary between the two is between Huanghuai and Qinling, which is basically equivalent to the boundary between humid and semi-humid climate in the northern hemisphere.

Let's take another look at the classification in atmospheric circulation

1. Three-circle circulation phenomenon: it is the natural result of the uneven radiation of the earth on the surface of the earth and the interaction with the earth's rotational deflection force. As a result, a tropical and wind belt with relatively high air pressure is formed, which changes geographically due to the periodic changes of the direct sun and the inclination of the Earth, making its climate rich and diverse.

2. It is easy to form a southwest-northwest monsoon-type circulation: the main reason for the formation may be caused by the monsoon being affected by the northward shift of the nature of the thermal resource activity and the difference in global climate change located in the coastal land and space of the world. In Europe, South Asia and Southeast Asia, summer is also susceptible to the influence of the monsoon, so that the circulation of the southeast and northwest monsoons in the southern hemisphere is shifted north to the right and south, thus forming a southwest monsoon. Summer currents in the Indian Ocean are equally susceptible to the northward movement of this monsoon circulation, with the Indian currents usually flowing clockwise northeast to south and winter currents counterclockwise southwest to north.

An inquiry into the geographical significance of atmospheric motion

3. Urban heat island circulation: the city has many people, the industrial development is generally hotter than the suburbs, so it forms a low pressure, the wind near the ground blows from the suburbs to the city, and the high altitude is the opposite, just like the main place where the thermal circulation just mentioned is greatly affected by humans.

4. Valley wind: During the day, the mountaintop valley is heated up quickly and the air pressure is low, the wind blows from the peak valley along the slope to the top of the mountain, and the return air flow from the top of the mountain from the valley to the bottom of the valley. At night, during the day, the valley at the top of the mountain is heated and cooled by heat and the air pressure is high, and the wind blows from the top of the mountain along the slope of the valley to the top of the valley to the top of the valley, and the rising air flow of the valley slowly returns to the top of the mountain. This effectively enables the microorganisms and vegetation on the surface of the mountains and valleys to obtain sufficient heat and precipitation, which promotes the growth of vegetation.

5. Land and water wind: during the day, the heat over land heats up quickly, and the air pressure on the land is low, and the wind blows from above to the water through the land air flow, and the land air flow blows from the land to the water. At night, during the day, the air over the land is heated and cooled quickly and the air pressure is high, the wind blows from the land air flow to the water surface, and the land air flow blows from the land to the water. One of the main reasons why China's north and northeast China can receive the influence of such winds is that the nature of thermal activities in sea, land and space varies greatly from region to region.

Eight. The vertical movement of the atmosphere

A vertical movement of air can include the movement of air rising and air sinking.

The type of vertical movement of air

1. Convection: refers to the rapid rise of warm air or the sinking of cold air under the action of geothermodynamic convection. This type of vertical convection movement is characterized by a small horizontal motion range, only a few kilometers to tens of kilometers, the duration is relatively short, only tens of minutes to a few hours, one of the characteristics is that the speed of vertical convection is large, up to 1 ~ 30m / s; The horizontal range of motion is small, and the general range of motion is several kilometers to tens of kilometers; the disadvantage is that the duration is short, and the general duration is tens of minutes to hours. They cause large numbers of thunderstorms, producing unstable weather such as gusts of precipitation, thunderstorms, winds, or hail.

An inquiry into the geographical significance of atmospheric motion

2. Horizontal laser radiation coupling laser radiative reflection motion may cause high-level vertical horizontal sinking upward movement: Due to the vertical horizontal coupling radiative reflection coupling movement of the low layer, the vertical horizontal reflection radiative coupling movement of the lower layer is more suitable for the vertical sinking and sinking movement caused by the high layer.

3. Sharp vertical movement on the surface of the front: The vertical movement of the front refers to the vertical movement of the cold and warm air that rises rapidly when it climbs in the same slope of the surface of the front, such as the cold front and the warm front.

4. The terrain air flow caused by different terrain and climatic conditions is transverse vertical and leeward slope movement: When the vertical movement direction of the air flow of this terrain condition encounters tall alpine terrain or steep mountain range, the windward and longitudinal vertical slope movement on the tall terrain is generated, and the upward and downward vertical slope movement is generated on the terrain leeward and slope.

5. Vertical caused by turbulence: Turbulence in the atmosphere can also produce vertical movement, which can form stratus clouds, fog or drizzle.

6. Systematic vertical horizontal movement: Large-scale objects and air have regular movement and horizontal movement in the direction of lifting and lowering is called the vertical movement of air systematization. It is characterized by a small vertical motion speed of the object, 1 to 10 cm/s; a large horizontal motion range of several hundred to several thousand kilometers; and a long duration of vertical motion, from more than ten hours to several days.

This article is original by the high school chemistry king, welcome to pay attention, take you along with long knowledge!