
Harm and contribution of Cryptoptera


Cryptoptera is also called a "shadow worm" and we've all encountered it, but don't shoot it when it attaches to the surface of your skin, because you'll be infected by its bodily fluids.

There are three cases in which cryptoptera body fluids infect human skin:

1. Directly crushing the worm body on the skin leads to infection

2. Cryptoptera's bodily fluids contaminate the fingers, which in turn touch other parts of the body and cause infection

3. Cryptoptera hides in towels and clothing, and accidentally breaks when used, resulting in contact with the skin and infection

Summer is generally a high incidence period, especially be careful.

How to prevent it in normal times?

First of all, keep the interior clean and tidy, and try not to pile up too many waste items.

Secondly, in the countryside, it is necessary to remove rotten wood, weeds and other garbage around the house that is easy to breed cryptopterycts.

Finally, if you are still unlucky, then quickly wash the affected area with soap repeatedly, it is best to go to the hospital in time.

Harm and contribution of Cryptoptera

The image originates from the internet

Cryptoptera is also good for the environment?

Of course, cryptoptera is a natural enemy of many pests!

For example, aphids, planthoppers and their eggs on crops such as rice and rapeseed are all food for cryptoptera. In addition, it is possible to react to environmental pollution by studying cryptoptera.