
Squid - Ocean Chameleon

Squid, real name zéi, also known as cuttlefish or cuttlefish

Squid - Ocean Chameleon

It has pigmented sacs in its skin that change color as "mood" changes

Squid - Ocean Chameleon

The body wall of the squid is composed of upper skin, muscles, etc., and has an endoskeleton. The epithelium is a monolayer of cells with many pigment cells underneath it

Squid - Ocean Chameleon

The ink in the body of the squid is usually stored in the ink sac in the stomach, and when they encounter predators, they will spew out a stream of ink from the ink sac, dye the surrounding sea water black, and then take the opportunity to escape.

Squid - Ocean Chameleon

Squid is a marine mollusk and is not a fish

Squid - Ocean Chameleon

It prefers to live in the deep waters of the oceans in the open seas

Squid - Ocean Chameleon

Passionate about crabs, fish and shellfish

Squid - Ocean Chameleon
Squid - Ocean Chameleon
Squid - Ocean Chameleon
Squid - Ocean Chameleon
Squid - Ocean Chameleon
Squid - Ocean Chameleon
Squid - Ocean Chameleon
Squid - Ocean Chameleon
Squid - Ocean Chameleon
Squid - Ocean Chameleon
Squid - Ocean Chameleon
Squid - Ocean Chameleon
Squid - Ocean Chameleon