
[Carry forward the Mongolian horse spirit • The example around you] The small bee big industry supports the dream of farmers and herdsmen to get rich

author:The Ushen Banner was released
[Carry forward the Mongolian horse spirit • The example around you] The small bee big industry supports the dream of farmers and herdsmen to get rich

In recent years, Relying on its unique resource advantages, Wushen banner has vigorously developed ecological industries. Cao Guoxiang, a villager in Wudinghe Town, makes use of the rich local ecological resources to take bee breeding as an industrial support, establish a professional cooperative, vigorously develop the sweet industry, and brew a sweet life.

[Carry forward the Mongolian horse spirit • The example around you] The small bee big industry supports the dream of farmers and herdsmen to get rich
[Carry forward the Mongolian horse spirit • The example around you] The small bee big industry supports the dream of farmers and herdsmen to get rich

In June, the sand beams and grass are soaked with the refreshing fragrance of flowers, and the lemon strips decorate the Mu Wusu Desert into a golden sea of flowers, and flocks of bees freely shuttle through this sea of flowers, picking flowers and making honey. In Sulid SumuTaray Usu Gacha, dozens of wooden boxes are neatly placed in a clearing next to the road, and bees buzz around the hive to dance. Cao Guoxiang and his wife and cooperative members wear anti-bee hoods and are busy next to the hive, Cao Guoxiang's wife He Jichun slowly took out the nest honey frame in the hive, the action was skillful and gentle, she carefully observed the development of the bee larvae in the hive, and exchanged beekeeping experience with the members from time to time. He Jichun said that flowers chase honey, beekeepers must follow the source of honey, behind the sweet honey industry, there are hidden beekeepers unknown bitterness, in order to let the bees collect good nectar, beekeepers have to chase the flowers, where there are flowers to go, all year round, have to work outside.

He Jichun, a beekeeper, said: I started raising bees in 1991, and the vegetation here was not so good at that time. Finally, I began to run beekeeping in a "big turn", and in the winter we walked to Sichuan, Yunnan, and we went to Yunnan as far south as we went.

[Carry forward the Mongolian horse spirit • The example around you] The small bee big industry supports the dream of farmers and herdsmen to get rich

A simple tent, a pot, a bed cover is a home, and the wind meal and sleeping are the true portrayal of beekeepers. Since many flowers only have a flowering period of about twenty days, beekeepers are "camped" at any time. Talking about the low point of the beekeeping career, He Jichun said that beekeeping has just improved, and a car accident has made her want to give up several times.

Beekeeper He Jichun said: At that time, I wanted to give up beekeeping, and finally my husband said, where we fell, where to raise bees, he must also raise bees, and finally I listened to him, we began to raise well, has been "big change" running, how many years, gradually we have developed to this scale.

[Carry forward the Mongolian horse spirit • The example around you] The small bee big industry supports the dream of farmers and herdsmen to get rich
[Carry forward the Mongolian horse spirit • The example around you] The small bee big industry supports the dream of farmers and herdsmen to get rich

With the courage to become more and more frustrated, the couple took the initiative to learn beekeeping knowledge and bee product related knowledge as long as they saw the beekeeper catching up with the flowering period. In the process of learning, the couple became more and more fond of the industry and decided to make it their own business. From the initial three boxes of bees to now more than a hundred boxes. In recent years, with the implementation of measures such as returning farmland to forests and grasslands, the ecological environment of our flag has been effectively improved. Relying on a good ecological environment, the honey source in Wushenqi and the surrounding areas has become very rich, and there are more than 80 kinds of honey source flowers for bees alone.

Beekeeper He Jichun said: We now have a good ecological environment and vegetation here, the desert is not polluted, and the honey we produce here is not polluted at all. Baume, quality, honey are very good, and the effect of people eating is also quite good.

[Carry forward the Mongolian horse spirit • The example around you] The small bee big industry supports the dream of farmers and herdsmen to get rich
[Carry forward the Mongolian horse spirit • The example around you] The small bee big industry supports the dream of farmers and herdsmen to get rich

"'Going it alone' is not enough, you have to find a way out." Cao Guoxiang gradually realized that if he wanted to make a large beekeeping industry, he had to take the road of cooperation. Cao Guoxiang seized the opportunity of development to establish the Wushen Banner Boran Xiangheyuan Professional Cooperative, with the "integration of production and marketing" business model to drive the members to embark on the road of professionalization, cooperation and scientific beekeeping to get rich. At the same time, in order to improve competitiveness, Cao Guoxiang also applied for the registration of his own trademark in 2007, realizing the large-scale production of bee products. In 2011, it passed the organic food conversion certification of China Green Huaxia Organic Food Certification Center, in 2012, Wushen banner Boran Xiangheyuan beekeeping professional cooperative was identified as a "key leading enterprise" by the Ordos Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Industrialization Office, through beekeeping, so that 60% of the total area of the flag can be pollinated, beekeeping pollination to drive 850 farmers and herdsmen, more than 3300 farmers and herdsmen through beekeeping, improve the per capita income increase of more than 1600 yuan, to solve the employment problem of more than 450 rural surplus labor force, Small bees and big industries, for farmers and herdsmen to support the dream of getting rich.

Liu Peichun, a villager in Wudinghe Village, said: Since the establishment of the professional cooperative in 2009, Cao Zong has driven many of our bee farmers, and we have not worried about sales channels and prices as a whole, and bee farmers have benefited in terms of price. Now we cooperatives can sell these goods directly to our beekeepers all over the country.

[Carry forward the Mongolian horse spirit • The example around you] The small bee big industry supports the dream of farmers and herdsmen to get rich
[Carry forward the Mongolian horse spirit • The example around you] The small bee big industry supports the dream of farmers and herdsmen to get rich

Today, the cooperative now has more than ten breeding bases and more than 10,000 bee colonies. The cooperative's products have also covered the four famous honeys of jujube flowers, locust flowers, hundred flowers and lychees in China, as well as propolis, bee pollen, beeswax, royal jelly and other bee products.

Cao Guoxiang, chairman of Wushen Banner Boran Xiangheyuan Professional Cooperative, said: This year, our products are sold throughout the country, even in Europe and the United States. In the next step, I plan to expand my business, expand production, and sell our products to all countries in the world.

Rong Media Center reporter 丨 Wang Na

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