
Liu Yunxian, an expert in the cyst department of Beijing Huadu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, explained the knowledge of cysts

author:Diary of a Guy

Another title: Liu Yunxian, director of Beijing Huadu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, explained what cysts are and what are the good ways to treat cysts

Liu Yunxian, an expert in the cyst department of Beijing Huadu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, explained the knowledge of cysts

Moderator asks: What is a cyst?

Director Liu Yunxian: A cyst is a benign mass growing in a certain tissue of the body, which is called a cyst because of its cystic structure. Cysts can grow in any part of the human body, it can grow on the surface of the human body, but also in the internal organs, such as liver cysts, kidney cysts, ovarian cysts, chocolate cysts, thyroid cysts, tendon sheath cysts, uterine cysts, breast cysts and so on.

The host asked: Is the cyst serious? How harmful are cysts?

Director Liu Yunxian: The harm of cysts is still very large, according to different parts of the cyst its harm is different, for example, the harm of kidney cysts is mainly reflected in the following aspects: 1, causing renal dysfunction, such as hematuria, urine protein, kidney deficiency, waist acid, decreased sexual function. 2. Cancerous, renal hyaline cell carcinoma is often found in patients with renal cysts. 3 Renal cyst rupture bleeding causes acute abdomen. 4. The peritoneal mass of the giant kidney cyst affects the function of normal tissues and organs, causing secondary damage and reducing the quality of life. There are also hazards such as high blood pressure, nephrotic syndrome, kidney failure and so on.

If the cyst exists in the body for a long time, it will cause different degrees of squeezing of the surrounding organ tissues, which will lead to the emergence of corresponding compression symptoms, and will continue to become larger, ruptured, bleeding, damage to the function of the organs, and even cancer becomes a malignant tumor, and the delay in curing will bring great threats to life and health!

Moderator asks: How old is the cyst to need treatment?

Director Liu Yunxian: Due to the different medical levels across the country, some cities currently do not have cutting-edge medical equipment and technical personnel, and there are many risks in taking traditional surgery for large cysts, such as: incomplete removal after surgery, cysts are too small to be accurately found and lead to surgical failure, etc. Therefore, for smaller cysts, clinicians mostly recommend dynamic observation, wait until the cyst grows to 5cm before surgical treatment. This treatment method often misses the best time for treatment, which is harmful to the body, prone to recurrence, and makes patients miserable. A cyst is a pathological change that, while growing, has already formed damage to the tissues of normal organs in the human body. Therefore, once the cyst is found, it must be treated in time regardless of the size.

The host asked: Why is the recurrence rate high in the surgical treatment of cysts?

Director Liu Yunxian: For example, the surgical treatment of kidney cysts generally uses traditional open surgery and laparoscopic surgery, most of which are for cyst window drainage treatment or peeling treatment. Patients who undergo this treatment can immediately relieve the existing hazard. However, the secretion and regeneration ability of epithelial cells on the wall of renal cysts has not been solved, which makes recurrence inevitable. Puncture drainage is mainly the puncture to extract the intracystic fluid inside the cyst. This method can solve the pain caused by larger cysts to patients, but it also gives cysts the opportunity to continue to develop, and the intracystic fluid will be secreted faster, so that the cysts will rapidly swell or even exceed the previous size. I've heard of a patient with a kidney cyst who was punctured three times a year. Surgery does not cure the symptoms. And the trauma is great and the recovery is slow.

Host asks: What is the best treatment for cysts?

Director Liu Yunxian: Organ cyst diseases have a variety of treatment methods, each with advantages and disadvantages, our hospital uses AIF cyst typing rehabilitation system to adopt a combination of Chinese and Western treatment, that is, to absorb the advantages of traditional treatment methods, abandon deficiencies, after a large number of clinical experience accumulation summed up an efficient, safe, fast and economical method. Achieve the rehabilitation purpose of not opening surgery, ultra-minimally invasive, quick effect, completely solving the source problem from the lesion site, treating both symptoms and root causes, safety and thoroughness, and preventing recurrence.

The host asked: What are the advantages of Beijing Huadu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in treating cysts?

Director Liu Yunxian: The cyst specialty of our hospital is the first Grade A hospital in China to open a cyst department. Our hospital brings together a number of authoritative treatment of cyst experts, have a wealth of clinical treatment experience, at the same time, the hospital has also introduced advanced cyst diagnosis and treatment equipment, the application of these equipment, for doctors to correctly diagnose and treat the disease provides advanced and effective means, in the accurate find of the cause of the disease at the same time, and strive to create a convenient, warm, safe and comfortable medical environment for patients in the entire examination and treatment process, eliminate the patient's trepidation and worry.

Beijing Huadu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Cyst Diagnosis and Treatment Center, using Beijing's high-end medical resources, integrates the expert teams of gynecology, hepatobiliary surgery, nephrology, ultrasound, traditional Chinese medicine and innovative medical technologies in many top three hospitals to form an interdisciplinary comprehensive diagnosis and treatment model, and the expert team of the center has developed an "AIF cyst typing rehabilitation system" on the basis of the theory of "AIF apoptosis inducing factor in the clinical application of cysts".

"AIF cyst typing rehabilitation system" is the use of AIF ultra-minimally invasive technology and private customized anti-recurrence diagnosis and treatment program two combination of treatment, can solve the recurrence problem that most hospitals, even public tertiary hospitals themselves can not solve from the source of the disease, break the bottleneck of traditional surgery and hysteroscopic laparoscopic treatment with high recurrence rate, for the majority of cyst patients to provide more professional and comprehensive cyst diagnosis and treatment services.

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