
What kind of fish act as a "therapist" in broodstock treatments? Fish therapy is revealed

author:Shaoshan Zhongcheng

When it comes to "fish therapy", many people think it is very novel. In the traditional cognition, we all feel that fish are very afraid of people, why are fish that do fish therapy very close to people? It is also called "broodstock" by industry insiders. Where did it come from? Let's walk into the world of fish therapy together.

What kind of fish act as a "therapist" in broodstock treatments? Fish therapy is revealed

This broodstock, who is a "spa therapist", is scientifically called "Hoshiko Fish", and is also known as "Hot Spring Fish", "Fish Doctor" and so on. It is a new species of fish artificially bred by the native tropical motherfish and the Turkish star male. Broodstock are tropical fish, its feeding habits are wide, and the phytoplankton and plants in the water, algae, organic detritus, insects, etc. are its food, mainly distributed in the Middle East.

This fish generally inhabits the bottom of the fish pond, and its activity varies from day to night, mostly in the middle and upper layers of the water body during the day, gradually from the middle and upper layers of the water body to the lower level in the afternoon, and at night it falls to the bottom of the pool to rest.

The living habits of broodstock are different from other ordinary fish, many fish can survive in a relatively low temperature state, but as a "hot spring fish", it will stop feeding and move less when the water temperature is below 16 ° C, and it will begin to die undercover below 14 ° C. Therefore, broodstock generally only live in hot spring water, hot water, heated water and brackish water at 18-43 ° C. According to the study, its survival temperature is 15-43 ° C, the most suitable water temperature is 28-38 ° C, and the maximum critical temperature is 41-43 ° C.

In addition, broodstock are also broad salinity fish, able to adapt to a PH value of 7.0---8.5, which is much more adaptable to salinity than most other fish. Therefore, it can survive not only in fresh water, but also in semi-brackish water with a salinity of about 1%, and after domestication, it can also survive in seawater.

Broodstock are much smaller than other common fish, with a body length of only 2 to 4 cm. But don't look at it petite, it is very active and active. And as a "spa therapist", it not only does not bite, but also very easy to feed, but also very easy to raise, coupled with its silvery white, gray-black cute appearance, as well as the magic of beauty, so it is deeply loved by the public.

What kind of fish act as a "therapist" in broodstock treatments? Fish therapy is revealed

The fish therapy industry uses this fish as a "spa" because it helps people to smoke and remove dead cortex and some bacteria and pore excrement that can only be seen under a microscope. To a certain extent, it can promote human blood circulation and alleviate human fatigue, which has many benefits.

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