
Can vespa farming really make money? (With breeding technology)

author:Love life and love the three farmers

Hi everyone, we're meeting again, and I'm your old friend, Farmer Da zhang. Thank you for your support and encouragement, with your support and encouragement, my writing road can go further, and I also bring you more useful and good information. Old rules, today we continue to talk about making money in the countryside.

Can vespa farming really make money? (With breeding technology)

In the past two years, there have been many advertorial advertisements for soil bees and wasps on the Internet, and many people have said that vespas have made a lot of money. And the TV stations have also reported on the breeding of wasps, and even CCTV has repeatedly reported some plans to get rich from breeding wasps, so can breeding wasps really make money? What about the prospects of breeding and the aspects of farming technology? Today we will talk about this topic together.

Can vespa farming really make money? (With breeding technology)

First, can vespa really make money?

Wasps, also known as horse wasps, are a variety of insects of the wasp family, because its larvae are high in protein content and low in fat content of natural cuisine, wasp adults and hives also have certain economic value, broad prospects. Coupled with the application value of the wasp is not very good now, so now there are many wasp farmers, and according to these farmers, in recent years, with the popularity of insect food, wasps are also favored by people, the price has soared, a nest of wasps can sell for thousands of yuan, the benefits of breeding wasps are quite high, so wasp breeding has gradually developed into an emerging breeding project.

Can vespa farming really make money? (With breeding technology)

As for the question of whether breeding wasps can make money, the answer is yes, many farmers have made a lot of money because of the full pot of money from breeding wasps. However, the cultivation of wasps is a new industry, and the breeding technology is not very mature, so the risks of breeding vespas are also there. At the same time, the breeding of wasps is also a certain dangerous industry, because the horse bee sting people are very powerful, the wild horse bees often have case reports of stinging people, and after the horse bees sting people, it is not easy to die, which is much more powerful than bees. At present, in addition to being used in high-end banquets, wasp breeding can also be applied in biological control, medicine, health food and other aspects, especially in the consumption of bee pupae, as early as hundreds of years ago, it has become a very rare high-end cuisine in the folk. In addition, due to the development of modern science and technology, wasp larvae, pupae, adult insects, honeycombs, are very good industry and other important raw materials, so the development and utilization of wasp resources have broad application prospects and economic value.

Can vespa farming really make money? (With breeding technology)

Second, what is the prospect of the market for breeding wasps?

1 The main purpose of vespa farming is to obtain its bee pupae and sell it to major hotels and hotels. Bee pupae is not only a natural high-end food, but also a high-protein, low-fat nutritional products, the previous market bee pupae are dependent on some professionals to risk their lives to obtain in the wild. But with the wild resources are less and less, so the market price of bee pupae has also soared, the current market price of pure bee pupae on the market at 150-200 yuan a pound, with the hive to sell can also sell for dozens of pounds, some a nest of beehives have dozens of pounds, then get a nest of bees can also sell a lot of money. Because the bee pupa is highly nutritious, has a good taste, is loved by people, and it hardly has to worry about sales problems, so there are many people who cultivate it in the market, as long as it can be successfully cultivated, it is still very profitable.

Can vespa farming really make money? (With breeding technology)

2 Low investment cost, low investment cost of wasp farming, this is a very obvious advantage. Especially now some people use semi-artificial and semi-wild breeding wasps, there is almost no cost, as long as the female bees nest after the honeycomb is moved to the wild breeding, the whole process does not need to cost any money, but it takes a little time and energy. In addition, now there are also people using high-tech technology, the wasp breeding in the artificial hive, and then put it in the greenhouse indoor breeding, the cost of this breeding method is not high, but the breeding technology is excellent. In general, the cost of feeding is still very low, and the cost of raising can be negligible compared to the high selling price.

Can vespa farming really make money? (With breeding technology)

3 Wasp farming survival rate is high, there are almost no diseases and insect pests, in the insect world, wasp almost belongs to the hegemonic existence, it has almost no natural enemies, at the top of the pyramid of the food chain, even humans are far away from it. However, in the wild, wasps that have no natural enemies will also have cannibalism, especially when there is insufficient food, the more ferocious wasp species will kill the weaker wasp species, and sometimes the same species of the same swarm of bees will kill. Anyway, the breeding of wasps basically do not have to worry about pests and diseases, and in the case of food feeding, there is no need to worry about their cannibalism, so from this point of view, the risk of breeding is relatively small.

Can vespa farming really make money? (With breeding technology)

4 wasp products value is high, the value of artificial breeding wasp mainly from the following aspects: (1) bee pupa value, bee pupa is actually not yet feathered pupa or about to feather pupa pupa, artificial breeding wasp is basically relying on pupa to sell money. Earlier we have introduced the high nutritional value of bee pupae, in some nutrients, even far more than beef and mutton, now many places of bee pupa price can sell to 200 yuan a catty, but also in short supply, once taken to the market to sell, immediately someone will buy it.

Can vespa farming really make money? (With breeding technology)

(2) Hive value, the hive of the wasp is also very valuable, the hive is where they live and reproduce, is the bee is a beehive formed by the worker bee chewing the dried plant, and then spitting it out and mixing with saliva. This hive is considered by Chinese medicine to be a Chinese herbal medicine with good medicinal effects, which can treat a variety of diseases for the human body. (Due to platform management problems, I can't directly explain the efficacy, please understand) It is precisely because the hive has a good medicinal effect, so it also has a relatively high economic value.

Can vespa farming really make money? (With breeding technology)

(3) The value of adult bees and bee venom, in some areas, adult bees can also be used to brew medicinal wine, and the selling price of each adult bee can reach 0.5-2 yuan, which is still relatively high. In addition, its bee venom is a good thing with high value. According to the study, the bee venom of the wasp has a variety of beneficial ingredients to the human body, you can use the bee venom to make some special drugs, now there are many bee venom products on the market, the selling price is also very expensive, which shows that the value of bee venom is also very high. However, it is difficult for ordinary farmers to complete the process of taking bee venom, unless there is professional guidance.

Can vespa farming really make money? (With breeding technology)

5 Good sales, small competition in the industry. Although vespa is a niche breeding project, as an emerging breeding project, the number of breeders is still not much, mainly worried about technical problems, so many people dare not invest in aquaculture. That is to say, there is almost no industry competition in wasp farming, so now the breeding of wasps also has pioneer advantages, and this breeding project will definitely develop in the future, if you are breeding wasps now, then when the large-scale promotion is launched, you will become an expert in this area.

Can vespa farming really make money? (With breeding technology)

Third, what are the efficient breeding techniques of wasps

1 breeding preparation, breeding wasps is more dangerous, so you must be fully prepared for protection before breeding. We first need to build a hive, which can be made with barbed wire. Secondly, it is necessary to build a good beekeeping shed, you can use a glass greenhouse, a factory building or a special beekeeping shed, and also build a bee box, so that the wasps have enough room to move, it is impossible to keep them in the hive.

Can vespa farming really make money? (With breeding technology)

2 Capture wild bees domesticated, use homemade bee catching nets to catch, when there are wasps flying in the wild in the spring, you can catch them, put them into the domestication cage, and raise them.

3 daily management, when the wasp nest, there must be enough insect supply, it is best to choose green insects, especially when the bee colony expands, there must be enough food supply, so as not to cause wasps to eat larvae. If the second generation of wasps are bred, the hive can be directly moved to the wild, and there is basically no need to feed at this time.

Can vespa farming really make money? (With breeding technology)


Wasp breeding technology is still relatively learned, not one or two articles can be clearly explained, friends who are interested in this knowledge, you can find the introduction of related aspects on your own, as long as you study carefully, you can definitely learn, and can breed successfully. Well, some basic information about vespa farming is shared here, everyone can compare this and what you want to say can be discussed in the comment area, and finally I also implore everyone to help me give me a concern, and long press like five seconds, thank you. Oh, but also to remind everyone, now many people on the Internet are talking about the sale of wasp breeding technology, we must polish our eyes Ha, there are too many scammers, we must pay attention to distinguish.