
How to raise common cold-water fish? The best cold-water fish list, let's take a look


There are many types of ornamental fish, and different ornamental fish have different requirements for water quality and water temperature, among which cold water fish basically do not need to be heated in winter, so many people like to breed. So what are the varieties of cold-water ornamental fish? There are many kinds of cold water fish, let's take a look!

How to raise common cold-water fish? The best cold-water fish list, let's take a look


As an ornamental fish with a full meaning of gold and jade, goldfish are colorful, gentle and diverse, and are deeply loved. How to raise goldfish? Goldfish are thermothermic animals, more adaptable to water temperature, but the most suitable temperature is between 20-28 degrees Celsius.

Domestic goldfish should not be too dense, the ideal ratio of water fish to reach 1000:1, goldfish body length and fish tank length to reach more than 1:10. Goldfish can be fed with earthworms, white sesame seeds, water fleas, earthworms, mealworms, green worms, leather worms and so on.

How to raise common cold-water fish? The best cold-water fish list, let's take a look


Koi is physically fit, colorful, varied, majestic swimming posture, mild nature, good meaning, and has high ornamental and feeding value. There are many varieties of koi carp, like to swim in groups, strong adaptability to water temperature, can live in 5-30 ° C water temperature environment, the most suitable growth water temperature is 21-27 ° C, suitable for living in a slightly alkaline, low hardness water quality environment.

Koi are generally fed molluscs, fragments of higher aquatic plants, benthic animals, fine algae or synthetic granular bait.

How to raise common cold-water fish? The best cold-water fish list, let's take a look

Rock-climbing loach

The reptile loach is a small benthic fish, with multiple species and subspecies, specialized in size, inhabiting fast-flowing, gravelly mountain streams and rivers, and adsorbing on rocks. Reptile loach is an omnivore that can eat algae, red worms, and alien feed.

In word culture, the amount of dissolved oxygen in the fish tank should be kept sufficient, and some water flow should be created as much as possible to simulate its original living environment, while also keeping the water temperature as high as possible not exceeding 28 ° C.

How to raise common cold-water fish? The best cold-water fish list, let's take a look

Look at the medaka on their backs

Small freshwater ornamental fish are bred by artificial breeding, hybridization and purification of wild medaka. The individual is small, about 3 to 4 cm long, with bright and varied colors, and has a high ornamental quality. The varieties of the Sedan are distinguished by color, body shape, light performance, etc., and the varieties are diverse, and the feeding and reproduction are simple. It is an omnivorous, mild, suitable growth temperature of 15 to 30 °C, and is extremely sensitive to chemicals.

How to raise common cold-water fish? The best cold-water fish list, let's take a look


Garnets are large, ferocious carnivorous fish, and together with the Piranha, they are also notorious "water killers" who attack all other fish they encounter, but not 1/2 of their body length. If artificial rearing, then the water temperature requirements of 20-26 ° C, water quality requirements are not strict, but it is difficult to breed in the aquarium. The food eaten by the bird is mainly meat, and can be fed loach, small fish and shrimp, bread worms, etc., and the food is fed as much as possible to ensure that it contains foods with high protein.

How to raise common cold-water fish? The best cold-water fish list, let's take a look

Chinese Fighting Fish

Chinese bucket fish is the most common type of forktail bucket fish, like to move in shallow puddles or dense shores of aquatic grass, beautiful appearance, beautiful color, can be used as an ornamental fish. Chinese fighting fish is not strict on water quality requirements, in the water temperature of 20 ~ 25 degrees in the dirty water can grow well, generally within 4 ~ 31 ° C can survive, the water temperature is at 24 ~ 27 ° C is the most suitable for its growth.

Chinese fighting fish prefer to eat insect larvae and fish worms, and also eat dry bait, which is more resistant to extensive culture.