
Marine Fish (70): Pomfret (1) - Round-eyed swallowfish

author:Qiu Dongping

Round-eyed swallowfish, also known as stone pomfret, round swallow fish, batfish, pomfret, round petrel, round bat...

Marine Fish (70): Pomfret (1) - Round-eyed swallowfish

Taken on February 24, 2016 in the waters off Semporna Mabu Island

Round-eyed swallowfish, generally living in areas of 5 to 30 meters deep, with a little silt shelter, often in groups near shipwrecks.

Marine Fish (70): Pomfret (1) - Round-eyed swallowfish

Adult round-eyed swallow fish, edible, small meat but delicious meat.

Marine Fish (70): Pomfret (1) - Round-eyed swallowfish

The juvenile round-eyed swallowfish is beautiful and can be used as an ornamental fish.

Marine Fish (70): Pomfret (1) - Round-eyed swallowfish

Round-eyed bats can be caught from the South China Sea to the Red Sea region, and Guangdong fishermen call this fish a stone pomfret.

Marine Fish (70): Pomfret (1) - Round-eyed swallowfish

Round-eyed swallowfish, Latin scientific name Platax orbicularis, English name Orbiculate Batfish.


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