
A mysterious flash over the South Atlantic

author:Title exam
A mysterious flash over the South Atlantic

At 3 a.m. on September 13, 1979, two mysterious flashes of light suddenly appeared over the South Atlantic Ocean, and it was immediately spotted by the American Vera satellite, which was operating seventy thousand miles above the Earth.

The Vera satellite system was launched in the early 1960s, there were originally 12 satellites, and only a few are still functioning. The one that found the flash was launched in 1969 and has a surveillance area of 4500 km in diameter. Through the Technology Intelligence Processing Center near Cape Canaveral, the White House and the Pentagon soon learned of the incident, and the president called a special meeting to do so. The Secretary-General of the United Nations was entrusted with inquiries to the Soviet Union and other countries, but did not receive any clear answers.

Were these two flashes of lightning "high-intensity lightning," "sunshine shining," or a nuclear explosion? It is still a mysterious thing.

According to Vera's report, the flash occurred on a cloudy night. It has been speculated that this may have been deliberately arranged, thinking that a nuclear explosion would not be detectable under such meteorological conditions. In order to find out this matter, the United States sent A U-2 reconnaissance plane to probe over the sea where the flash occurred, but found nothing.

Neither radioactive debris was found in the atmosphere nor other factors causing flashes of light.

Could it be that "Vera" failed and the report was wrong! After a series of tests and verifications, it was proved that the "Vera" was working properly and the report was accurate. Moreover, it used to have "one hundred percent reliability" in monitoring nuclear explosions, and it did find these two flashes, and even the scientific laboratory in Los Alamos, the ——— of the Hydrogen Bomb Manufacturing Site in the United States, was convinced of the truth of the Vera report based on the results of the analysis, and believed that there could be no natural phenomenon that could produce a similar light.

A mysterious flash over the South Atlantic

In late September 1979, when scientists at Cornell University in the United States used radio telescopes to track and observe the impact of the Atlas rocket launched a few days ago on the ionosphere, they unexpectedly found that there was a strange wave in the ionosphere——— like a ripple caused by a small stone thrown into a pond. This strange wave immediately attracted the attention of scientists, who continued to track and finally determined that this strange interference wave originated in South Africa, and the time of generation coincided with the time when "Vera" found the flash. U.S. authorities in Washington immediately summoned some cornell scientists and concluded that there was probably a nuclear explosion over the South Atlantic. The energy of the explosion was very low, between 2,000 and 4,000 tons, and it was only equivalent to 1/6 of the energy of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

If these two flashes of light were a nuclear explosion, who did it? Judging and speculating from a series of clues subsequently discovered, the nuclear explosion may have been the work of South Africa or Israel.

There are some facts that south Africa is suspected of doing: the National Technical Intelligence Service in Washington has a microfilm library and is constantly collecting new scientific and technological literature, one of which is on "nuclear explosion supervision and measures to deal with surveillance", which the military attaché of the South African Embassy in the United States has been interested in and has been ordering for the past two years. The CIA then discovered that on the night of the flash, a South African special fleet was secretly operating near that area. In July 1977, a Soviet satellite flew over the Kalahari Desert when it photographed a test site similar to a nuclear explosion.

South Africa is rich in uranium resources, and in 1976 it accounted for the third largest uranium production in the Western world. It has set up a uranium enrichment plant near Johannesburg, paying lip service to fuel the Kobech nuclear power plant and possibly creating conditions for the manufacture of thermonuclear weapons. South Africa refuses not to sign the NPT because it does not want to allow IAEA inspectors to inspect its nuclear plants. As a result, the CIA believes that South Africa may already be executing its nuclear program.

The suspicion is based on the fact that the CIA had affirmatively believed as early as 1974 that Israel was developing nuclear weapons. According to relevant records, in the 1960s, Israel had secretly shipped South African uranium to its own nuclear plant. There are also indications that nuclear research facilities in Israel's Negev Desert already possess uranium used to make weapons. In addition, Israel has produced a very expensive missile that appears to have been designed to throw low-grade nuclear warheads and is well suited for dropping neutrons.

The neutron bullet is a miniaturized weapon with strong radiation, which kills people with a certain amount of radiation without damaging property. Amazingly, the energy of a single neutron bomb is generally equivalent to two thousand to four thousand tons of yellow explosives, which happens to be comparable to the explosive energy of a South Atlantic flash. A neutron bomb explosion does not have the kind of debris that a nuclear explosion has. Because of this, the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft of the United States did not and could not find radioactive debris over the flashing sea.

A mysterious flash over the South Atlantic

Despite the facts and the logical speculation, Israel denies it. The Prime Minister of South Africa also gambled that nuclear weapons would not be and would not be developed.

What is the mysterious flash of light over the South Atlantic? It now appears that only the United States can give a definitive answer. However, considering his special relationship with South Africa and Israel, the United States would rather continue to regard this matter as a suspicious case than bear unimaginable consequences because of its assertions. As a result, the flashes of light over the South Atlantic remain an unsolved mystery.

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