
Rearing and management of tropical ornamental fish

author:Spicy crayfish H

Ornamental fish in the breeding, due to fluctuations in water temperature, irregular feeding, too much water exchange, the water quality of the aquarium is too poor, it is very likely to lead to the illness and death of ornamental fish, in summary, for everyone to explain the breeding and management of ornamental fish.

First, the water temperature:

In general, the water temperature of most fish should be controlled between 25-28 degrees Celsius. To regularly check the heating rod, usually the temperature fluctuation of the aquarium is best not to exceed 3 degrees Celsius, if the water temperature fluctuation is too large, it is likely to cause the fish to get sick, tropical fish are very sensitive to the water temperature, so when changing the water, we must pay attention to the temperature difference between the water temperature, to avoid because the temperature difference is too large, resulting in the illness and death of the fish.

Rearing and management of tropical ornamental fish

2. Feeding:

Ornamental fish should be fed regularly and quantitatively, and the best feeding time is 2-3 days. If it is a large ornamental fish, it is also possible to feed it once a day, and the feeding bait should be guaranteed to be eaten in about ten minutes. Can not feed too full, otherwise it is easy to digest more difficult, resulting in the occurrence of enteritis, if the bait fish is not eaten, to fish out in time, otherwise the feed in the water rot decomposition, how easy to form harmful substances to the fish.

Third, water change:

First of all, the water from the water pipe is taken out, dried and stationary for 2-3 days, in order to make the chlorine in the water fully volatilized, the temperature of the new water is 0.5-1 degrees Celsius higher than the temperature of the fish tank, each time the new water should not exceed two-thirds of the fish tank, not to mention the large amount of water to change the water, the water exchange is too large The fish are not adaptable to the water quality, and it is very willing to cause the fish to get sick, and the time to change the water can be 3-4 days, according to the situation you feed.

Rearing and management of tropical ornamental fish

Fourth, water quality,

What kind of water quality is good water quality? This problem plagues a lot of novice friends, tropical ornamental fish are generally suitable for weak acidic or weak alkaline soft water, tap water is generally neutral water, suitable for raising tropical ornamental fish, but because of the use of bleaching powder, the water body produces free chlorine must be removed to apply, can be dried outdoors for 2-3 days, to replace the sponge regularly, every time when changing the water, the feces and the fish must be cleaned up, it is recommended that you buy a bottle of nitrifying bacteria, put a little into it when changing the water in large quantities, In the usual small amount of water can be added or not added.

Rearing and management of tropical ornamental fish

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