
Regarding the cultivation of mangoes, learn these key points, mangoes are big and sweet, how to eat can not eat one, planting two, fertilization three, canopy management four, pest control five, harvesting and storage

author:He smiled slightly

Mango is a genus of mangoes in the family Sumacaceae and is one of the five most famous fruit trees in the tropics.

Regarding the cultivation of mangoes, learn these key points, mangoes are big and sweet, how to eat can not eat one, planting two, fertilization three, canopy management four, pest control five, harvesting and storage

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > planting</h1>

Spring planting is better than autumn planting, with a row spacing of about 55 × 5.5 meters. Pay attention to the configuration of pollinator trees, such as the selection of autumn mango, ivory mango as the main planting varieties, to be appropriately matched with Thai mango, Luzon mango.

Regarding the cultivation of mangoes, learn these key points, mangoes are big and sweet, how to eat can not eat one, planting two, fertilization three, canopy management four, pest control five, harvesting and storage

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > two, fertilization</h1>

1. Young trees: mainly to expand the canopy, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, 6-8 times a year.

2. Fruit tree: (1) Base fertilizer: after fruit picking to early spring, it can be carried out, mainly organic fertilizer, combined with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, accounting for 80% of the annual fertilization amount. Each plant was applied with 50 kg of organic fertilizer, 1-1.5 kg of soybean cake, 0.3 to 0.5 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and 50 to 60 cm deep groove. (2) Strong flower fertilizer: apply before the inflorescence is extracted and flowering. Depending on the size of the tree, 0.5-1 kg of urea per plant. (3) Strong fruit fertilizer: During the summer shoot extraction period, according to the results, nitrogen fertilizer and potassium fertilizer are applied in time for 1-2 times, each time 0.5-1 kg per plant.

Regarding the cultivation of mangoes, learn these key points, mangoes are big and sweet, how to eat can not eat one, planting two, fertilization three, canopy management four, pest control five, harvesting and storage

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, canopy management</h1>

1. Removal of inflorescence: Removal of the top inflorescence can postpone the flowering period by 20 to 30 days, and there is a certain guarantee for the results. The inflorescence should be removed when the length of the inflorescence is less than 7 cm.

2, pruning: after a few years of fruiting, the canopy begins to close, the lower branches hang low to the ground, should be pruned once after fruit picking, remove diseased insect branches, sparse dense branches, the implementation of open "skylight" to facilitate ventilation and light.

Regarding the cultivation of mangoes, learn these key points, mangoes are big and sweet, how to eat can not eat one, planting two, fertilization three, canopy management four, pest control five, harvesting and storage

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >4. Pest control</h1>

There are many types of diseases and pests in mango, and the more harmful diseases are anthrax, powdery mildew, bacterial black spot disease, shoot flow gum disease, scab disease and so on. The main pests are the rhabdomy tail moth, the flat-beaked leafhopper, and the leaf-cutting weevil. In addition, there are spinal-breasted celestial bulls (reference olive pests), beetles (reference citrus pests), and leafy mosquitoes (reference lychee pests).

Regarding the cultivation of mangoes, learn these key points, mangoes are big and sweet, how to eat can not eat one, planting two, fertilization three, canopy management four, pest control five, harvesting and storage

(1) Major diseases

1. Mango anthrax and scab disease are fungal diseases.

(1) Anthrax is the same as citrus anthrax bacteria. Leaves, branches, flowers, and fruits can be affected, causing symptoms such as leaf bans, stem spots, flower diseases, coarse skin of the fruit, and stains and decay.

(2) Scab disease is mainly the victim of juicy organs such as young leaves, new shoots, flowers and fruits. The leaves are damaged, forming gray to purple-brown spots, tissue thrombosis, and the heavy ones are twisted and deformed; the new shoots are similar to the leaves, but the severe ones become black and dead, and the fallen flowers are seriously unable to bear fruit; the fruits (mostly young fruits) show gray-brown spots, of which the intermediate tissue is rough and wood-embolized, and most of the skins become rough and gray-brown spots are connected.

Regarding the cultivation of mangoes, learn these key points, mangoes are big and sweet, how to eat can not eat one, planting two, fertilization three, canopy management four, pest control five, harvesting and storage

The prevention and control methods of the above two diseases: in addition to the selection of disease-resistant varieties, strengthening cultivation management, winter garden clearance, quarantine, the focus is on timely spray protection. Anthrax is generally in the blooming period, when the flowers bloom 2/3 of the time it is appropriate to spray, spray 3 to 5 times, each time every 10-15 days; scab disease begins to spray after the conical inflorescence is pumped, about 7 to 10 days spray once, after the fruit is sprayed once every 3-4 weeks. The agent can choose carbendazim, Bordeaux liquid, 50% sterilized Dan wettable powder 500 times liquid, 70% Daisen manganese zinc wettable powder 500 times liquid, 50% chloronitroamine wettable powder 1000 times liquid, 50% Fumei double wettable powder 500 ~ 800 times liquid or methyl tolbuzin, Bacillus qing, etc. After the fruit is harvested, the fruit is treated with 52 ~55 °C benet or carbendazim 2000 times liquid for 15 minutes, which can better prevent anthrax during storage and transportation, or soak the fruit with 400 to 1000 times liquid of 45% Turkdo suspension.

Regarding the cultivation of mangoes, learn these key points, mangoes are big and sweet, how to eat can not eat one, planting two, fertilization three, canopy management four, pest control five, harvesting and storage

2. Mango bacterial black spot disease is a bacterial disease. It mainly harms leaves, petioles, fruits, stalks and young shoots. The leaves are damaged, forming polygonal spots with yellow halos around them; the petioles and leaf veins are damaged and locally turn black and crack, resulting in a large number of leaves falling; the fruit is damaged, and eventually a black-brown disease spot is formed, the central longitudinal crack often flows out of the glue, and the fruit surface often forms a strip of micro-sticky stains, and the diseased fruit eventually rots.

Regarding the cultivation of mangoes, learn these key points, mangoes are big and sweet, how to eat can not eat one, planting two, fertilization three, canopy management four, pest control five, harvesting and storage

Prevention and control methods: completely remove dead branches and leaves in winter, burn them centrally; spray protection in a timely manner, spray Bordeaux liquid before and after typhoons and rainstorms, and spray 3 to 5 times in a row in the spring shoots in March, with an interval of 15 days each time. The optional agents are agricultural streptomycin 4000-5000 times liquid or 30% DT fungicide 500 times liquid or methyl tolbucin mixed with copper oxychloride.

3. Mango shoot dry gum disease is a fungal disease, the same as citrus flow gum disease; mainly after the onset of disease or branches, the cortex necrosis is ulcer-like, the first flow of white turns into brown gum, the branches above the spots wilt, and there are small black particles on the spots.

Prevention and control methods: strengthen cultivation management; timely control of tianniu to reduce insect injuries; tree trunk and main branch wounds are protected by 1% Bordeaux liquid brushing; pruning dead branches and diseased branches are cut off, and then the wound is coated with Bordeaux liquid or tolbuzin (plus cow dung into a slurry); it can be combined with anthrax sore scab for pharmaceutical prevention and treatment. During flowering, sulfur powder and copper oxychloride or any mixture containing copper fungicides are sprayed. Spray 1% Bordeaux liquid at the young fruit stage, spray 2-3 times in a row, each time every 10-14 days.

Regarding the cultivation of mangoes, learn these key points, mangoes are big and sweet, how to eat can not eat one, planting two, fertilization three, canopy management four, pest control five, harvesting and storage

(2) Major insect pests

11. Mango transverse tail moth larvae eat young shoots and inflorescence spindles. The damage of young shoots causes the new shoots to die, which seriously affects the normal vegetative growth of the tree body; the inflorescence is affected lightly, causing the top of the inflorescence to grow, and the inflorescence to die.

Prevention and control measures: reasonable fertilization and drainage of irrigation to promote the neatness of the stems; tie the grass on the trunk to lure the old mature larvae into the tree, and regularly remove the grass handle and burn it; when the new shoots are withdrawn 3-5 cm, spray 90% of the insects plus 25% of the insecticidal double 800 times the liquid or 50% of the rice abundance emulsion 800 to 1000 times the liquid, etc., spray once every 7 to 10 days, spray 2 to 3 times at a shoot stage.

Regarding the cultivation of mangoes, learn these key points, mangoes are big and sweet, how to eat can not eat one, planting two, fertilization three, canopy management four, pest control five, harvesting and storage

2. Adult mango flat-beaked leafhoppers and nymphs often cluster to harm the young shoots, young leaves, inflorescences and young fruits of mango trees. However, nymphs mainly suck the sap of inflorescences and young shoots, causing them to shrink and die, and secrete honeydew to cause soot disease, affecting growth and fruit quality. Control measures: planting the same variety in an orchard; spraying the canopy with 2-3 sprays at the flowering and young fruit stages, such as Leguo or Malathion, Leafhopper Scatter or 25% Leaf Fly Dispersal Emulsion 1000 times liquid, or 2.5% Enemy Killing 2000 times liquid, etc., spray 2-3 times in a row, each time every 7 to 10 days.

3. Mango leaf shear weevil mainly endangers the leaves with adult swarms, and the adults nibble on the tender; the upper epidermis of the leaves leaves the epidermis, so that the leaves shrink and dry; the female adults lay eggs on the young leaves, and then cut horizontally near the base, leaving a knife-scissor-like leaf base, which seriously affects the growth of the plant.

Prevention and control measures: collect the broken leaves with eggs that have been cut off and burned in a concentrated manner; protect natural enemies parasitic bees and ants; if necessary, spray Leguo, enemy killing, etc., the effect is good, only need to spray 10 cm long young shoots without spraying the whole plant.

Regarding the cultivation of mangoes, learn these key points, mangoes are big and sweet, how to eat can not eat one, planting two, fertilization three, canopy management four, pest control five, harvesting and storage

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >5, harvesting and storage</h1>

The ripening period of mango varies according to the variety, region, climate, cultivation management, and the same variety varies in different years due to changes in flowering period and climatic conditions. Mango is mostly used as fresh fruit supply, exported to domestic and foreign countries, requiring timely harvesting, harvested fruit has both good appearance and flavor and resistance to storage. The methods of judging the ripeness of the fruit are:

Regarding the cultivation of mangoes, learn these key points, mangoes are big and sweet, how to eat can not eat one, planting two, fertilization three, canopy management four, pest control five, harvesting and storage

(1) According to the appearance of the fruit, when the size of the original variety is reached, the shoulders are round, the color of the fruit changes from thick to light, and the fruit point or pattern is obvious, the fruit has basically matured. (2) When a tree has natural ripe fruit falling, it can be harvested. (3) Cut the fruit, the seed shell has hardened, the flesh has changed from white to yellow, and the fruit is basically ripe. (4) Specific gravity method, the fruit is put into water, and can be harvested when it sinks or is semi-sinking. Generally, fresh fruits are supplied in situ, and they are required to be harvested at a maturity of about 90%; exported fruits are harvested at a maturity of 70-80%; and canned raw materials are required to be harvested at a maturity of 80 to 90%. Harvesting should be picked one by one with fruit scissors, do not touch the fruit surface, take it lightly, it is strictly forbidden to shake the tree to hit the fruit, and retain the 3 to 5 cm long fruit handle when picking, which can prevent pollution and cause decay. The harvested fruit should be properly and timely shipped.

The storage temperature of mango is generally 12.8 °C, the relative humidity is 85 ~ 90%, and it can be worn for 2-3 weeks under this condition. Commonly used storage methods are: (1) wax immersion and polyethylene film single fruit packaging storage: the use of polyethylene film single fruit packaging and with 3% fresh wax immersion treatment of fruit, can be stored for 10-11 days. (2) Reduced pressure storage: Mango can be stored for 3 weeks under the standard atmospheric pressure of 13 °C, relative humidity 98-100% and 0.1-0.2, which has a higher pass rate than the fruit stored under atmospheric pressure, and the softening is delayed, the rot is reduced, and there is no shrinkage.

Regarding the cultivation of mangoes, learn these key points, mangoes are big and sweet, how to eat can not eat one, planting two, fertilization three, canopy management four, pest control five, harvesting and storage