
Meat duck with wet circles? It is suggested that there are still major loopholes in breeding management

author:Avian doctor

After entering the winter, the difficulty of breeding increases, and the contradiction between ventilation and insulation is intensified, because the ventilation and insulation are not properly handled, and the ducks in the shed are prone to tears and wet eye circles. Of course, poor ventilation and air quality are an important cause of wet circles, and there are other factors that can also cause tears to wet circles. According to whether the cause of the wet eye circle phenomenon is clear or not, it can be divided into two categories.

The first category, wet circles for clear causes, there are two types.

1: Tearing wet circles caused by high ammonia content in the shed.

Poor ventilation in the shed, high ammonia content, because ammonia is a strong irritating gas that is soluble in water, so it is dissolved in the tear fluid of the eye surface to stimulate the conjunctiva, resulting in excessive secretion of tear fluid by the lacrimal glands to rinse to form tear spots. Severe conjunctivitis can cause ducks to be blind and affect duck growth and even outbreaks of various bacterial viral diseases.

When this situation occurs, it is first necessary to strengthen ventilation and reduce the concentration of harmful gases such as ammonia in the shed. While keeping the duck shed in the winter, we must pay attention to leaving certain vents and strengthening ventilation to prevent excessive accumulation of harmful gases such as ammonia.

For some ducks with thin intestines, due to the severe fermentation of feces, more harmful gases such as ammonia gas will be produced, and prebiotics can be used to treat enteritis and reduce odor in the winter when excessive ventilation cannot be excessive.

Ducks with a large proportion of wet circles must pay special attention to preventing outbreaks of colds and serositis. Because the damage to the conjunctiva and respiratory mucosa of ducks with wet circles is very easy to cause further invasion of bacteria such as E. coli such as Bacillus lycopherol. The impaired mucosal immune system is also less able to resist cold stress and is more susceptible to colds.

Severely open-eyed ducks can be rinsed with normal saline or water, and then treated with eye drops.

Meat duck with wet circles? It is suggested that there are still major loopholes in breeding management

2: Tearful wet circles associated with the occurrence of certain diseases

Such as infectious serositis, Escherichia coli disease, mild influenza, paramyxovirus, duck plague, adenovirus and other diseases onset. The duck body has different degrees of fever, and the head and face will also be accompanied by symptoms such as inflammation and exudation, resulting in eye infections and increased secretions to form wet circles.

This type of wet circles is a complication that occurs with the development of the disease, and as the treatment of the disease is restored, the wet circles symptoms will gradually improve.

The second category, unexplained persistent wet circles.

In another case, the duck herd does not show some obvious illness, and the mental state, feeding, and feces of the large group seem to be normal. However, ducks with wet circles or dry eyes will continue to appear. Ducks with this condition tend to be less resistant to stress and are susceptible to disease. Even if the environment is properly controlled and the disease is maintained, the final ratio of the barn is often poor.

There must be a deeper physiological reason for this abnormal surface phenomenon. We can think in many directions.

Meat duck with wet circles? It is suggested that there are still major loopholes in breeding management

Chinese medicine talks about the main body of the liver, tears are the fluid of the liver, the liver yin is insufficient, the tear fluid is reduced, the eyes are astringent; the liver is tearful through the wind and heat. Persistent unexplained wet circles can be seen from the perspective of liver health.

From the mechanism of Western medicine immunology, it will also be found that this phenomenon is directly related to the decline in body immunity caused by reduced liver function.

The duck continues to wet the eye circles for unknown reasons, indicating that the lacrimal glands are constantly secreting tear fluid to flush the surface of the eyeball. The ocular surface is the part where the body is in direct contact with the external environment, when the ocular surface immune barrier is destroyed, the pathogen cannot be completely removed, and the ocular surface is repeatedly infected, causing the lacrimal glands to continuously secrete tears to prevent further infection of the pathogen through lysozyme.

This indicates that the local mucosal immune barrier function of the eye surface is reduced, and the pathogen cannot be completely removed. This also indicates a comprehensive decline in the body's specific immune function, but the overall condition of the duck population is better and indicates that the specific immune function is sound. Manifestations of this divergence can only indicate a loss of complement proteins that are adjunctive to specific immunity.

Various cells in the body may synthesize complement proteins, with hepatocytes and macrophages being the main complement producing cells. Since the liver plays a role in the unified supply of serum and submucosal complement protein, when liver function declines, complement protein in all parts of the body will be insufficient. The persistent appearance of wet circles and low liver function is inextricably linked.

In the actual breeding management process, the liver of meat ducks is also very easy to be damaged, the most important reasons are: a variety of molds and their toxins, excessive chemical drugs, duck liver virus, adenovirus, reovirus, salmonella, pittancer lycophea and other diseases caused by liver lesions.

How to eliminate the phenomenon of persistent unexplained wet circles in ducks

Regular use of Yimu Ganning to achieve the effect of liver protection and liver protection and immunity. It can not only effectively eliminate the continuous wet circles of the ducks, but also eliminate a series of problems such as low immunity, diarrhea, and growth disorders in some meat ducks.

Yimu Ganning

Treatment of liver lesions caused by a variety of reasons, help damaged liver tissue repair, enhance liver function, treatment and prevention of clinically visible: hepatomegaly, bleeding, necrosis, yellowing, spots, brittleness, blackening and other symptoms.

1: Prevention and treatment of duck viral hepatitis, used in the day-old age of duck liver, effective prevention and control of duck liver virus outbreak. For sporadic deaths after injection of antibodies, it can be cured without supplementing the antibodies. Duck liver antibodies are used after injection, which can effectively prevent recurrence.

2: Treatment of mycotoxins, drug excess, air pollution, inferior proteins, etc. caused by flower liver, cirrhosis, fragility, congestion necrosis and other duck liver symptoms, can quickly reduce death, restore the amount of food intake.

3: For liver swelling, bleeding plaque, damage, etc. caused by strong viruses such as adenovirus and flavivirus, it can alleviate hepatobiliary inflammation, promote tissue repair, reduce mortality, and accelerate disease recovery.

4: Thin the liver and choleretic, improve the ability of the hepatobiliary system to transform and absorb nutrients, improve the amount of food intake, promote growth and development, and reduce the ratio of material to meat.

5: Treatment of fatty liver caused by nutrient metabolism disorders in egg birds and breeding birds, such as yellowing, swelling and brittleness of the liver, can quickly alleviate symptoms.

6: It is used for the prevention and treatment of hepatic and renal ascites, restore liver and kidney function, slow down the exudation of visceral tissue fluid, and promote the reabsorption and excretion of exudate.


This bottle of 500 ml, treatment with 1000 pounds of water, prevention and treatment of duck liver and other viral diseases for 3-4 days; prevention and treatment of toxins or drug overdose for 3-5 days; prevention and treatment of fatty liver for 5-7 days