
Snow Golden Dog: This wolfhound named White Fang is so pathetic

author:Sea-based hope

The mine suddenly collapsed, dust and smoke, Jack was buried deep in the soil, the wolfhound frantically planed the soil, and soon a small hole was planed, and successfully rescued the buried Jack, and after successfully escaping from the mine, he found that the wolfhound's paws were stained with gold powder, so he found the gold mine.

But this lucky star, golden dog white teeth, the life is incomparably pitiful, when it was still a wolf baby, the wolf mother was unfortunately hit by the hunter, desperately crawling in the wind and snow, just to see it in the cave, the last side, heard the wolf mother calling, ran out of the hole it found the wolf mother, lying on the ground, innocent little eyes, did not know what happened, the wolf mother was reluctant to, closed her eyes, it thought that the wolf mother was asleep, gently, licking the wolf mother's forehead, but always unable to wake the wolf mother, It had to face the wind and snow, snuggled in the arms of the wolf mother, quietly waiting, I don't know how long later, the motionless wolf mother, has been covered with ice and snow, the body is cold, at this time it seems to understand something, sad and helpless to the sky to cry.

Farewell to the wolf mother, without the care of the wolf mother, I was overwhelmed in an instant, and I didn't know how to face this strange world. It understood that it had to support itself, so it ran alone in the snow, and it was difficult to find the wolves, and wanted to be with them, but the wolves did not accept it, and the wolves and dogs gave birth to it. Looking at the wolves that were far away from him, on the frozen field, in an instant, only poor it was left. The ice and snow are getting thicker and thicker, and I can only rely on myself, and I want to eat some snowflakes to fill my hunger, but I am slightly inattentive and planted in the snow. It wandered around aimlessly, unconsciously came to the lake, wanted to drink water, but could not reach it, but met Jack for the first time, Jack whistled in surprise, to attract the cute it, heard the movement, looked up alertly, found a creature that had never been seen before, staring at itself, momentarily stunned, frightened to hum, and ran away.

Run to a small stream not far away, there are many big fish, very hungry, in the face of live jumping big fish, but always unable to eat, watching the food at present, but can not eat. In desperation, he had to lick the stream water to alleviate hunger. Then reluctantly left, on the road encountered a few rats, I thought this should be, can relieve hunger, did not expect the rats to quickly escape, ran into the snow cave, which makes it very depressed, to the mouth of the cave a bunch of random planing, put the head into the mouth of the hole, can not squeeze in, helplessly, had to be disappointed again. For its young age at the time, it was too difficult to find food in this icy and snowy place. Hungry can only bite the branch to fill the hunger, but how can this branch swallow, had to continue to forage, unexpectedly saw, not far away in mid-air, hung a hare, it hurriedly and happily ran over, but the hare hung too high, stood up and kept jumping up, and could not reach this piece of meat, naïve it did not know, this is the hunter's trap,

When it reluctantly, when it got up again and was just about to take off, it triggered the hunter's trap, and before it could react, it was pulled up by the rope, and it struggled desperately, making a screaming cry for help, but to no avail, but what would be its fate next?

A gluttonous bear suddenly attacked from behind, frightening Jack to run on his legs and burrow directly into the hole, the pile of waste wood, the greedy bear that was chasing after him, opening his blood basin and opening his mouth, knocking on the wood above, and using sharp bear claws to catch Jack. At the moment of crisis, the wolfhound white teeth stood up, showing their fangs determined to fight to the death, and after a fierce loud roar, the gluttonous bear, who did not want to fight death, had to slip away. But this kind, wolfhound with white teeth, was reduced to a fighting dog and almost died. When the young white fangs were foraging in the snow, they triggered the hunter's trap, and the hunter chief who came to collect the nets opened his white teeth and looked at it, saying to his companions that this was a mixture of wolves and dogs, and was the best working dog. Prepare to bring it back to the tribe for domestication, named White Tusk, let it carry heavy loads from a small age, and drag wooden sticks to train in the snow. In the blink of an eye, white teeth grew.

One day the chief, with his white teeth, went to the town to catch a market. But he was caught in the eye of the dogfighting leader,

He released the vicious dog to pounce on the white fangs, and the vicious dog who wanted to show his muscles was bitten by the white teeth and bitten by the tail, and the second turned into a bag, lying flat and admitting defeat. The leader of the saw this, took a bite back, said that their dog had been bitten, threatened the chief, used white teeth as compensation, and did not want to make a fuss about the chief, so he had no choice but to agree. After they took away the white fangs, they used violence and hunger to stimulate their fighting spirit and animalism in order to fight the dog for profit. The white fangs that were first taken to the Colosseum were extremely strange, but it was still brave enough to face a powerful opponent and bite him to the ground. The happily made a lot of money, and since then, White Fang has helplessly become a fighting dog. In order to survive, it is constantly shopping in the Colosseum. They earned a lot of money for the, and they did not treat White Teeth well because of this. One day, at the dog fighting arena, there came a humble little pit bull, and when they tore and bit, the white teeth fell downwind, and they were bitten and lay on the ground. The angry bastard, beating the white teeth with a crutch, calling it waste, just then Jack rushed out, knocked over the asshole, pried open with an iron rod, the mouth of the bulldog, picked up the white teeth, and brought it to town. Carefully bandaged its wounds, and finally recovered a life.

The former owner of the wolfhound White Fang, threw torches from the window, and then lit the log cabin, the fire spread quickly, Jack and his companions in the house struggled to save, but to no avail, the saw the smoke in the house, so they carefully approached, the beard kicked down the wooden door, rushed into the house, was thrown to the ground by the white fangs, the muzzle hit the feet of another person, and then the white teeth rushed to the former master, the man hurriedly raised his gun, but was thrown to the ground by the white teeth, the man turned over to pick up the gun, and was bitten by the buttocks by the white teeth, Roar of pain. Jack and his companions also subdued the other perfectly and escorted them to the police station. Jack and his companions, who succeeded in gold mining afterwards, prepared to take the gold back to New York to buy a house. It also meant that Jack and Whitetooth were parting. In the wilderness outside the forest, Jack untied the rope around White Fang's neck, kissed its forehead, told it to take care of himself, and reluctantly waved white fang away, but White Fang hummed and never left.

But when Jack is actually ready to return, he regrets it and tells his companions that he doesn't want to leave White Teeth. The companion could only nod his head in wishes, and Jack returned to the mine, repairing the burned-out wooden house and waiting for White Tooth, and as soon as he turned back to repair the roof, he found a gray figure in the woods not far away, looking at him happily. So the wolfhound White Fangs, who had endured hardships, returned to Jack.D.

Snow Golden Dog: This wolfhound named White Fang is so pathetic
Snow Golden Dog: This wolfhound named White Fang is so pathetic
Snow Golden Dog: This wolfhound named White Fang is so pathetic

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