
Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)


At the beginning of the year, the unexplained infectious disease temporarily stopped society, and the relationship between people seemed to be closer than in the past, but it seemed to be farther away.

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

People's deep fears are magnified by the epidemic, suspicion and ugliness spread along the network without boundaries, and the fate of "protected" groups, through hot searches, appears in the public eye and discusses them, which can actually attract insults from certain groups.

The word "protection" in the mouths of those people, can only be a hegemonic declaration of sovereignty, the subtext is "to bully, only I can bully", this kind of disregard for the other party's feelings called "love", has long appeared in our daily watching episodes: sweet love, is to monopolize; love me, you have to sacrifice everything for me; I love you, I can't help but hurt you; without you, I can't live...

Use sexual relations to explain the reasons for the crime, excuse the criminal man, and push all the blame to the victim, and the victim's "moral flaws" make her be attacked by the Internet, and even offline.

Real society and fictional society, as if they are not in the same world, and movies derived from life have become distant dreams.

Human beings living on earth, except for women, are men, and if the sexes are to attack each other, then the future science fiction world will no longer be fictional, and the end will come.

"The Near Future"

Technology without a human good side may destroy humanity itself in the future.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >1, Ring Story (2020</h1>).

Director: Mark Romannik / Kim So-young / Dilbara Walsh

Writers: Simon Romanique/ Nathaniel Halpern

Starring: Rebecca Hall / Duncan Joyner / Daniel Zurg haddley

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

Special effects are rare and there are almost no big fight scenes of science fiction dramas, some special, the rhythm is soothing, the color picture looks cold and hard, the eight stories have a warm core, the last episode echoes the first episode, we will all be one person in the end.

With the ability to travel through time and space, make time still, exchange souls, and use robots, we still can't achieve our wishes, the world will not be completed according to our consciousness, after experiencing so many shortcomings, we, or we, the loved ones, or the lovers, they leave this world, but will not leave us.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >2, Westworld Season 3 (2020</h1>).

Directed by Jonathan Nolan / Jennifer Geisinger / Richard J. Lewis

Writers: Jonathan Nolan/Lisa Joy/Matt Pitts/Denise Thé

Starring: Evan Rachel Wood/ Tandy Newton / Tessa Thompson

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

Awakened robots kill humans, ordinary humans are controlled by large companies, rewriting their fate, ordinary humans who know their fate, began to self-destruct or destroy others, there is no difference from awakened robots.

What does it say that repetition of free will does not exist, and what does it mean that there is no law to follow without repetition? Without hope, the meaning of living is more difficult to find, is death the endgame?

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019).</h1>

Director: Ben Chenan

Writers: Ben Chenan

Starring: Hollyde Granger/Callum Turner

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

Starting from the ubiquitous surveillance video, uncovering one after another may be true truths, three angles to dissect the truth behind the scenes, is it better to kill the wrong than to let go, or from the beginning to assume innocence, whether the evidence seen by the eyes is ironclad evidence, seemingly harmonious relationship and other reasons, will the subconscious mind just be self-confused and self-protecting...

The female protagonist and the male protagonist are so beautiful, several supporting actresses actually know each other, all of them have recently watched the drama. The heroine's final decision feels like it's meant to change after entering.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020</h1>).

Director: Christine Dieter

Writers: Christine Dieter

Starring: Luna Wedler / Ettana Linab / Christina Andreone

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

Is gene editing still illegal when it is used to treat incurable diseases brought about by defective genes? Creating a source of infection and accurately casting a virus is a bit of a realistic feeling.

Freshman teachers with a reputation for wisdom fighting, the two have less rival plays, the focus is still on college life, which is a pity about this theme, but their college life is also wonderful enough.

Hackers here do not refer to hackers on computers, but biomedical, stepping on the line to develop, even if they are hackers.

"Everyone can be a victim"

Ignore, watch, condone, and the next victim may be you.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >5, Our distance from evil (2019</h1>).

Director: Lin Junyang

Screenwriter: Lu Yuanyuan

Starring: Jia Jingwen / Wen Shenghao / Wu Kangren / Zhou Caishi / Chen Yu

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

The evil of human nature is cultivated and facilitated by society, and everyone may be the perpetrator and victim.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >6, No one knows (2020</h1>).

Director: Lee Jeong-hoon

Writer: Kim Eun-heung

Starring: Kim Seo-hyun / Yoo Deok-hwan / Park Hoon / Ahn Ji-ho / Moon Sung-geun

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

Cults' hands reach into high schools, some use schools to make property legal, some use weak people to satisfy tyrannical desires, and cases that last for decades cannot find a mastermind.

In addition to the family of the victim who is shrouded in shadows, there are also people who have personally experienced the tragedy and have a relationship with the victim, and the care and concern for the weak people around them is the key to preventing crime and tragedy from occurring, and the evil in the hearts of the people who are ignored can easily be provoked, and the same is true for good thoughts.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >7, others are hell (2019</h1>).

Director: Lee Chang-hee

Screenwriter: Zheng Yidao

Starring: Ren Shi-wan / Lee Dong-wook / Lee Yoo-wook / Lee Hyun-wook / Park Jong-hwan

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

Forced, dim and no private environment, hitchhiking neighbors, suffocating workplaces, people in such an environment, how can people not get sick, not to mention that people living together are not only strange behavior, they also have a relationship that cannot be seen on the surface, look at you like looking at prey, such an extreme environment, people's evil will be contagious.

The horror atmosphere is well created, several characters are scared just by looking at it, and the male protagonist is also quite scary.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >8, parasite (2019)</h1>

Director: Bong Joon-ho

Writers: Bong Joon-ho / Han Jin-won

Starring: Song Kang-ho / Lee Sun-kyun / Cao Rujing / Choi Woo-sik / Park So-dan

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

Such a theme is both dramatic and artistically rare, everything looks good in the sun, living in a place that is not illuminated by the sun, how can one not get sick.

They are all the same people, their fates are very different, and they have created this distorted society, and eventually they will repay people.

"Women are people too"

She also has dreams, she also has joys and sorrows, and she has also lived the life she wants to live.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >9, Portrait of a Burning Woman (2019</h1>).

Director: Serene Sianma

Writers: Serene Seaamma

Starring: Nomi Melant / Adella Harnell / Luanna Badgerami

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

Sister died, sister instead of her to marry, before marriage need to be painted a portrait sent to the man's home, and the man's portrait she can not see, she feels boring and boring monastic life, better than marrying other people's wives, so she wants to delay by not being satisfied with the painter's paintings, but who knows that the next painter let her fall in love, it is difficult for her to be dissatisfied, it is difficult not to compromise.

The oil painting-like picture, harmonious and beautiful, lining the tragedy of these women is not so tragic, more warm, they help each other to love each other and comfort each other, but still can not break free, like the bottle of all kinds of wildflowers, eventually withered.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >10, good women are hard to find (2019</h1>).

Director: Abner Pastor

Writers: Ronan Blarney

Starring: Sarah Berg/Edward Hogg/Andrew Simpson

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

The profound version of Deadly Woman, but no cool feeling, the whole time worried about the heroine.

Her husband was accidentally killed, and her mother, who looked weak with two children, struggled to resist the drug dealers who broke into her home while searching for the truth about her husband's murder.

She looked haggard and scared, so that those bad men had the desire to bully, she could not bear it, for the sake of the child, she suddenly put the fear behind, repeatedly tolerated, will only fuel their arrogance.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >11, tropical rain (2019</h1>).

Director: Chen Zheyi

Screenwriter: Chen Zheyi

Starring: Yang Yanyan / Xu Jiale / Li Mingshun / Yang Shibin

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

Chinese in foreign countries, in accordance with the environment, do not attach importance to Chinese, sometimes speak a sentence of Mandarin with English sandwiched.

Married for decades without pregnancy, the husband does not care, in addition to teaching Chinese work, but also take care of the paralyzed father-in-law at home, work and life are not satisfactory, encounter students who lack care, coupled with the summer rain, the heart of the boredom is completely released, the rain is clear, broke the predicament, the wish is realized, it is really good.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >12, Home on the Ramp (2019</h1>).

Director: Yuki Morigaki

编剧: Reiko Shinozaki / Mitsuyo Tsunoda

Starring: Yuki Shibasaki / Mizuki Mizuno / Step Ito / Hideyoshi Majima / Seiichi Tanabe

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

After becoming a wife, mother, housewife, you are no longer you, what your children become, it is all related to you, you have no way not to think about it, every word said by the people around you, it is difficult for you not to be true, you are not only carrying you alone, the life that has not grown up, the husband who works outside the home, the parents who are not related by blood, their dissatisfaction will make you self-doubt and self-denial, and what is more terrible is that the person who loved you before marriage is "cultivating" you into a tool step by step.

The way he loves you denies you, demeans you, controls you, wants you to put his feelings first, you think you have no way out, have children and have been out of touch with society for so many years, divorced, can you find a job to support yourself, can you resist the finger pointing of others... So you compromise, and your heart begins to get sick, which can hurt not only yourself, but also your children.

The main line of the TV series is based on the case of the mother killing the child, in addition to the main line of the heroine and the mother who is very similar to the heroine, it also shows other aspects of the marriage: female judges, male jurors, and female jurors' families.

Female judges discuss housework and take care of children with their husbands before giving birth to children, but after giving birth to children, the most they do is the female judges. The male juror was asked by his wife not to return home until ten o'clock in the evening. The female juror has been married for many years and has not had children, and the husband does not care whether she has children or not, and she is eager to have children.

After working on the case of the mother killing the child, they all found a way to solve the problem.

Many flashbacks and memories, although it is to pave the way for the final reversal, still feel too deliberate.

"Fight for Freedom"

Submission and obedience will only make you more and more like a slave.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >13, the last emperor (1987</h1>).

Director: Bernaldo Bertolucci

Writers: Bernaldo Bertolucci / Mark Pipero

Starring: Zun Long / Chen Chong / Wu Junmei / Peter O'Toole / Ying Ruocheng

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

Unlike the overall majesty of the Qing Dynasty costume drama, everything in this movie is old, and the people inside are basically lifeless.

The emperor, who had been imprisoned all his life, only had some emotions when he was doing what he wanted to do. At first, the queen, who was like a peach blossom, ended up with a miserable white face like she came from hades.

The past and the present intersect, like repeating, but not completely repeating, changing the era, the things in people's bones are difficult to change, because in this way, people who pursue individual freedom are particularly sad.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020</h1>).

Directed by: Brooke Kennedy/Kevin Rodney Sullivan

Writers: Michelle King/Robert King/Phil Alden Robinson

Starring: Kristin Barensky / Kush Jumbo / Audra McDonald

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

Hillary Clinton is in power, the status of women with backgrounds has improved, but weak women are still squeezed, and the men with backgrounds who squeeze weak women are still in high positions, almost black as Trump's administration, so Diane is no longer entangled, she has to fight for the freedom and equality in her heart.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >15, Your child is not your child (2018</h1>).

Director: Chen Huiling

Writers: Jiang Youzhu / Jian Shigeng / Hong Ziying / Xia Kangzhen / Fei Gongyi / Ma Qianye / Wu Xiaole

Starring: Ke Suyun / Liu Ziquan / Zeng Shaozong / Ling Xinyu / Liu Liangzuo

Film & Television of the Year | A year of confusion, they are warm starlight 1, Ring Story (2020) 2, Westworld Season 3 (2020) 3, Truth Capture Season 1 (2019) 4, Biohacker Season 1 (2020) 5, Our Distance from Evil (2019) 6, No one knows (2020) 7, Others are Hell (2019) 8, Parasites (2019) 9, Portraits of Burning Women (2019) 10, Good Women Are Hard to Find (2019) 11, Tropical Rain (2019) 12 , Home on the Ramp (2019) 13, The Last Emperor (1987) 14, Battle of the Bones Season 4 (2020) 15, Your Child Is Not Your Child (2018)

Half-eaten brains, locked hands, and umbilical cords connected to life offerings, plus a slightly gloomy soundtrack, make people can't help but be afraid.

The role of the mother, taking great risks, bearing too heavy a burden, how can it be done regardless of the child? And the child, from the mother in the mother is closely connected with the mother, longing for the mother's love, from the mother to contact the world, and the rules of the game in this world is to go to college to find a profitable job, if you do not follow the rules, you will face unpredictable dangers and dilemmas, this is what the mother does not want to see, is the family does not want to see, so the tragedy appeared.

This kind of contradiction that is not only between the two sides, it is difficult to break free, no matter what else, just look at yourself, it is not too difficult.

Author: Jane

Illustration: Stills