
Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

author:Fragrant and elegant Q

Xianglan Yayun 2019 / exclusive debut

Socrates: "The most precious thing in the world is not "not to get" and "to lose," but to be able to grasp the happiness that can be grasped now. "

"Emotion" is that we can't break free from the limitations of the world, what we really can't get rid of is that our own heart is like a spider's web, and the original trouble makes our "emotions" constantly inhibited with a piece of love, once expressing the inner scars, one day you look for this rain and dew sunrise, the original world is so beautiful.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

"Madame Chatterley's Lover" Constance ribbons you different "emotional choices" in the 20th century, the shackles of human nature are not spared, and how important it is to fight for the right to happiness. Let you appreciate the wise decision of the heroine of the old-fashioned marriage in Britain. The film is arguably the controversial British writer D. Scott. One of H. Lawrence's most famous novels, composed of a number of films (Uk 2015), (France 1981), (Belgium 2006), (Italy 1989) and other multinational versions of the style endowment film, it can be seen that the charm of the original work is endless. The film was directed by: Jade Mercurio, actors: James Norton, Hollyday Granger, richard Madden, released in the United Kingdom on September 06, 2015. Let you appreciate the unparalleled voice of rural ethics at Ragby Manor.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

The story of Madame Chatelet's Lover takes place after the end of the First World War, which has caused permanent trauma to Sir Clifford Chatelai and an irreparable gap between his wife Constance. In desperation, the young Constance can only live under repression all day long. By chance, Kang met Mellers, a gardener hired by Sir Chaterley. Kang can't help himself, attracted by the strong and manly Meles, and the two are in love with each other at first sight. In Mellers' strong and brutal carnal amusements, Constance regains her meaning and joy as a woman. However, after falling into the vortex of "emotion" after Constance conceived The Child of Mailers, everything faced a "choice".

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:


James Norton (as Sir Cleft Chaterai): A more aristocratic gentleman in an emotional crisis.


Blah: "The most regrettable thing in life is to give up what should not be given up easily, and stubbornly insist on what should not be insisted on." "

James Norton: Born in 1985 in London, sometimes living in Yorkshire, james attended Anpu Fowlers College, a prestigious Catholic private school in North Yorkshire. In 2004, he entered Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge University to study theology, during which time he received a college grant to lead a self-built troupe, after graduation Norton received a bachelor's degree in theology with first class honours, he began to receive a thesis award for Buddhism and Hinduism; after graduating from Cambridge, Norton decided to show his fist in the acting world, he applied for four majors in drama school courses, and was admitted to the Royal School of Dramatic Arts and the Government School of Music and Drama, and he finally chose to enter the Royal Theater Art School.

James. Norton plays Sir Cleft Chatelet, and the whole world is writing a history of war from the beginning of the twentieth century to the 1940s. Beyond the bloodshed of this war, what else do we need to ponder? War leaves us with endless mourning.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, in an extremely cruel way, the world has entered a new era of rapid development. At this time, Britain was the most representative, from the once weak to the peak, playing an important role in this war.

The book "The British Empire and the First World War" comprehensively analyzes the First World War from the political, military, economic, and social aspects of the war. The war, which began in 1914 and ended in 1918, was not only bloody and violent in the eyes of the author, but also advanced the progress of the world. In this book, not only the deceased is concerned, but also the reality. The post-war years were not a "morbid era." The world was not immersed in mourning and despair, but was reshaped in the fires of war. Therefore, when we look at the First World War today, we must not only have a pessimistic and emotional interpretation, but also look at the war realistically and positively.

During the george v period, when Lawrence wrote, the middle class became the backbone of society, and "gentleman" was given a new meaning: hard work, self-motivation, and a sense of social and family responsibility.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

Baron Clift: An heir to the Chuchuragby Estate, dressed in exquisite London, he is handsome and personable to guard an old-fashioned family mansion villa. Through his appearance, he carefully observed that there was a trace of sadness overflowing, and he and his wife Constance were united, and the small days were not hurried and slowly lost with the month after month.

This heroic manor owner, with a large forest meadow, hunting and self-entertainment, and family coal mining inheritance, can usually invite three or five confidants to the Ragby Manor for entertainment and happiness. This was admired by the well-educated Cleft as an elite gentleman, and he and Constance met each other at the host family ball and were in league with each other.

Unfortunately, 1917 was a time of war and strife, and Lieutenant Clift took a month's leave to marry Constance and had to go to war. 6 months after the brutality of the war, when he was sent back to the gate of the manor by the military vehicle, his wife was surprised to go out, although she did not say anything on her face with a smile. Constance is not a smell in her heart, 23-year-old she takes good care of her husband every day, but has no intention of going to the heart of the two of them, what is the hidden shortcoming of that "emotion"?

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

In 1920, For one or two years, Clifford participated in hospital surgery, made many efforts, and only saved his life, but his lower body was paralyzed and fragmented, which often brought him inferiority and uneasiness.

In the small circle of Ragby, the Count of Krift was very active and excited to walk around with his motor-powered wheels, and such days were endless in Constance's eyes, with no end in sight and no direction.

The days were speeding forward in the continuous incense, and the alarm clock of the English castle was ringing at an inopportune time.

Clifford is confronted with his wife who smiles every day, he decides to kill himself but is saved by Kang in time, he does not want to delay all people, including the lovely wife to pay for him, his soul is tormented.

Clifford, fantasizing about being able to keep his wife, decides to enlighten Constance with the "emotion" of spiritual love, so as to achieve a win-win situation for both parties. He understands that the young wife keeps herself like boiling water all day long, so he can only guide her from the mind, and he wants to use spiritual love to soothe each other's "emotional" needs.

However, he thought wrongly, Constance was facing true humanity, although young and bitter, did not know much about the love between men and women, but in ignorance she seemed to desire beyond spiritual love. As a result, she later betrayed Sir Krieft's well-fed manor and brought her good fortune, and fell into the carnal desire of Mailers and did not want to wait.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

As an aristocratic gentleman, he could not enjoy the construction site at home, but he climbed up the high steel frame of the coal mine of the family business to show his courage to be more disabled, and slowly moved his disabled legs with two hands to climb to the top, he shouted happily, he finally defeated his cowardice, which was a kind of inner affirmation of self.

He had to think long-term about the legitimate heir to the manor, and he had a dirty, cultured, and handsome man as the heir to his children, and he wanted to recommend him to his wife.

Constance had already gone out of the wall with red apricots, and behind her back she dreamed of the forest gardener Mellers Stone House Mandarin Duck, her mental body had long since derailed, but the young count was still in the dark.

Faced with the honor of the family, he decided to tell his beautiful wife about his actions, but he did not expect that his wife was very calm and told him that she was pregnant. The count acquiesced, but he did not know who the real father of the child was, and he asked for it to no avail.

Both sides waited for the "choice" of fate to begin...

One day the maid told her master everything about the stone house in the forest, which made the count look very ugly and even desperate, and when he used to drive back and forth in the forest to have fun with his husband and wife, he never doubted that his men would be the heirs of the future family's fate.

Because of the five thunderbolts, he was a satire on the purity of aristocratic blood, and his wife betrayed him under his eyes, and he was furious to meet the child's father.

Constance and Meller finally confronted the Count, and he suddenly realized that he was on the verge of collapse, and he sighed silently... His soul is tormented, with the Hereditary System of British aristocratic blood deeply rooted in his heart, what makes him feel painful is that the lowly hunter is actually the father of the future child, he hopes that his inheritance will be in the same line, and he hopes that his descendants have noble blood... But Constance did not heed the call at all.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:
Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

In the reality of "emotional choices", the count is deeply in love with Constance, and uses selfishness to maintain self-esteem and family mission. The abominable war brought him physical disability, and it was he who "emotionally" did not get the sympathy of his beloved wife but became a victim, because the loss of male normality and everything became a life failure, and his life was sad, depressed, and painful.

James Norton's interpretation is full of elaborate and profound analysis worthy of sympathy, he put the manor owner under the old British system in the 20th century very well, the psychology changed from positive to pity, and there was a suspicion of grief, reproducing a flashy and vain and tragic prince, prompting him to become an irreplaceable tragedy of love. He did not reflect in time on the inability to bring love to his young wife, and that material wealth alone did not lead to wishes, which is why they understood the social barriers.

Speaking of this husband, many people may not have a good feeling for him, and some people will criticize his strong class concept. And I think this man is the saddest man. It is not just the green hat, but the broken body has also lost the self-confidence of his lover, he is afraid of Kang leaving, he is very humble, just covered up his humility with arrogance, and the stronger the self-esteem is precisely the embodiment of the more fragile and inferior, the heartache is more pathetic than the hunter who dares to love and hate?

He allowed his wife to have lovers, and allowed his wife and lover to have a child as his heir. But the wife fell in love with the lowly servant. As a knight, he lost to more than just a servant, but to repel his stubborn insistence on the defensive line of pride and the struggle under the hereditary system. Of course, he can't perceive that "sex" is the main cause of the disintegration of the "emotion" of the struggle, but the end is that he does not know how to love Constance. How ridiculous was it for him that he only knew he had lost to a servant?

Director Jadé Mercurio tries to demonstrate the logic of the hero's mentality under the tragedy, making him a victim of the hierarchy, how to say, the aristocratic system is not separated from the social framework system, and the difference from the general is that Lawrence not only focuses on depicting personal "emotions", but also reflects on the social system in which they live: the novel deliberately writes about how the two divorced, left the manor and returned to real life to face the "choice" together. Due to the limitations of the aristocracy's cognition, they only enjoy wealth and glory in their own circles, including wives and children are private products, so this is the biggest obstacle to the capitalist countries in the 20th century. Aristotle: "There are many kinds of fallacies, but there is only one kind of correctness, which is why it is easy to fail and it is difficult to succeed and it is difficult to get off target. "

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

<h1>Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". </h1>

Aristotle: "Happiness is the most appropriate place for the soul." "

Hollyday Granger: Born in 1988 in Manchester, England, hollylement granger began acting professionally at the age of 5. He has starred in tv series such as The Missing Postman, Sparkhouse, Casualty, Where the Heart Is and most recently The Legend of Merlin.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

Hollyday Granger is a sweet-looking, elegant, charming and beautiful young woman with a petty bourgeois romantic mood and free colors.

Although a countess is not at all pretentious in pursuit of a bright and honest mentality, she is known for her pure love and romance. She plays the elegant countess of Constance, because she lives in the manor, with people, cars, dinners... It should be an enviable family marriage, in the words of the current woman, it really fell into the golden nest. However, the unpredictable circumstances made it difficult for her to bear a war to deprive her affectionate husband Baron Clift of becoming a veritable disabled person.

Although she is calmly and generously approaching her husband, who seems to be smiling and smiling, secretly receiving active treatment from specialists, and even in male function, he has made sufficient blood. In the midst of pain, he hoped that his body could return to a normal man's strength, but he could not bear the pain and did not hope for this hopeless result.

According to the usual "emotional" cultural embodiment, it should be "Kang believes that sex is not so important, because the husband is a lifelong responsibility to rely on." There is a kind of love feeling in this world that does not seek to possess the spirit, even if there is no sex, it is still deeply in love with the husband who has been dependent on each other for a lifetime.

After marriage, her husband's psychological trauma became more and more obvious, making her more and more heavy and depressed, accompanying only the spiritual level of communication has been far from satisfying the dry heart, the days have passed, she began to find that her youth unconsciously lost, people are also losing weight.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

At this time, she went into her own forest and met the hunting ground guards. The film simplifies Constance's psychological depiction of seeing Melace, including the first sexual love between the two of them, and it is also he who sees Kang shed painful tears, and sees Kang's gentleness and vulnerability arouse male protective desire. Constance loved him and gave him tenderness and warmth. This shows that in the relationship between the sexes, their attitudes towards each other's reciprocal love methods are consistent.

Kang's unappreciable pleasure in Cleft's husband is released in the primitive arms of rough Mailers, and the 23-year-old young woman longs that Qiong Pulp will play out a landslide love, even if thousands of entanglements are here, she is willing to go to the soup and fire again.

Perhaps Kang is reckless with "emotion", she betrayed her husband, but also betrayed the status of enjoying the glory and wealth of the manor, falling in love with a person who can only satisfy her lust is tragedy or comedy, benevolent people see the wise.

You can think that Kang is really a lowly woman who does not observe women's morality and does not know how to check stupidity; you can also think that Kang is a supermodern ideal woman, who only lives for herself... Such a woman exists in any era. There are very few people who dare to admit and follow their nature.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

In the books and teas, making money, and fame that the husband was obsessed with, he was more famous than powerful; every three to five, he gathered the rich and the stupid children, the so-called artists to talk about it; and he had to repeat this boring and hypocritical and dull day every day, lifeless and unreal.

Constance and her husband are not a world of people in their own right. Coming from a well-off family, what she wants is fresh and real happiness. What she wanted was true clarity and hope from the heart. Apparently the husband is unaware of this, and he doesn't even know the real wife. Why don't you understand? Because the newlyweds were paralyzed soon after, they even worsened the loss of male charm. In this way, Kang and her husband simply did not have the opportunity to communicate with each other well, and the husband's excessive conceit made communication more difficult, and Kang and her husband's hearts were farther and farther away.

Constance is in her prime, her health needs to glow with strength and brilliance, and when she is bored hanging out in the forest, she actually finds Mellers a body of tendon meat, and male health shines in the sun, which has a fatal attraction for Constance.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:
Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

From this day on, she slowly wanted to go to the forest every day to take a look, and even because the chicks raised by Mellers hatched, it also attracted her attention, she asked for a chick, touching the childish milk hair and shed painful tears as if to tell something? Mellers embraces her with a man's state of mind, and from this moment on, Kang forgets the difference between his identity and humble identity, because it needs to gradually sink.

Mailers understood the young woman's distress with an inquiring eye, blocked her mouth with caresses, and gave women extreme care.

The health of men with coarse and powerful mines, the spring breeze and rain of Contans, the long encounter of manna, the two of them fell apart together, no matter the water and milk of heaven and earth, they forgot everything around them, and she also forgot that there was a lonely man waiting for her in Ragby Manor.

They are drunk, greedy...

The process of Kang and Mailers making love many times is also the process of Kang's awakening and self-reliance--from carnal desire to spiritual gradual reversal. In the love of men and women, she found herself that had long been suppressed by mechanical civilization.

In this process, Kang shows maternal tenderness, a little ignorance of the world, and finds his flesh and soul in the stormy mountains and forests.

"Lady Chatterley's Lover" is her most gorgeous self-burning as a phoenix nirvana. Torrential rains, forests, unquenchable flames of carnal desire. This enthusiasm can burn some people, but it will make others' blood boil.

Kang reveled in Mellers's arms, but mixed with her husband's difficult "choice" in the middle, she did not know that this day would eventually come, she must know that the heart opened, and as time went on, she told her husband the fact that he was pregnant.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

One day the maid of the family suddenly told the Count that Constance was with the inferior gardener, which surprised the Count and despised Kang's personality even more, but in any case, he was considered a middle class with status in England, but he let an inferior gardener defeat and plunder his lovely wife, making him despise very but helpless.

Hollyday Granger's portrayal of a young woman who is not familiar with the facts also makes the young Kang face great social pressure, bravely admit his relationship with the gardener, and decide to divorce her husband to welcome a new life. After all, the paper could not contain the fire, and the adulterous affair between Kang and Mailers was revealed, which greatly ignited Clift. At the same time, Mellers, who has been unable to survive in britain, decided to go to Canada to open up a new world, whether to stay or go, they are facing a difficult "choice".

It was not about the door and the material basis, for the gardener was a poor man with nothing, and could not materially satisfy the matching status, but his physical charm made the young lady feel the most beautiful happiness on earth.

It should be said that for the pursuit of their own happiness, we are supporting and praising here, the brilliance of human nature at a certain moment is their own life to grasp the opportunity, and Kang has done the pursuit of his own inner "emotions", but also hurt the Earl's affection for her, if it is not physical derailment, I think their marital feelings will be another situation.

"Activities that are supposed to belong to men are undertaken by women, causing women to deny the terrible destruction of their youth" and thus "fundamentally destroy men". Lawrence's gender perception has been controversial. On the one hand, he recognizes women's autonomy and initiative, and he writes that women have the power to grasp their destiny. But on the other hand, women fit masculinity and vitality, and seem to play only a supporting role in the modern construction of Britain. Hardy: "What can never be reunited is often not the lovers who are separated under the fury, but the lovers who are separated on the basis of friendship." "

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

<h1>III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. </h1>

Byron: "Love is hard, and you can't expect it to come out like a dream." "

Richard Madden: 1986-06-18 UK, Richard Madden, Scottish actor. His father worked in the fire department and his mother worked as a teaching assistant. Graduated from the Royal Academy of Music and Drama in Scotland in 2007. In 2009, he starred in the first season of the BBC drama "Hope of Spring". In 2010, kirk played a gay role in "George Boy" to play a relationship entanglement with the male protagonist. In the 2011 American drama "Game of Thrones" played by Richard on HBO, Robb, the eldest son of the Stark family, was outstanding in the play and shined.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

Richard Madden plays the rough and sincere forester with the figure of an athlete, and it is his simplicity and authenticity that interprets the original bad country atmosphere OfMales clean and pure, full of depth and enthusiasm to win with decisive strength. It feels reliable and simple and credible, which is what attracts Constance, who has more pure affection than her husband, and he has given Kang a deep affection for male charm.

Mailers himself came down from the battlefield to see life and death, and had a deep baptism for life. At that time, the conscription in the First World War was the first to defend the country with young strength and strength.

Fortunately, Mellers came down from the battlefield in very good health and was not damaged, but he was depressed, and he came to the Earl's Manor to hire a family support responsibility, because he had a family, and he needed this job to support.

He was led into the manor to see Clifford, and the Baron arranged for him to guard the vast misty forest, where there was food, food, clothing, shelter and transportation, and gave him a hunting spear to use, which was also a kind of explanation from the boss to the gardener.

It turned out that he had served as a soldier under the count, but the count had no impression of him at all, and he did not know that the ranger there had inadvertently taken off his clothes, revealing a strong male thick line, which was rare in the court and the upper males, which made Constance admire him, and thus began the ambiguous story of the two.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

Mellers is not a gentleman, but a rough and barbaric man, what he has is the raw roughness of the beauty of power, he simply and unrestrained naturally interprets his "emotions", it should be said that he did not dare to accept "emotions" at first, and it was also under Kang's continuous pursuit that he accepted the other party. At the same time, he also left his wife and children, that country family, and Ling Zun could not appreciate how bright and honest he was here.

In fact, he was Constance here to break through the class concept, to pursue the paradise with his own unique ideas, and he was tired and disdainful of flashy material and status. He could speak standard English but was always a deliberately rustic dialect. He loves Kang but limits himself, and does not want to become the "sexual pet of the noblewoman", because, apart from his love for the noblewoman Constance, he is a very self-respecting and self-reliant man.

Mailers's primitive impulses and roughness deeply touched the countess's long-term lack of love, and used sex to make the two express an emotion from the flesh. If Bovary pursues pure fantasy destruction, then Madame Chatterley's Lover is a model for declaring war on hypocrisy and stepping on thorns in search of a true voice.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:
Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

The author, Lawrence, has experienced the process of class mobility, both through opportunity and effort to change the background, but also to experience the injustices involved. In particular, there is a dramatic result of the disintegration of the class differentiation of the social contrast relationship in which the working class Meles is located, which makes the work reach the sublimation of humanization and the rupture of class nature, and is also the self-form expressed by the author's analysis of the current social situation.

Madame Chatterley's Lover is banned because of the sexual depictions of The Lawrenstein rate. In fact, Lawrence just frankly presents the true love of people and people.

Sex and love are one, and spirit and flesh are indispensable. Because man is a human being, the original self, the true self, and the superego all need to be released.

Connie and orion, though not accepted by the world, would be charged with "adulterers and adulterers." But at least they dare to look for hope, dare to follow the direction of the heart.

Mellers satisfies Constance's physical needs, and in this respect enlightens Constance to bravely step out of the dream of the owner of the manor, she stubbornly insists on eloping with the gardener, and without complaint confesses that she and the other party want to live together for the mission. Schopenhauer: "The thing itself is unchanging, it becomes only the feeling of man." "

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. </h1>

Rousseau: "If there really is a state in the world in which the mind is very full and peaceful, neither nostalgic for the past nor extravagant in the future, allowing the passage of time to grasp only the present, without a sense of lack nor enjoyment, without pleasure nor sorrow, with nothing to ask for nor fear, but only to feel one's own existence, one who is in this state can say that he has attained happiness." "

Director Jed Mercurio: British screenwriter and producer, whose representative works include "Heavy Responsibility on The Shoulders" and "Race against the Clock" and other dramas. He worked as a doctor, so his early works were mainly medical-themed TV dramas, and the post-production of the Police Anti-Corruption British drama "Heavy Responsibility on the Shoulders" was widely acclaimed, and its creative style was to be good at shaping gray characters who wandered between black and white but stuck to the bottom line as the center, focusing on exploring the struggle of the human system.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

James Norton vividly presents the handsome and morbid young lord wounded and disabled in World War I, and the manor also appears quaint and empty in the shots of British director Jed Mercurio, who has remade several erotic works of literature. Other versions, notably the César Award-winning version of French director Pascale Ferrand in 2006, focus on depicting the personal emancipation of Mrs. Chateret, Constance, while in the 1981 version, Sir Chatellet's inner world seems to be richer.

Clifford was not wrong to fall victim to war in the wrong era, his "emotional" soul will pay a heavy price in his life, physical injury leaves regrets, and his wife's abandonment leaves an indelible love.

This affection can be said to have accompanied him for a lifetime, making him feel uneasy in his heart, and it is also the shackles of the capitalist system that have caused him to be lost.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

Constance boldly pursues the inner "emotion", she does not give up her feelings to be a bird-dependent woman because of greed, glory and wealth, she is not willing to be a golden magpie, but she left her rich life to pursue her true love, which is understandable, when we praise, she also took the initiative to make us admire in the 20th century.

It seems that the correct choice of the road laid the groundwork, because the young fever investment is the source of happiness, is there no material basis is the correct "choice". I think it needs to be examined, every woman first considers that marital feelings are the economic basis for the superstructure, and then consider spiritual thoughts and other hobbies, etc., if like a movie, abandons the material pursuit of "emotion", then nothing will be lost and only for the tragedy to repeat itself.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

Mellers was really a good man, because he was favored by the coveted noble lady, and the willingness to grow old with his poor boy was probably the happiest result of his life.

Of course, he bravely divorced his wife, allowed to abandon his original obligations as a man, and was willing to give the new lady a home to carry the responsibilities. Let people feel the greatness of love, true love to go to the soup at all costs, willing to pay for the cost of life films and stories, let us also feast our eyes.

Cleft and Mellers have their own advantages and disadvantages, the key is that Constance needs health rather than material wealth, she pursues romantic freedom, from this point of view Constance is not greedy, she pursues the return of natural nature, just what Mellers can give. Sir Krieft, on the other hand, could not give, except for spiritual care, then anything else... It can only be said that the purposes they ask for are different, which is also the reason for the tragedy of "Mrs. Chalett's Lover" produced by the film.

The direct methods of warfare in World War I buried a large number of social elites, among whom the mortality rate of noble men who participated in the war was almost twice that of other soldiers. The First World War was the event with the largest number of aristocratic deaths since the bloodbath of the war in North and South England, and is also known as the Massacre of the British Nobility in the folk. So it wasn't just the young lord who was paralyzed and impotent, but also an entire elite.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

Clift's unconscious poisonous shackles are coming to him step by step, self-restraint and restraint are still relative habits, and the British often have emotional alienation and inaccessible reputation - sometimes coupled with stubbornness. Lawrence, on the other hand, has keenly observed the fading lifestyles and old orders. Just like the ending of the 1981 drama "Cha": Sir Chatailai watched his lover go away with others, but he was still arrogantly tightening his jaw in grief and anger, and only cried silent heartbreak in the desolate and empty territory. Lawrence devoted his life to depicting the vitality of working-class heroes and resisted the emotional and instinctive restraint of traditional British society.

Mrs. Chattley's Lover is the last novel by Lawrence, britain's most unique and controversial writer of the twentieth century. In his novels, Lawrence uses a forbidden love to praise the instinctive power of human nature and criticize the modern industrial system. The novel tells the story of Clift, who returns to the manor after the end of World War I, is paralyzed by war wounds and leaves his wife out in the cold. Let her have to endure a married life without sex. In the spring, Kang meets Mellers, the caretaker of the forest hired by the manor, in the forest, and feels the temptation of sex from his strong body, so they disregard class and moral taboos, throw themselves into the dry wood fire, and re-experience the taste of love.

The wife of the hunting ground guard is a "humble woman", and their marriage is bound by sex, but only the flesh, and there is no spiritual communication at all; while the heroine Kang and her husband, on the contrary, only mental communication, no physical relationship. Lawrence sharply pits the spirit and flesh in marriage, apparently concluding that both are indispensable.

Lawrence's image of the working-class hero, which has grown stronger and fuller over time, is not only physically, but also spiritually. Many people think that Lawrence essentialized the working class, but in fact Lawrence also devoted himself to the flexibility of the working class in other novels: in the novel Aaron' Rod 1922, for example, talented miners in Florence were given educational and social opportunities to talk about art, politics and philosophy on an equal footing with intellectuals and artists. Therefore, he did not believe that class origin determined intelligence and ability, but rather equitable opportunity. What is even more valuable is that Lawrence travels the world in search of the brilliance of humanity outside of Western Christian civilization and how different social formations can bring different futures to human society.

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:
Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

Recently watched "Madame Chatterley's Lover", a little aware of the deep meaning, some Douban book review authors, have a praise for Constance's pursuit of free love, which I can't understand. I've only read it once, and it may be difficult to understand the meaning behind it.

In the novel, there is no communication between the two protagonists other than sex, of course, sex and love are inseparable. But isn't the love of two people expressed only through sex a space pan? Can this mediocrity and dryness also be called love? At the end of the novel, Kang becomes pregnant, but the attitude of the two towards the arrival of a new life also makes me unable to agree with them. Constance could leave her children to Krifett in order to divorce him, a life that seemed to become a trading tool, a life free from Cleft's asexuality. Not to mention what is the significance of Mellers? It is difficult to see in him the sense of responsibility that a real man should have.

So is there any love between them, and if so, where is it embodied? Is there a breakdown of class embodiment with one's own servants? What is the explanation for the pursuit of freedom of love? The film does not rush to show the wild release after sexual repression, but interprets the whole story from the perspective of a woman's emotional maturity from a female perspective.

The difference between The Obscure Cultivation of Clift and the Wild Cook of Mailers means that the two classes did not reach the heights of male culture. The one-sided pursuit of spiritual quality and physical love is not the whole process of human marriage and family. Maybe the door is more intimate with the dating model, and the marriage goals are easier to agree on and get along for a long time.

British men have always been the object of ridicule in Europe and the United States, because British people are always considered ruthless and boring, stereotypical and conservative.

But from an absolutely quantitative point of view, the asexual image of the British is not accurate. Britons reproduce as much as any other country in the world, and the proportion of British adolescents having sex is the highest among industrialized countries.

The attitude of British men towards women is either extremely arrogant or respectful. So when Madame Chatterley's Lover confronts women, Mellers is rude and Clift's dullness. The "emotion" between enthusiasm and arrogance is the most uncomfortable.

The film portrays the protagonist Constance as a young girl who loses her woman's sexual rights without doing anything more, and it is the gardener who has inspired her maturity from the flesh, not only that, the two have also germinated spiritual love on the primitive carnal instinct, so this "Lady Chatterley's Lover", which was previously labeled as a carnal erotic film, under the direction of Jed Mercury, the film is more like a simple, sincere, natural idyllic poem, and the beauty of love flashes in the film. If you shoot a series, it may be more comprehensive and perfect.

The film's theme is to oppose a marriage without sex, embodying the cruelty of industrial civilization and strict hierarchy to human nature. In the film, the director uses a simple and unpretentious narrative to end the film cleanly and sharply, so that the love is suspended in the beauty. In addition, the heroine performance of Hollyday Granger is also very delicate and real and touching. Rousseau: "The person who lives the most meaningfully is not the person who lives the longest, but the person who feels the most about life." "

Pay attention to the deep meaning behind the "emotion" | behind the "lover of Madame Chatterley", James Norton (as Sir Clifford Chaterai): a more ambitious aristocratic gentleman who is in an emotional crisis. Hollyde Granger (Constance Reed): A beautiful countess facing "emotional choices". III. Richard Madden (Oliver. Mellers: A bold, rough and sincere husband. Focus on the director of "Madame Chatterley's Lover": Constance Reed "Kriefort Chaterley, Oliver. Mailers" "emotion" behind the deep meaning. At last:

<h1>At last:</h1>

Bacon: "What is really frightening is not the kind of one-thought difference that everyone can hardly avoid, but the kind of error and prejudice that goes deep into customs and entrenches the hearts of the people. "

"There is no ready-made path to the future, but we take detours or climb obstacles. We always have to live, no matter how much the sky falls. ”

Hu Shi: "The meaning of life is not how to live, but how you live." If you are willing to bury this six-foot body above daytime dreams, that is the meaning of your life. If you are angry and perked up, determined to seek the meaning of life, to create the meaning of your own life, then you live a day with the meaning of a day, do a thing to add meaning to a thing, life is infinite, the meaning of life is infinite. This is the deep meaning behind the "emotion" of Madame Chatelet's Lover.