
Anshun City, Guizhou: National Culture Enters the Campus Characteristic Education Shows Charm

author:The West Show Big City is a small thing

Recently, at the National School Aesthetic Education Work Conference held by the Ministry of Education, "The Exploration and Practice of Anshun Excellent Ethnic Folk Culture entering the Campus" was included in the Ministry of Education's "National Collection of Excellent Cases of Aesthetic Education Reform and Innovation in Primary and Secondary Schools", which is a vivid practice of Anshun City's national culture entering the campus.

In recent years, Anshun City has continued to carry out teaching and research activities for local ethnic and folk culture to enter the campus, integrating ethnic folk arts such as Anshun opera, Anshun batik and embroidery art with basic education, and constantly exploring feasible and sustainable education paths in the education of local ethnic minorities in primary and secondary schools.

Anshun City, Guizhou: National Culture Enters the Campus Characteristic Education Shows Charm

(Zhao Chenghong, principal of Liuguanxiang Junior High School in Xixiu District, introduced the works of teachers and students in the exhibition hall)

Culture enters the campus to promote inheritance

"The first step in carving a face is to carve the ears, and then the eye sockets..." In the comprehensive practice class of Tunbao Sculpture at Liuguanxiang Junior High School in Xixiu District, Zhou Chengpeng, a special teacher, was explaining the steps of wood carving on a small mobile blackboard to the students.

Students, armed with axes in one hand and tools in the other, carefully try to carve on wood under the guidance of the teacher. For them, this special weekly lesson is very precious.

"Liuguan Township is a famous wood carving town, I have liked to watch the old people do wood carving since I was a child, and now I have the opportunity to learn, I must learn seriously and insist on learning!" Zhou Haitao, a junior high school student at Liuguanxiang Junior High School, said with a smile.

"The teaching of this special course has undergone more than 10 years of exploration." Zhao Chenghong, principal of Liuguanxiang Junior High School, told reporters that in 2006, the exploration experiment of "national folk art into the classroom" was launched in Liuguanxiang Junior High School, and the school set up a national folk culture working group, hired folk artists to participate in the research of the project, compiled school-based textbooks, hired folk artists to cooperate with school art teachers, and began to carry out the protection and inheritance of traditional culture in the practice of education and teaching activities.

Up to now, the school-based textbook of the course has been updated 4 times and further improved. In the process of understanding and appreciation, hands-on experience and innovative design, the students improved their art techniques such as sculpture and painting, and enhanced their knowledge and understanding of Tunbao culture. In the past 13 years, the number of people educated in the school has reached more than 3,000 people, and more than 1,100 students have completed wood carving training, and the school has won many honors such as Guizhou Provincial Ethnic and Folk Culture Education Project School and National Characteristic School.

"The exploration and practice of the national folk culture into the campus project in Liuguan Township provides a useful reference for the school curriculum development and practice activities of the Huangguoshu NationalIties Middle School in the Huangguoshu Tourism Area to carry out batik ethnic folk art into the classroom, the Guanling Buyi Autonomous County Nationalities Senior High School to carry out embroidery ethnic folk art into the classroom, and a series of demonstration schools for local ethnic and folk culture to enter the campus continue to emerge, driving the vigorous development of art education in the city." Ran Qianming, director of the Anshun Municipal Institute of Educational Sciences, introduced.

Nowadays, the course of Tunbao wu surface wood carving has been integrated into the school's comprehensive extracurricular activities as a long-term curriculum, and is taught according to the content of the school's "Tunbao Culture and Tunbao Wu Carving School-based Textbook", which details the appreciation, design and operation application of Tunbao wu surface carving.

Anshun City, Guizhou: National Culture Enters the Campus Characteristic Education Shows Charm

(Children at Baima Lake Street Central Primary School in Zhenning County are seriously learning to draw wax)

Characteristic education has blossomed everywhere

In Huangguoshu National Middle School in Huangguoshu Tourist Area, every Tuesday and Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. is the school's fixed batik comprehensive extracurricular practical activity time, and students feel the unique charm of ethnic and folk culture in the practice.

At the beginning of the course, the children held wax knives, dipped in hot wax, under the guidance of the school's special teacher and non-heritage batik inheritor Woodward, the wrists turned freely on the cotton cloth, and the wax knives quickly outlined various national cultural totems composed of arcs and straight lines on the cloth.

In the school's cultural exhibition hall, batik throw pillows, tie-dye T-shirts, batik craft hanging paintings made by students can be seen everywhere, which is very eye-catching.

"Many of the works here are made by me and the teacher with the children, from wax painting, dyeing wax, washing wax to drying, the children can not only feel the joy of labor, but also experience the skills of batik." Woodward told reporters that this is his second year of teaching batik courses at Huangguoshu National Middle School, in addition to Huangguoshu National Middle School, he also teaches batik interest classes for children at baima lake street central school in Zhenning Autonomous County, which has been insisted on for more than 2 years.

"Anshun is known as the hometown of batik, Miao batik and Buyi batik, is a well-known national folk craft at home and abroad. As the inheritor of non-genetic batik, I hope to dedicate my own strength to the non-genetic inheritance of batik. Woodward said.

Nowadays, through more than ten years of exploration of education and teaching projects, Huangguoshu National Middle School has formed a series of courses such as the historical evolution, classification, application production, and innovative design of Anshun batik, and the dual-teacher teaching mode of folk batik artists outside the school and art teachers in the school has enabled many students to master the production skills of batik.

"Especially the girls in the school, many have become masters of batik, not only the pattern is fine and clear, but also the dyeing is excellent, and the color is unchanged for a long time." The principal of the school, Chen Yingze, introduced.

Anshun City, Guizhou: National Culture Enters the Campus Characteristic Education Shows Charm

(Wu Yongrong, principal of Xixiu Jiuzhou Middle School, introduced the school's Tunbao Cultural Exhibition Hall)

Characteristic culture nourishes the soul

The difficulty of national folk culture entering the campus is in "entering", and the focus is on "integration".

Ran Qianming told reporters that national folk culture enters the campus first to take its essence, remove its dross, explore appropriate ways and carriers for teaching, and finally form an educational path that can be comprehensively promoted.

In Liuguanxiang Junior High School and Huangguoshu National Middle School, ethnic folk culture enters the campus in a practical way and with art classes as the carrier, and in Jiuzhou Middle School in Xixiu District, ethnic folk culture has formed a compulsory course.

Stepping into the Jiuzhou Middle School in Xixiu District, you will be greeted by a strong cultural atmosphere of Tunpu, with lifelike masks hanging in the corridors, statues of Tunpu people standing on the playground, and students wearing Fengyang Hanfu in and out of the classroom from time to time.

"In 2011, based on the rich history and humanities of the old state, we constantly explored the educational path of national and folk culture into the campus. Through three years of efforts, Xixiu District Jiuzhou Middle School in 2014 fully implemented the characteristic school running program, with Tunbao culture as the core, to create traditional culture characteristics education, has now built a 30-person traditional culture professional teacher team, to guide the xixiu District Jiuzhou Middle School traditional culture education characteristics of the work, the development of school curriculum. Wu Yongrong, president of the school, told reporters that last year, the school cooperated with the Tunbao Cultural Research Center of Anshun University (Tunbao Cultural Research Center of Guizhou Province) to establish the "Tunbao Cultural Research and Application Co-construction Base", in the context of the increasingly mature conditions for running the school, with the characteristic curriculum as the starting point, with the characteristic activities as the auxiliary, with the characteristic teachers as the support, and the integration with the college entrance examination discipline, and finally achieve the goal of comprehensively improving the comprehensive quality of students and implementing the educational purpose of Lide Shuren.

With the practical experience of Liuguanxiang Junior High School, Huangguoshu National Middle School, Xixiu District Jiuzhou Middle School and other schools in Xixiu District, in recent years, under the guidance of the national curriculum, Anshun City has formed the teaching and research topic of "Local Curriculum Construction of Inheriting Culture - Exploration and Practice of Anshun Opera, Batik and Embroidery into the Campus", after several years of practice in the demonstration school, it has continuously built a local curriculum system for inheriting culture, built a demonstration school for local ethnic and folk culture to enter the campus, and promoted the development of local cultural inheritance and education.

"Our ultimate goal is to promote the "Construction of Local Curriculum for Inheriting Culture - Exploration and Practice of Anshun Opera, Batik and Embroidery into the Campus" in the Anshun area, and truly realize that national and folk culture enters the campus and enters the classroom, and in this way cultivates students' feelings of home and country, enhances students' comprehensive quality, and enhances students' cultural self-confidence." Ran Qianming, director of the Anshun Municipal Institute of Educational Sciences, said.

Article Source: Guizhou Daily Author: Jin Qiushi