
On the fifth day of the Chinese New Year, he rushed from Chengdu, Sichuan to Zigong and set fire to his girlfriend's house

author:Cover News

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Zheng Ye Cover News Reporter Chen Zhangcai

At about 3:00 a.m. on February 16, Mr. Zhong, a resident of Gaotong Community in Da'an District, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, was awakened by the shouting outside the window in his sleep, and listened carefully to someone shouting "Unit 3, Unit 3, 6th floor is on fire, hurry up!" "It's on fire, it's on fire, hurry up." Mr. Zhong immediately got up and ran to the 6th floor of the fire, ready to wake up the residents inside. However, the occupants were not at home, and Mr. Zhong immediately joined the residents of the same building who had arrived to extinguish the fire. Due to the timely extinguishing of the fire, the fire was seriously burned in addition to the bedroom at the fire point, and there were no casualties.

After the Gaotong police station received the alarm and arrived at the scene, it immediately had doubts about the fire: the house where the fire occurred happened to have a dispute the day before, the owner of the house, Wu Mou, reported to the police, the police of the police station mediated in time, and a fire occurred more than 10 hours later.

On the fifth day of the Chinese New Year, he rushed from Chengdu, Sichuan to Zigong and set fire to his girlfriend's house

The police of the police station immediately cooperated with the criminal police brigade of the substation to launch an investigation. Yang Mou, a 37-year-old Ya'an man, entered the police's sight.

In 2018, Yang and Wu, the daughter of Wu Mou, a resident of the fire, met and confirmed the love relationship when they were working. Due to the age difference of more than 10 years, the woman's parents did not agree until december 2020, when the two ended their relationship.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, Wu borrowed 200 yuan from Yang. After a few days, Yang has been urging Wu to pay back the money, but each time he said less than two words, Wu hung up the phone. On February 14, Yang rushed from Chengdu to Zigong, because Wu did not want to see him, Yang ran to Wu's residence and knocked on the door of the room to say that he must see Wu. At this time, only Wu's parents were at home, Wu's parents had to call the police, and after the police at the police station arrived at the scene, they immediately took Yang back to the police station and warned him of his behavior.

On the fifth day of the Chinese New Year, he rushed from Chengdu, Sichuan to Zigong and set fire to his girlfriend's house

After Yang came out of the police station, he asked a few friends to drink, and during the period, he frantically dialed Wu's voice phone, and Wu either did not answer or said two sentences and hung up. The more Yang mou wanted to nest fire.

After drinking with friends at about 1 a.m. on the 16th, Yang took a taxi to Wu's home, but Wu and his parents were not at home. Yang climbed to the sixth floor to enter Wu's room, lit the sheets on the bed with a lighter, the fire was getting bigger and bigger, Yang left from the main door, and then asked friends to drink together until 5 a.m. was controlled by the police of Gaotong police station.

At present, Yang Mou is suspected of arson and has been criminally detained by the Da'an Public Security Bureau in accordance with law.

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