
2021.10.03 Blockchain Evening News

author:First bit

1. Sun Yuchen's $1.71 million purchase of Digital Zones is one of the earliest NFT projects.

2. Dubai Police cooperate with cryptocurrency exchanges to combat fraud.

3. Kyrgyzstan raises electricity bills for cryptocurrency miners.

4. Hackathon DAO-funded first Blackchain Hackathon kicks off at the University of Southern California.

5. The hash rate of the Bitcoin network is about 177.54EH/s, a new high since May 13.

6. Laos is considering developing its own CBDC.

7. KuCoin will be cleared by 24:00 on December 31 Chinese mainland stock users.

8. Kazakhstan has a power shortage due to cryptocurrency mining 6. Stablecoin issuance on Ethereum amounts to $85.68 billion.

9.Gavin Wood has created an NFT on the Pocca ecosystem NFT platform RMRK.

10. The IMF recommends the adoption of CBDCs and global cryptocurrency standards to maintain financial stability.

11. Governor of Texas: Texas is poised to become a world leader in Bitcoin and blockchain.

12. The current market capitalization of Bitcoin accounts for 40.8%.

13.Axie Infinity ranks 5th among video game companies in the world by market capitalization.

14. Solana ecological NFT SMB #1355以约210万美元价格售出.

15.EthereumLayer2 has a total hedge of $2.69 billion, with Arbitrum accounting for nearly 56%.

16. CITIC Construction Investment: It is expected that the global economic growth rate will significantly slow down in 2022 and increase uncertainty in financial markets.

17. The asset size of the Ethereum fund reached an all-time high, accounting for 25.9% of the total size of the crypto fund.

18. EdenOnEOS will conduct an on-chain election and distribute 200,000 EOS on October 9.

19. American rapper Tyga bought the DeHorizon Hidden NFT for 3 ETH.

20.Axie Infinity ranks 5th among video game companies in the world by market capitalization.

21.DeFi Oracle Umbrella Network launches the Ethereum mainnet.

22. The total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies exceeded $2.1 trillion.

23. The US CFTC cracked a crypto trading scam involving $1.2 million in funds.

24.Ripple development team launches preview of massive XRP ledger upgrades.

Editor MiaoMiao, thank you for your attention!

Will keep updated, hope to have more powder every day, as soon as possible to break through the ten thousand! [Come and see me] [Come and see me] [Teeth] [Teeth] [Yay] [Yay]