
"My Father and Me" was released today: excellent filmmakers gathered to pay tribute to their parents

author:Beiqing hot spot

Produced by China Film Co., Ltd. and jointly created by Wu Jing, Zhang Ziyi, Xu Zheng and Shen Teng, the third part of the "National Day Trilogy" "My Father and I" was released today (30th), and on the 29th, the film held a grand premiere ceremony in Beijing, directors Wu Jing, Zhang Ziyi, Xu Zheng and Shen Teng attended with their respective chapter actors, and the main creators of the previous works of the "National Day Trilogy" series came to the scene to support and reproduce the inheritance of the torch.

"My Father and Me" was released today: excellent filmmakers gathered to pay tribute to their parents

"My Father and I" continues the consistent tradition of the "National Day Trilogy" series, that is, the form of collective creation by many outstanding Chinese filmmakers, this time Wu Jing, Zhang Ziyi, Xu Zheng and Shen Teng take over the baton, focusing on four very different families in the order of four eras, respectively, "Riding the Wind", "Poetry", "Duck Prophet" and "Young Journey" as chapters to remember their parents' youth. The four directors injected fresh blood into the series with the creative mode of self-directing and self-acting, and under the challenge and pressure of the dual identities of directors and actors, they continued to strive for excellence and sincere creation, as director Zhang Ziyi said: "We are deeply respecting our parents' generation with sincere and rich emotions. ”

The film takes the small people in the big era as the theme, creates a group of flesh and blood, emotional, ordinary and great ordinary people portraits, and assembles a luxurious star lineup: Wu Jing, Zhang Ziyi, Xu Zheng, Shen Teng, Wu Lei, Huang Xuan, Han Haolin, Hong Lie, Zhang Tianai, Yuan Jinhui, Song Jia, Ma Li, Li Guangjie, Chen Daoming, Zhang Yimou, Li Xuejian, Yu Haolei, Haiqing, Ou Hao, Allen, Wei Chen, Bai Narisu, Jiang Shui, Lu Changen, Zhang Hengrui, Anan, Ren Sino, Peng Yuchang, Li Naiwen, Geng Le, Du Jiang, Tao Hong, Jia Bing, Zhang Yuqi, Jiao Shengxiang, Ni Hongjie, Fan Yujie, Zhang Jianya, Zhang Zhihua, Zhang Guoqiang, Ning Li, Hu Ke, Sha Yi, Ma Shuliang, Cao Kefan, Wan Qian, Zu Feng, Zhou Qingyun, Spicy Yangzi, Chang Yuan, Zhang Xiaofei, Wu Yuhan and other more than 50 powerful actors played on the same stage, to some extent, they also represent the mission inheritance of generations of Chinese filmmakers.

"My Father and Me" was released today: excellent filmmakers gathered to pay tribute to their parents

"My Father and I" has laughter and tears, which not only remembers history, but also looks forward to the future, and is the first choice for watching movies in the National Day file. It presents the family affection of home and country in the background of different eras, the blood sacrifice on the battlefield, the tenacity and forbearance of astronauts, the unique vision under the wave of reform and opening up and the continuous innovation of modern science and technology, and the four chapters are based on the emotions of different visions, there are touching and laughing, and each emotion is extreme. Riding on the wind of "father's generation", writing the "poem" of the sea of stars, the "duck prophet" of Spring River plumbing, the fearless "youth line", the four directors combine the feelings of home and country with the unique author's temperament, highlighting their respective performance personalities, and closely integrated under the theme of "tribute to the fathers who spelled out the best era for us", deeply connecting the sacrifices of predecessors with our happiness today, without their hard work yesterday, there would be no golden age in which we live today.

At the premiere ceremony, Wu Jing, Zhang Ziyi, Xu Zheng, shen Teng with their respective chapter creators debuted, Wu Jing led the "tough guy cavalry regiment" to appear, Wu Lei ridiculed the Wu Peking Opera group "inner volume" on the spot, everyone practiced madly; as a tear gas in the movie, Zhang Ziyi revealed that the main creators of "Poetry" are all female team, "I believe that all the audiences are moved by it, no matter how difficult I think it is also worth it"; Xu Zheng, who participated in the series three times, revealed that he returned to the old neighborhood of Shanghai Lane To continue to play neighbors, "Winter winter is still called winter winter, Xiaomei is also called Xiaomei"; Shen Teng, who contributed to the "facial paralysis acting skills" in the movie, modestly said that he had bet on the "happy twist" brothers, "all relying on their support".

"My Father and Me" was released today: excellent filmmakers gathered to pay tribute to their parents

China News Network reporter Li Peiyun / photo

The creators behind the previous works of the "National Day Trilogy" series,"My Motherland and Me" and "My Hometown and Me", also came to the scene to support the movie "My Father and Me" with practical actions. Chen Kaige, the general director of "My Motherland and Me", commented on the "fresh blood" of this series one by one, praising the acting skills of the four directors as "lifting heavy weights and pure fire"; Ning Hao, the general director of "My Hometown and Me", said that the film was finally touched and evoked his memories of "motherland" and "hometown", and all the actors and directors who created this series worked very hard to bring rich and fresh joy and emotion to everyone every year.

Xue Xiaolu, who directed "The Return" of "My Motherland and Me", was touched by the romance and true feelings of "Poetry" directed by Zhang Ziyi; Yu Baimei, who was both the screenwriter of "Riding the Wind" and the director of "The Road Back to My Hometown" of "My Hometown and Me", mentioned that there were so many peers working hard, and modestly said that "each of them is worth learning from"; Xu Zheng, who participated in the series for the third time, saw the main creators behind the scenes who had participated in the trilogy, such as directors, screenwriters, photographers, and recordings, who had participated in the trilogy, come to support "My Father and Me". Touched by the atmosphere of the scene, he said emotionally: "In fact, this series is a container, it brings together all the directors in China and all the actors condensed by each director with their works, embodying the inheritance, from the directors of our previous generation to our young and middle-aged directors, Chinese filmmakers are always together." ”

In the past three years, the three films of the "National Day Trilogy" have given the audience 16 stories of laughter and tears, condensing 16 special moments in our national memory.

Singer Wang Feng also came to support his beloved wife Director Zhang Ziyi, saying that he witnessed the whole process of "Poetry" becoming a film, "watching the movie five times and still shedding tears", "it is really worth it to dedicate myself to the film cause that I have loved all my life". Mao Amin said excitedly that he went from crying to laughing, "The loudest laugh in the cinema is me."

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

Editor/Cui Wei