
proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

author:Sichuan Observation

In recent years, groups of enthusiastic young people in Sichuan have successively entered the barracks, consciously integrated their personal ideals and ambitions into the great cause of strengthening the army and rejuvenating the country, and made extraordinary achievements in their ordinary battle positions. They showed the style of contemporary soldiers and became the pride and youth model of Sichuan.

The brief deeds of some Sichuan officers and men who have been awarded second-class merit or above in the whole army and the armed police force in 2020 are published as follows, and I hope that the vast number of young people of the right age will learn from them, actively respond to the call of the motherland, consciously fulfill their military service obligations, exert their youth in the green military camp, make meritorious contributions in the journey of strengthening the army, and contribute their strength to the realization of the Chinese dream of a strong army.

Liao Qiang

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Liao Qiang, a native of Fucheng District, Mianyang City, born in 1983, joined the army in December 2000, with the rank of sergeant major of the third class, and served in a helicopter detachment of a certain armed police department. He has participated in hundreds of major flight missions, successfully eliminated various major faults and hidden dangers more than 50 times, and safely flew for more than 3,000 hours. He has been awarded the second and third class merits many times, and is affectionately called "fighter live wrench" by his comrades-in-arms. In 2020, due to his outstanding achievements, he was awarded the first class merit.

Zou Jingyuan

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Zou Jingyuan, a native of Cuiping District, Yibin City, is an athlete of the Military Sports Training Center of the Training Management Department of the Central Military Commission, and was elected as the eighth advanced worker of Sichuan Province in December 2020. He has participated in many national and world gymnastics championships and won many medals. In 2019, he won the men's team championship in the gymnastics event of the 7th World Military Games, and won the gold medal in the kurama and parallel bars. In June 2020, he was awarded the first class merit.


proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Buha, a native of Ganluo County, Liangshan Prefecture, with the rank of major, served in a brigade of the Liangshan detachment of the Armed Police, and performed outstandingly in the work of poverty alleviation, and was awarded the first class merit in 2020.

Gao Feng

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Gao Feng, a 38-year-old native of Xinjin County, Chengdu, a member of the Communist Party of China, joined the army in 2001 and was awarded the second class meritorious service in October for participating in many times and completing urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy tasks with high quality in 2020.

Liu Mingjin

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Liu Mingjin, a native of Shuangliu District, Chengdu, is now the commander of a composite brigade of the army, and in 2020, he was named "Pioneer of Elite Military Strength in the New Era" and was awarded the second class merit.

Qiu Jiang River

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Qiu Jianghe, a native of Jintang County, Chengdu. He was awarded the second class merit once for his outstanding work achievements.

Ren Qiang

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Ren Qiang, a native of Jinjiang District, Chengdu, is an aerial mechanic. He has carried out the "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake, the "4.20" Ya'an Lushan earthquake, the Ludian earthquake, the Nepal earthquake, the Jiuzhaigou earthquake and other earthquake relief tasks, and participated in military exercises for many times. For his outstanding work, he was awarded the second class merit.

Wu Qilu

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Wu Qilu, a native of Qingbaijiang District, Chengdu, with the rank of sergeant, is now a soldier in the reconnaissance battalion of a brigade of the army. Participating in the mass training competition in the first quarter of 2020 set a record and won the honor for the unit. He was awarded the second class merit for his outstanding work achievements.

Bear Liang

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Xiong Liang, a native of Jintang County, Chengdu, joined the army in 2009 and is currently serving in an army department. In 2020, he participated in a sniper competition, stood out from more than 100 outstanding shooters and won the championship, and won the second class of personal merit.

Dai Jun

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Dai Jun, a native of Fushun County, Zigong City, joined the army in December 2010, is currently the squad leader and communications technician of a certain army department, with the rank of sergeant, won gold and silver in brigade competitions 3 times, and was selected as an outstanding soldier and an outstanding communist party member of the southern theater army 5 times. In 2020, due to his outstanding work, he was awarded the second class merit.

Xiong Zhengfu

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Xiong Zhengfu, a native of Ziliujing District, Zigong City, is currently the captain of a certain part of the Navy. In 2020, he performed outstandingly in completing major work tasks and won the second class merit.

Zhong Zhichen

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Zhong Zhichen, a native of Fushun County, Zigong City, is currently the squadron leader of a flight major of a certain air force unit. 13 years of hard training and fine flying, research for war, and march towards war. On October 29, 2020, he encountered an emergency situation during the flight training, dealt with it decisively, avoided flight accidents and serious losses, and made significant contributions to protecting the lives of personnel and equipment safety, and was awarded the second class merit.


proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Jing Maoli, female, a native of Renhe District, Panzhihua City, once promoted to the 100 Gun King of the Western Theater with the first place in the examination as a woman, and won many awards in competitions. In June 2020, he won the first place in a certain gun type comprehensive in a competition and was awarded the second class merit.

Lee Yong-ping

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Li Rongping, a native of Renhe District, Panzhihua City, has participated in various competitions organized by the Group Army and the Western Theater Army on many occasions and won many awards. Because of his outstanding performance, he was awarded the second class merit.

Xie Chuanwen

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Xie Chuanwen, a native of Miyi County, Panzhihua City, joined the army in September 2013 and joined the party in September 2017, and is currently a squad leader of a certain army department with the rank of sergeant. From 2016 to 2019, he was commended as an outstanding non-commissioned officer and commended for four consecutive years, won two gold medals and one silver medal in the military sports games of his unit twice, was rated as an excellent "four sessions" coach in 2018, was commended as an "excellent communist party member" by the brigade in 2019, and was awarded the second class merit in 2020.

Car strength

Che Qiang, a native of Jiangyang District, Luzhou City, with the rank of sergeant, won the first place in brigade tactics for two consecutive years in his squad. In 2020, he has demonstrated the assembly and demonstration tasks of individual soldiers for the leaders of the group army and above four times, and has been unanimously praised by the leaders and awarded the second class of personal merit.

Shen Ke

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Shen Ke, a native of Naxi District, Luzhou City, served in a certain air force department with the rank of lieutenant colonel in the air force. He won the crown in the air force competition examination for two consecutive years and was awarded the second class merit in 2020.

Wang Dajun

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Wang Dajun, a native of Longmatan District, Luzhou City, is currently a marine engineer of a certain ship of the Navy and a second-class sergeant major. In the past 21 years since joining the army, he has successfully completed major tasks such as various exercises and escorts at all levels, eliminated more than 10 large-scale faults, and ensured that the completion of major tasks was not affected by the failure of the main engine.

Xu Ji

Xu Ji, a native of Jiangyang District, Luzhou City, joined the army in 2002, grew into a pilot of a certain unit of the Air Force in 2006, and flew safely for 2,000 hours by 2008, growing into a proud flight instructor of the army and cultivating many excellent pilots. He flew to the front line many times to perform major missions, and completed combat missions with excellence, and was awarded the second class merit in 2020.

Ye Xiang

Ye Xiang, a native of Longchang City, Neijiang City, with the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Air Force and a first-class pilot, participated in and brilliantly completed the military parade for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. In 2020, due to the safe flight of more than 2800 hours, he was awarded the second class of personal merit.

Qin Dynasty Frost

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Qin Daishuang, a native of Guanghan City, Deyang City, joined the army in 2018, won the first place in the overall ranking in the training assessment of his unit, won the first prize for participating in the red story explanation organized by the army, and was awarded the second class merit for his comprehensive performance.

Tu Xingren

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Tu Xingren is a native of Shifang City, Deyang City. He is the captain of an air service group of a certain navy department and a pilot of the first class of the navy. In 2020, he completed 2300 hours of safe flight and won the second class merit.

Yang Yong

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Yang Yong, a native of Shifang City, Deyang City, is a fourth-class sergeant major of a flying squadron of the Air Force and a fighter mechanic. In 2020, he achieved an excellent result of 1500 consecutive hours of safe flight, and won the second class merit.

Feng Wei

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Feng Wei, a native of Beichuan County, Mianyang City, is a Qiang soldier of a brigade of the Army. In 2019, he participated in the military parade for the 70th anniversary of the National Day, was rated as a training pacesetter by the army, made a deed report at the joint command of the parade, and was commended by the army as an excellent non-commissioned officer pacesetter in the same year, selected as a strong army pioneer by the group army, and awarded the second class merit in 2020.

Li Yao

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Li Yao, a native of Fucheng District, Mianyang City, completed a number of large-scale exercises and equipment experiment tasks on the plateau at an altitude of 3600 meters, completed the work well, and was awarded the second class merit.

Meng Qingxing

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Meng Qingxing, a native of Zitong County, Mianyang City, is currently the deputy chief of staff of a certain air force department, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, a special pilot of the air force, a flight commander, a four-captain aircraft, and an instructor. In recent years, he has participated in important missions many times, always standing on the front line, taking the lead in commanding and taking the lead in flight.

Qin Hao

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Qin Hao, a native of Santai County, Mianyang City, served in a certain unit of the Armed Police Force, and has been commended by the Corps as an outstanding Communist Party member, an excellent Party affairs worker, and an outstanding grassroots cadre, twice commended by the Corps as one of the top ten "Four Associations" political instructors, and in 2019 by the Armed Police Force as one of the top ten "Four Associations" political instructors.

Song Hui

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Song Hui, a native of Youxian District, Mianyang City, scrupulously fulfilled his duties and fulfilled his duties, and achieved outstanding results in aircraft maintenance work, safe and accident-free. In 2020, he was awarded the second class merit.

Xiang Peng

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Xiang Peng, a native of Anzhou District, Mianyang City, is currently an engineer at a launch test station and has completed major tasks in the field of aerospace test and launch more than 10 times.

Meng Shicong

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Meng Shicong, a native of Cangxi County, Guangyuan City, has made outstanding contributions to the prevention and control of the epidemic and has been affirmed by the organs of the Central Military Commission; he is responsible for information service work and has been praised by the General Office of the Central Military Commission and the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission.

Wang Wenyang

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Wang Wenyang, a native of Qingchuan County, Guangyuan City, participated in a brigade competition in the Northern Theater in 2020, breaking the record of the competition, achieving the first place in the comprehensive results, and winning the second class merit.

Gong Yi

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Gong Yi, a native of Dongxing District, Neijiang City, is a full-time regimental pilot of a certain unit of the Air Force Aviation Corps, who has participated in various exercises and drills for many times, and was awarded the second class merit in 2020.

Liu Yang

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Liu Yang, a native of Dongxing District, Neijiang City, is currently the commander of a brigade of the Rocket Army, who has carried out live-fire launch missions many times, twice won the "collective third-class merit", and has been rated as a "first-class unit for military training" by the Rocket Force for many times. Due to his outstanding performance, he was awarded the second class merit in 2020.

Zhang Bo

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Zhang Bo, a native of Zizhong County, Neijiang City, is currently the technical director of a certain air force department. It has carried out major exercise missions many times and successfully handled air special situations on many occasions. In 2018, the brigade was awarded the second class of collective merit, and in 2020, the individual was awarded the second class merit.


proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Zhang Mad, a native of Dongxing District, Neijiang City, has been rated as an advanced individual in the press work of the 73rd Group Army and an advanced individual in the press work of the Eastern Theater Army in the past 12 years since he joined the army. In 2020, he was awarded the second class merit of the individual.

Hu Chaobin

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Hu Chaobin, a native of Jiajiang County, Leshan City, performed well in the 2020 annual work tasks, achieved outstanding results, and was awarded the second class merit.

Ju Xianshu

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Ju Xianshu, a native of Emeishan City, Leshan City, completed the tasks entrusted by his superiors with high standards, and was unanimously praised by his superiors, and was awarded the second class merit in 2020.

Li Jianjun

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Li Jianjun, a native of Wutongqiao District, Leshan City, has been engaged in aviation maintenance and support work for nearly 16 years, achieved the safety goal of zero error in personal support maintenance, and has been rated as an excellent soldier and commended many times. In 2020, due to his outstanding work achievements, he was awarded the second class merit of the individual.

Shamam moved

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Sha Ma Muqian, a native of Ebian County, Leshan City, yi ethnic group, major rank, is currently the deputy captain of the explosion-proof armored vehicle brigade of a certain unit of the armed police. Due to his excellent personal performance and outstanding work performance, he was awarded the second class merit in 2020.

Zhang Guiwei

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Zhang Guiwei, a native of Jingyan County, Leshan City, in August 2020, the comrade served as a mechanical technician to fly for 1500 consecutive safety guarantees, and after the study and decision of the higher-level party committee, he recorded the second-class merit once.

He Chaosong

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

He Chaosong, a native of Langzhong City, Nanchong City, is currently a squad leader of a certain army unit. In a certain competition of the army in 2020, he won the first place in the squad leader group and was awarded the second class of personal merit.

Li Jun

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Li Jun, a native of nanchong city in the southern county, is a first-class pilot with the rank of major, and is currently the deputy battalion commander of a certain army aviation brigade. In August 2020, it was urgently dispatched to carry out the task of "8.17 Flood Relief in Pingwu County, Mianyang City", practicing the purpose of serving the people with practical actions, and winning the second class merit.

Peng Yang

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Peng Yang, a native of Jialing District, Nanchong City, was born in February 1998 and is currently a squad leader of the armored infantry squad. Individuals have been awarded the second class meritorious service once, the outstanding non-commissioned officer twice, and have been awarded many times.

Ren Yuan

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Ren Yuan, a native of Xichong County, Nanchong City, is currently the director of a teaching and research department of the Aerospace Engineering University of the Strategic Support Force, a professional and technical colonel, a professor, and a doctoral supervisor. In 2020, we will make phased progress in the field of basic research, fill the gap in our subject areas, obtain the support of the National Defense Science and Technology Excellence Youth Science Fund and a key project, and be awarded the second class of personal merit.

Tang Jianguo

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Tang Jianguo, a native of Jialing District, Nanchong City, served as a special division in a certain unit of the Air Force, and successively maintained and supported 5 types of aircraft, and security support lasted for 18 years. In 2020, he was awarded the second class merit.

Zhao Haitao

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Zhao Haitao, a native of Nanchong City's southern county, holds the rank of colonel in the Air Force, first-class pilot, and first-class captain. He has participated in many exercises and competitions, and has won the first place in the army group four times. In 2020, he participated in a surprise inspection assessment of the Air Force and won the first place in the crew and the first place in the group.

Long Yaming

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Long Yaming, a native of Yingshan County, Nanchong City, is currently a deputy pilot at the division level of a certain department, successfully completed dozens of exercise and training tasks, and has been awarded the second class merit twice and the third class merit 3 times, and has been commended by units at or above the military level for his outstanding training achievements many times.

He Tengfei

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

He Tengfei, a native of Xingwen County, Yibin City, with the rank of sergeant, is currently the leader of a reconnaissance battalion of a composite brigade of the Army. He has participated in three competitions at or above the military level, and won the first place in three subjects. In 2020, he participated in the brigade competition and achieved four first-class good results, and his class was awarded the third class of collective merit, individually rated as "gold medal coach", won excellent non-commissioned officer, and was awarded 3 times, and in 2020, he was awarded the second class merit.

He Qiming

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

He Qiming, a native of Kaijiang County, Dazhou City, is a fourth-class sergeant major and is currently the squad leader of a certain army department. In 2020, he overcame many difficulties in participating in the exercise, successfully completed the task with high standards within the specified time limit, and maintained more than 1,000 kilometers of roads, and was awarded the second class merit.

Liu Bingjun

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Liu Bingjun, a native of Tongchuan District, Dazhou City, is now a soldier of a certain unit of the Gansu Armed Police Corps, and in September 2020, in the armed police force competition, he won the first place in the "all-round special combat elite soldier" and was awarded the second class of personal merit.

Wang Yunjie

Wang Yunjie, a native of Kaijiang County, Dazhou City, is a fourth-class sergeant major and is currently the squad leader of a certain army department. In the 8 years since the comrade joined the army, he has won 7 individual gold medals in the competition. He was awarded four outstanding non-commissioned officers once, was rated as one of the top ten figures of the composite division's moving brigade, and participated in major military operations in 2020, performed well, and was awarded the second class of personal merit.

Jiang Guoming

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Jiang Guoming, a native of Guang'an District, Guang'an City, joined the army in 2006, participated in major training missions for many times, and ensured flight safety for more than 1,500 hours.

Li Cao

Li Cao, a native of Linshui County, Guang'an City, joined the army in 2009 and was awarded the second class merit in January 2020 for his outstanding results in participating in the army competition.

Li Shiming

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Li Shiming, a native of Linshui County, Guang'an City, joined the army in 2000 and has participated in the Air Security Mission of the Olympic Games, the Security Mission of the National Day Military Parade, and the Major Exercise Mission. In 2020, due to 18 consecutive years of safety and security flight, he was awarded the second class merit.

Peng Nanxin

proud! These Sichuan officers and soldiers won commendations and awards for second-class merit or above in 2020

Peng Nanxin, a native of Guang'an District, Guang'an City, joined the army in 2015, participated in many competitions, and was awarded the second class of individual merit in 2020 for his outstanding achievements.

Tang Wen

Tang Wen, a native of Yuechi County, Guang'an City, with the rank of colonel. 18 years of hard work to fly, become a flying bone. In September 2020, he was awarded the second class merit for flying safely for 2,000 hours.

Yang Hua

Yang Hua, a native of Guang'an District, Guang'an City, holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel of Professional Technology. Adhere to the front line of aviation aircraft maintenance, safely guarantee flight for more than 2,000 hours, outstandingly complete a number of major tasks such as the National Day military parade, and award the second class merit.

Yuan Taibin

Yuan Taibin, a native of Nanjiang County, Bazhong City, is a fourth-class sergeant major and is currently a logistics equipment technician of a brigade of the 82nd Group Army. More than 20 achievements of independent design and production were promoted and used in the brigade, and in 2020, they were awarded the second class merit.

Chen Xiangyu

Chen Xiangyu, a native of Yucheng District, Ya'an City, represented the base in the rocket ordnance professional competition in June 2020 and won the first place in the individual, and in December 2020, he was awarded the second class of personal merit.

Feng Bo

Feng Bo, a native of Hanyuan County, Ya'an City, was adjusted from a rifleman major to a driver major in 2020, and achieved a good result of first place in the driving profession and second place in the team in the international competition, and was awarded the second class of individual merit in December.

Liu Cailin

Liu Cailin, a native of Tianquan County, Ya'an City, is the squad leader of a composite brigade of the Army's 80th Group Army. In November 2020, he participated in the competition, broke the record of the group army in the 400-meter obstacle course, and won the second class merit once.

Dragon Road

Long Daola, a native of Pyeongchang County, Bazhong City, is currently serving at a naval base in the Southern Theater. In July 2019 and October 2020, he won the first place in the professional competition in the unit competition for two consecutive years, and was awarded the second class merit once in 2020.

Song Bo

Song Bo, a native of Asbestos County, Ya'an City, joined the army in December 2002, is a third-level sergeant major and is currently a sniper rifleman of a certain unit of the armed police. He ranked "fifth" in the overall evaluation of the pacesetter instructor of the armed police force, was rated as the "pacesetter coach" by the armed police force, and was awarded the second class merit of the individual.

Yang Dahong

Yang Dahong, a native of Xingjing County, Ya'an City. Born in November 1988, he joined the army in December 2007. In 2020, he participated in the third place in the Armed Police Force's Armed Police Force's Armed Forces Instructor Competition and was rated as a "Pacesetter Instructor" by the Armed Police Force. He has been rated as an outstanding communist party member by the corps, a hundred outstanding non-commissioned officers, an excellent grass-roots leading squad leader, an excellent coach, and a top trainer.

Liu Jinzong

Liu Jinzong, a native of Hongya County, Meishan City, is a fourth-class sergeant major who trained hard in military training and was awarded the second class merit in August 2020.

Liu Yu

Liu Yu, a native of Pengshan District, Meishan City, has achieved remarkable results due to long-term support flights, and was awarded the second class merit in 2020.


Zhang Lei, a native of Dongpo District, Meishan City, represented his unit in the record-breaking activity of the Tibet Military Region's "Top of the Snow 2020" in 2020, and won the first place with a score of 100 rings in the Type 95 automatic rifle project, and was awarded the second class merit in the same year.

Zheng Tao

Zheng Tao, a native of Dongpo District, Meishan City, and a colonel pilot of a brigade of the Eastern Air Force Aviation Corps, has participated in various exercises and drill missions many times and has been commended by his superiors. In June 2020, he safely and successfully completed the 2,000-hour flight mission and won the second class merit.

Dong Chunlin

Dong Chunlin, a native of Mao County, Aba Prefecture, is currently the squad leader of a brigade in the Central Theater. In 2020, as the only representative of the whole brigade, he was selected into the official car group of the international military competition. At the end of the year, he was commended by the group army as a "training top", and was awarded the second class of personal merit.

San Lang Dong Zhou

San Lang Dong Zhou, a native of Malkang, Aba State. Because of his hard work and serious training, he has participated in various sniper training at all levels for many times, and won the second place when he participated in the theater training in 2020 and was awarded the second class merit.

Yang Yuping

Yang Yuping, a native of Songpan County, Aba Prefecture, is currently the squad leader of a mobile squadron of the Armed Police. He has won the championship of competition 13 times, participated in major trainings 23 times, and served as a commando in completing urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy tasks 47 times. He has been awarded the second class merit twice and the third class merit twice.

A for clothes

A weiyi, a native of Meigu County, Liangshan Prefecture, participated in the group army military sports games and brigade military sports games in 2020 and won the first place many times, and was awarded the second class merit.

Wang Renqing

Wang Renqing, a native of Muli County, Liangshan Prefecture, was awarded the second class merit in 2020 for his outstanding work performance.

Zheng Gang

Zheng Gang, a native of Mianning County, Liangshan Prefecture, has achieved remarkable results in the field of work, won a number of national awards and patents, completed various major tasks with excellence, and won the second class merit.

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