
Yu Huanxuan starred in "Restart the Extreme Sea Listening to Thunder" Wu Sansheng San uncle's appearance has attracted much attention

author:Entertainment Network asia

"Reboot of the Extreme Sea Listening to Thunder" is an adventure-themed web drama produced and written by the Three Uncles of the Southern Sect and directed by Pan Anzi. The drama tells the story of Wu Xie (Zhu Yilong), Wang Fatzi (Chen Minghao), Zhang Qiling (Huang Junjie) After the end of the Ten Year Covenant of the Iron Triangle and the retirement of the Rain Village, Wu Xie learned that his life was short and wanted to complete his wish to find the third uncle Wu San Province in the last time of his life, and the three embarked on an adventure full of life and death tests and unveiled the fog under the blessing of family and friendship to get a new life.

After two years of carving after filming, the drama was finally broadcast on Youku and iQiyi on July 15 this year. The popularity value of the 48 hours on the line exceeded 9624, won the TOP1 of the Youku station's popularity list, and as of 15:00 on July 18, 2020, "Restart of the Pole Sea Listening to Thunder" scored as high as 8.4 points in the Douban movie, firing the first shot of the summer file campaign.

Yu Huanxuan starred in "Restart the Extreme Sea Listening to Thunder" Wu Sansheng San uncle's appearance has attracted much attention
Yu Huanxuan starred in "Restart the Extreme Sea Listening to Thunder" Wu Sansheng San uncle's appearance has attracted much attention
Yu Huanxuan starred in "Restart the Extreme Sea Listening to Thunder" Wu Sansheng San uncle's appearance has attracted much attention

Wu Sansheng (Third Uncle), played by Yu Huanxuan in "Restarting the Extreme Sea Listening to Thunder", is full of mystery in the original work, and many fans look for the true appearance of this version of the Third Uncle on the Internet on the eve of the broadcast. Yu Huanxuan appeared in front of the audience from the first act after the first episode was launched and caused heated discussion - from "My third uncle has a face from now on", "This third uncle looks very good Wu family", "The actors who play the Wu family are somewhat similar" This evaluation can be seen that the choice of the role of Wu San Province is still very successful.

The opening description of the play is that Wu SanSheng and the archaeological team stationed next to the ancient tomb with Xiao Wu Evil and the archaeological team encountered a monster sneak attack when they went down to the tomb to save their companions, and just when the audience marveled at the sudden downline of the third uncle, the adult Wu Evil woke up from the nightmare. From Wu Xie's inner monologue, it can be learned that the third uncle has been missing for many years. A tomb accident let Wu Xie know that he had not had much time, and at this time, the mobile phone left by the third uncle suddenly sent a password text message from the third uncle, which rekindled hope for Wu Xie, who had given up looking for it. Wu Xie reorganized, gathered the Iron Triangle and the new partners he met along the way, followed the layers of clues left by the third uncle, and embarked on an adventure with laughter and tears.

Yu Huanxuan starred in "Restart the Extreme Sea Listening to Thunder" Wu Sansheng San uncle's appearance has attracted much attention
Yu Huanxuan starred in "Restart the Extreme Sea Listening to Thunder" Wu Sansheng San uncle's appearance has attracted much attention
Yu Huanxuan starred in "Restart the Extreme Sea Listening to Thunder" Wu Sansheng San uncle's appearance has attracted much attention

Yu Huanxuan can be said to be a masterpiece recently, opening the screen domination mode, playing Ding Rong in the just-completed costume detective network drama "Fourteen Years of Chenghua", and is a poison master with full skills and loyalty and courage. In the word-of-mouth blockbuster "QingPing Le" released at the same time, he played the obsessive painter Cui Bai, and starred with Guo Jingfei and Wang Luodan in the "first 8K full-process production" urban theme TV series "Shanghai for Two People" that has just been completed, playing the elite white-collar Dai Shiping, and Wang Luodan's Wen Jia has inextricably linked emotional entanglements. Yu Huanxuan's role as Wu Sansheng in "Restart the Pole Sea Listening to Thunder" is a new attempt, which is bound to diversify on the road of actors. "Restart of the Extreme Sea Listening to Thunder" on the first day of the start of the appearance of the third uncle has attracted a lot of attention, as an important figure throughout the play, "where did the third uncle go", "what is the identity of the third uncle", "the third uncle is not the ultimate boss behind the scenes", how many secrets does this high-value third uncle have, we can explore the answer together in the play.