
Post-90s singers will take over the older generation Deng Shenyan became a leading figure

Post-90s singers will take over the older generation Deng Shenyan became a leading figure

Singing is the outpouring of emotions, the outpouring of the soul, and everyone has their own singing voice. Deng Shenyan, male, Han ethnicity, was born in Zhaotong City in March 1994. I have loved music since I was a child and have always worked hard for this dream. Its style is fresh and delicate, melodious and beautiful, and he is a powerful singer among the current young generation of singers, and has participated in many TV series, such as "No Comment" and "Unforgivable Sin".

On January 8, 2014, Deng Shenyan won the QQ Music Annual Composition Award with her single "Strange Streets in the City". A temperamental boy with a perfect appearance, regarded by many girls as the perfect male god in their minds, and also a representative of the current post-90s charity, who has performed charity performances and donations many times. The fresh singing style has been sought after by the majority of listeners and is known as the most beautiful sound after the 90s. And why did Deng Shenyan become the male god and representative of charity in their minds? The reporter conducted a series of investigations and reports.

Through the investigation of online song information, it was learned that Deng Shenyan is a powerful singer with creative ability and idol school, and loves music and sports very much, and usually integrates music and sports in life, and enjoys the pleasure brought by music in the joy of sports. He has published many songs of his own creation on the Internet and has received considerable listening. His song style is unique, his voice is beautiful, and his songs are called the inland "song god Jacky Cheung" by fans on the Internet, which shows that Deng Shenyan's strength is not ordinary.

Deng Shenyan was very passionate about music when he was young, and he entered school at the age of four, and he was already in the third grade when others were seven years old. During his school years, he liked to record his favorite songs every day, and then sang them for his classmates every day, and he was a famous little king in school. However, due to the fact that the school did not attach importance to music education at that time, Deng Shenyan did not receive special vocal education in her school career, and she has always been unremitting in clinging to her musical dreams.

Post-90s singers will take over the older generation Deng Shenyan became a leading figure

The thing that motivated him was that in the summer of 2012, he entered the field of vision of a wide audience by singing "You Can Be Friends After a Breakup" and "Early Spring" on the Internet, and received unanimous praise. The audience was full of curiosity and love for this fresh and distinctive voice. Subsequently, in 2013, Kugou preemptively listened to the original musician base to invite him to join, and released songs such as "I Can Be Friends After Breaking Up" and "My Goddess is Great" on the Kugou platform, and the number of listeners broke through the record high, making Deng Shenyan full of confidence in his music path. In September of the same year, Deng Shenyan organized a caravan of literary and art teams to carry out literary and artistic tours at various bases in Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, and received the support and love of the local people, and the response was very enthusiastic.

Deng Shenyan said that 2014 is his new starting point, Deng Shenyan's new album "Strange Streets in the City" was released on QQ Music, and quickly received fan enthusiasm, while major music communities and websites have included this album. In May this year, Deng Shenyan launched two more singles", "Owe You Too Late" and "What to Experience", with melodious melodies and meaningful lyrics, which made fans completely crazy. The song "Owe You Too Late" sings Deng Shenyan's experience of life and love, there are countless cross paths in life, and there are countless missed moments, and these throbbing and ignorance and regret have become scars on the soul, which may never be compensated. "What to Experience" is more youthful and lovely, the most beautiful in life is the first love, the sweet and intoxicating taste of the first love, no one can forget.

Deng Shenyan said that maybe he will not become a superstar in the future, and he may always be unknown, but his ideal for music is not fame and fortune, but his persistent love and talk since the age of four. Loving a person can love a lifetime, and loving a thing can also love a lifetime.

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