
Mother tongue: there is a house, a car and a baby, why are you still unhappy? The child tore the fig leaf of marriage

author:Bob'er Zou

What does the continuation of married life depend on?

Love? Affection? Still is...... child

Mother tongue: there is a house, a car and a baby, why are you still unhappy? The child tore the fig leaf of marriage

The camera slowly moves to the left, and the walls are plastered with photographs, a picture of a man and a woman, warm.

European-style furniture, melodious cello music moves with the camera.

From the corner of the house, you can see that this is this small villa, very stylish, and the owner of this room is very exquisite.

Mother tongue: there is a house, a car and a baby, why are you still unhappy? The child tore the fig leaf of marriage

Zhang Xin (Fang Zhongxin) and Fang Yun (Wang Pei) are the couple who smile beautifully in the photo.

The couple has not been together for more than half a year, 2 people in the evening, the mood is just when Fang Yun called a pause, she reached out and grabbed the TT on the head of the bed.

The tone of the picture is yellow, which has a warm meaning. The light came from the side, illuminating the woman's forehead and Fang Zhongxin's shirtless back. Tenderness with a deadly sexiness, unfortunately... Such a nice atmosphere was extinguished by a TT

The originally humiliating scene suddenly stopped, and the 2 people began to bargain face to face.

Zhang Xin said that it was rare to see once in half a year and did not want to have close contact with rubber. Fang Yun said that she did not want to have another miscarriage, which was not good for her health and also affected her work.

Mother tongue: there is a house, a car and a baby, why are you still unhappy? The child tore the fig leaf of marriage

What do you think of a happy life?

Don't worry about the next meal. Have a stable income

Don't worry about treatment for illness, except for basic income. And extra money

I can travel every year. Have a free time

And the other half understand each other, understand each other, respect and love each other. Have a confidant

These "Mother Tongue" male and female protagonists have, they also have an indoor swimming pool, and the indoor viewing area is larger than Professor Du's home.

The house is wide and comfortable in the American style, surrounded by vegetation, which highlights the owner's sense of culture and nobility, as well as romantic feelings.

These external abundances contrast with those of the male and female protagonists.

The wider the house, the more they can see the narrowness of their hearts.

The more they live, the more they can appreciate the poverty in their hearts.

Mother tongue: there is a house, a car and a baby, why are you still unhappy? The child tore the fig leaf of marriage

Zhang Xin wants a child, but unfortunately Fang Yun is not in good health, and she falls pregnant, and she does not want to have another life.

Although the two did not break up on this, Zhang Xin's desire for children became stronger and stronger. He also complained about Fang Yun.

The buddies came to the house to play, and when it came to the children, Zhang Xin said that the two of them ploughed the ground every three forks and five minutes, or a saline land, and it was difficult to want a baby.

Zhang Xin's identity is not explained, from just a few words can know that he is engaged in research, or specialized in foreign research, applied for N research projects.

Identity and thought cannot be matched, although I have drunk foreign ink, I still retain traditional thoughts in my heart.

The brothers suggested that Zhang Xin find a surrogate, Zhang Xin was worried that his wife would not agree, and the brothers casually said "She does not agree with you to change one", Zhang Xin did not say anything

From the C-drama duel of 2 couples to Zhang Xin's complaints, it is implied that the family has a hole and leaked.

Mother tongue: there is a house, a car and a baby, why are you still unhappy? The child tore the fig leaf of marriage

Zhang Xin asked Fang Yun to talk about surrogacy, and this time his wife agreed. She said lightly that as long as it was the two of them, she had no problem.

Zhang Xin began to audition for the surrogate mother, called a professional company, interviewed one after another, and did not like it, until Li Yan (Qin Lan) appeared.

Zhang Xin saw that Li Yan's expression was very subtle, he looked at Li Yan for 3 seconds, turned his head and smiled. At this time, no one spoke at all, and this laugh was strange.

My understanding is that Zhang Xin has a good feeling for Li Yan, and he looks at this good-looking girl and replaces embarrassment with laughter. Zhang Xin's requirements for surrogacy are not only a healthy body, but also a good appearance, which is not like surrogacy.

This is very much like Zhang Ailing's red roses and white roses, both like the brilliance of red roses and desire the purity of white roses, this shot hints at Zhang Xin's emotional change.

Mother tongue: there is a house, a car and a baby, why are you still unhappy? The child tore the fig leaf of marriage

The appearance of Li Yan is a great joy for everyone.

Zhang Xin can be a father

Fang Yun no longer felt guilty about not being able to have children, and she thought that as long as she had children, the family would be complete

Li Yan had money and solved the family's urgent needs

The success of surrogacy is a happy thing, and it is also the beginning of the disintegration of this marriage relationship...

Mother tongue: there is a house, a car and a baby, why are you still unhappy? The child tore the fig leaf of marriage

Mother Tongue is an adaptation of a true story.

A couple almost divorced in order to have a child, and the wife agreed to surrogacy because she thought that as long as there was a child, the family could still be successful.

But after surrogacy, the contradictions continued.

The contradiction between the surrogate mother and the wife for the child; the contradiction between the husband and wife; the ambiguous relationship between the husband and the surrogate mother...

Some people commented that this surrogate mother is not kind, and wants to borrow the baby to get on the position and kick away the original match.

In fact, if you take a closer look, you will find that before the surrogate mother appeared, this home was already full of holes.

I don't know if it was Fang Zhongxin's expression problem, he had almost no expression the whole time, a dead fish face. Assuming that he is shaping the character, it can only imply that the male protagonist has already had a sense of burnout for this marriage. The only time his eyes lit up

The first sight of Li Yan

Know the moment of successful pregnancy

The film uses the lens to illustrate a man's understanding of marriage.

Mother tongue: there is a house, a car and a baby, why are you still unhappy? The child tore the fig leaf of marriage

Zhang Xin is a delicate and gentle man who has drunk foreign ink, but in his bones he is extremely traditional.

Enjoy the feeling of having someone around

After Zhang Xin returned to China, the subject was rejected, he was depressed, and Fang Yun video said this, thinking of nagging a few words, the result of Fang Yun hurriedly hung up the video, she has an interview to do.

Li Yan knocked on the door and brought a bowl of hot noodles, saying that he was afraid that he was hungry if he had not eaten.

Enjoy the feeling of being dependent

Li Yan's stomach is getting bigger and bigger, saying that swimming is helpful for production, but Li Yan can't swim, and she flutters in the water. Zhang Xin couldn't look away, he stood in the pool, put his hand on Li Yan's neck, and gently told her how to breathe and how to kick her legs.

The child is about to be born, Zhang Xin installs a crib for the child, and Li Yan accompanies the chat. Chatting about Li Yan, she said that she felt that this child was like her own, and after she said it, she lowered her head, as if she had done something wrong. Zhang Xin comforted her, in fact, she is also a child's mother.

Li Yan had never done these fang rhymes before.

Fang Yun supported him to go abroad to do research, supported his projects, gave him encouragement, and guarded this room... But she will not lower her eyebrows, and she will not be tenderly dependent. Fang Yun has an opinion, a goal, and is independent.

Mother tongue: there is a house, a car and a baby, why are you still unhappy? The child tore the fig leaf of marriage

Zhang Xin's role selection of Fang Zhongxin is quite appropriate, allowing us to see the romance and fragility of an exquisite middle-aged man.

After the child was born, Fang Yun wanted to be close to the child, but every time the child cried. Only Li Yan could be persuaded, and looking at the child in Li Yan's arms, Fang Yun was particularly sad in her heart.

Zhang Xin looked at his wife's anxiety in his eyes, and at the same time saw the reluctance of Li Yan's children, he just stood quietly and did not speak.

Zhang Xin used silence to show the helplessness of men.

When facing the child crying, he can't do anything, hoping that Li Yan will quickly coax the child to be well;

When faced with his wife's sadness, he did not have a word of pleasure, like an outsider.

Through the lens, you see a man's extreme desire for emotion. The tall appearance contrasts strongly with the softness of the heart.

The director digs into the true heart of a man. This means that you don't look at men five big and three thick, in fact, men also need to care, but also overwhelmed, unable to reach.

Mother tongue: there is a house, a car and a baby, why are you still unhappy? The child tore the fig leaf of marriage
Mother tongue: there is a house, a car and a baby, why are you still unhappy? The child tore the fig leaf of marriage

Fang Yun went to the disaster area for interviews and adopted an orphan, a girl. When she carried the child home and called Zhang Xin's father, Zhang Xin looked confused.

Zhang Xin hugged Li Yan, who was crying bitterly, and he wrapped her in his arms, just in time to be seen by Fang Yun who entered the door. He explained to Fang Yun that there was nothing between him and the surrogate mother.

Zhang Xin is a contradictory man, and his feelings are pulled under traditional ideas and higher education.

In traditional thought, it is the mother of his child who bears the child for him, and it is recognized.

This can be seen from his mother's intimacy with Li Yan, when a table of people eats, his mother sits next to Li Yan, smiling and picking vegetables for her, and hanging Fang Yun aside.

When her mother heard that there was a queen, she rushed to come, and it seemed that Li Yan opened her mouth and said, "Me and your father..."

But after all, he still received education for so many years, and he thought that Fang Yuncai should be the person he liked, they had been sharing happiness and suffering for so many years, supporting each other and understanding each other. pity...... You can't have a baby.

His kindness to Li Yan is entirely because this woman has his child in her belly, and so does his patient care, as for feelings? My understanding is that it is only a temporary heat of mind.

Seeing the end, you will be confused: what Zhang Xin wants, it seems that he is also very good to his wife Fang Yun, and he is also very good to the surrogate mother.

It feels like he loves his wife's independence and indulges in the tenderness of a surrogate mother.


Zhang Xin is very clear-headed, he is gentle in front of Li Yan, and he is an understanding husband in front of Fang Yun, but... He didn't want any of these 2 women, he wanted a child.

Whether it is a wife or a surrogate mother, Zhang Xin is kind to everyone and has an indecisive personality, but she is obsessed with one thing: passing on the generations.

This is a very deceptive man, seemingly warm, but in fact cold and affectionate inside.

Mother tongue: there is a house, a car and a baby, why are you still unhappy? The child tore the fig leaf of marriage

Fang Yun left very freely, and she clearly saw the difference in thinking between her and Zhang Xin.

She eventually understood that having a child with 2 genes means nothing to feelings, and that shedding the same blood does not equal having a complete home.

In addition to blood, there is also fate. The relationship between husband and wife is like this, so is the relationship between parents and children, and home is the great fusion of blood and fate.

One values blood, one values emotion. One tradition, one autonomy. Not the same people, can never go to the end, even if they have a mansion, they will eventually become an empty house.

Li Yan, who had been holding her son and not letting go, left

Fang Yun took the girl to live alone and chose divorce

Zhang Xin took her son and went to the United States

Having a car and a house and a deposit is not a home, and having a baby is not a home... Home, what is home?

Mother tongue: there is a house, a car and a baby, why are you still unhappy? The child tore the fig leaf of marriage

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