
Ballack: Mourinho is not to blame Mourinho for his retirement, which is related to the departure of the treble coach from germany

author:After losing

In the eyes of many Premier League stars, Mourinho treated Dele Alli the same way Zidane treated Bale – the coaching staff put on the table the attitude that they did not need the player. Although former Chelsea star Hasselbaink is justifying Mourinho's moves, he also said that the "madman" directly criticized Ali at the press conference for "leading the battle" to the white hart lane locker room, and will also bring insecurity to other self-disciplined players, making them feel that "it is difficult for me to meet the requirements of the Portuguese coach". Roy Keane, who likes to grasp some of Mourinho's details, said that although Martial is not in good shape and does not live up to expectations, he seems to understand the frenchman's difficulties under Mourinho, and they think that Schuller's early retirement is also related to the pressure given by the magic bird.

Ballack: Mourinho is not to blame Mourinho for his retirement, which is related to the departure of the treble coach from germany

"Xu Sanduo" is a former genius teenager in German football, who assisted Götze in the Final of the World Cup in Brazil at the age of 22 and scored a killer goal. However, the peak of his career seems to be stuck in this final, and he announced that he hung up his boots at the age of 29. In some football programs, Schüller said that he lost confidence under Mourinho for a while, although the two later maintained a good mentor-apprentice relationship, but it also caused the player to change his plans for the future of his career. Ballack, the former captain of the German team and a Chelsea star, clarified some unfavorable statements about Mourinho: "André (Schueller) retired early and did not blame José Mourinho. Because Ba Xiong himself is a proof that the Blues he played for "Mu I" also have problems with ageing injuries.

Ballack: Mourinho is not to blame Mourinho for his retirement, which is related to the departure of the treble coach from germany

Fortunately, the former captain was strong enough in willpower, but Shevchenko, who went to Stamford Bridge at the same time, was not so lucky. At that time, some people would say that Sheva was injured at that time, but Barak was also injured a lot, why did the two develop under Mourinho so differently? Abu wanted to get the Ballon d'Or winner over, but the star wasn't the player needed in the Madman's scum system, it was one aspect. Another point ba xiong also hinted: Shevchenko had not adjusted in terms of mentality, and he had not yet stepped out of his position as a unique shooter under Ancelotti. From these things, it can be concluded that "Xu Sanduo" hung up his boots early and could not blame Mourinho, so who is to blame? The former captain of the German chariot spoke of one man – Bayern Treble coach Flick.

Ballack: Mourinho is not to blame Mourinho for his retirement, which is related to the departure of the treble coach from germany

"Andre's early retirement is actually related to Flick's departure from the German team." Barack said this, some people may wonder, Schuller is not the proud disciple of the triple crown coach, the intersection of the two is also in the National Team of brazil's World Cup preparation cycle, what does Ba Xiong mean by this? After the 14-year World Cup, Klose, Ram and Mertesack, several meritorious veterans, bid farewell to the German team with the glory of the Hercules Cup, which marked the end of a glorious era for the Legion of Will. At the same time, the person who left the team was Lew's assistant coach At the time, Flick, who represented the "chores" of the German coaching staff and "took power" more than Erkhov.

Ballack: Mourinho is not to blame Mourinho for his retirement, which is related to the departure of the treble coach from germany

Veteran German fans know that Barack has a conflict with the national team leader Bierhoff, and taking this opportunity, Ba Xiong of course wants to say a good word about a series of inappropriate operations after Flick bid farewell to the Loew coaching staff. Once upon a time, Mateus, Klose and other German stars gave the impression that they were late in life, old and strong, but at this stage, the former internationals of the German chariot seemed to have hung up their boots early, Andes retired at the golden age of central defenders, and only 31-year-old Bend Twins also had to hang up their boots at the end of the 20-21 season, schüller was just one of the typical examples, which shows that after the departure of the treble coach, Bierhoff's general direction to German football is not suitable for the development of players at the peak.

Ballack: Mourinho is not to blame Mourinho for his retirement, which is related to the departure of the treble coach from germany

Flick was still on the Loew coaching staff, and he insisted on using a group of players who were twenty-six or seven years old and could encounter bottlenecks, rather than young players in their early twenties. This not only gives the national team a stable opportunity for development, but also gives hope to some international footballers who no longer have an age advantage. After the author found out that the former Borussia Moncheng coach Black Gold said, taking Cramer as an example, twenty-two or three years old may be his technical awareness is not mature, but it is a period when he is very easy to be selected for the German team. At the age of twenty-seven or eight, with mature technology and the will corps still lacking in the position of the back, "Little Halo" did not qualify for the national team, because his career was not particularly outstanding and did not come from Bayern. There is still Durm in the same situation, so Ballack will say that Schüller's early retirement has to do with the treble coach leaving germany and has nothing to do with Mourinho.

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