
Looking for a good way out? Sun Yang became a shareholder of five companies

author:Oriental Sports Daily

Three Olympic gold medals and 11 World Championships, which, along with many other honors, remain under Sun Yang's name. However, Sun Yang's desire to return will not be diluted by this difficulty.

Looking for a good way out? Sun Yang became a shareholder of five companies

According to conventional thinking, sun Yang has two paths in front of him. One is his disclosure to the outside world, "I think I will stay up to Paris (2024 Paris Olympic Games)", that is, continue to practice in the pool. The other is to say goodbye to athlete status and transform into a new career that is related to swimming or less closely related. However, at a time when the ban is on and the personal image is no longer what it used to be, both paths are difficult.

Sun Yang not only disappeared from the arena and training ground, but also in the public activities and public exposure of sports, entertainment, business and other related platforms, he is also in an invisible state.

On December 22 last year, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court upheld Sun Yang's appeal request, revoking the eight-year ban imposed by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) and initiating retrial proceedings. Interestingly, on the same day, five limited companies named after Sun Yang completed their registration in Haidian District, Beijing. The registered capital of these five companies is 100,000 yuan, and the legal person and executive director of the company are all served by sun quanhong, who holds 98% of the shares. At the same time, Sun Yang and his mother Yang Ming each hold 1% of the shares in these five companies, and Yang Ming also serves as a manager.

Looking for a good way out? Sun Yang became a shareholder of five companies

Judging from the business scope of these five companies, it can be said that Sun Yang is being rationally unfolded from the starting point.

Sun Yang Sports Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Sun Yang Brokerage (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Sun Yang Sports Club (Beijing) Co., Ltd., the business scope of these three companies overlaps to a large extent, covering sports project management, sports agent services, sports brokerage services, sports exhibition services, organization of sports competitions, sports performance services, sporting goods and equipment sales.

Sun Yang Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd., it is aimed at advertising production and release, organizing cultural and artistic exchange activities (excluding commercial performances), cultural exhibition services, corporate image planning consulting, etc.

Among these five companies, Sun Yang Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. is the one that seems to have the most sense of distance from Sun Yang's professional director, and its business scope includes technology development, transfer and promotion, as well as the sale of computers and auxiliary equipment, as well as the import and export of goods, technology import and export, product design, public relations services, etc.

As his personal image fell into a state of being questioned and questioned, Sun Yang's commercial value has fallen to the lowest point of his personal career. There have been many variety shows, waiting in line for his schedule, there have been many commercial brands, with high-priced contracts to invite, but after the International Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) first gave a ban of 8 years in February last year, although his gold medal is not less, but the aura has faded, and has become the object of "avoidance" by all parties.

Even after Sun Yang's father registered five companies in one go, in the past six months, Sun Yang's career line is still in a stagnant state, and there is no new improvement at present.

Of course, in terms of historical income, Sun Yang can afford to spend. From winning two gold medals at the 2012 London Olympics, his athletic performance "took off", directly proportional to his commercial value. After Li Na retired, Sun Yang became the most "gold-absorbing" Chinese athlete and maintained this strong momentum until he was targeted by the World Anti-Doping Agency. Therefore, even if it is still in a state of being "avoided" for a long time in the future, Sun Yang's material confidence is enough to make most domestic athletes unattainable.

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