
Exclusive secret Of Alls New General Manager Sun Jian of Changchun Mobile Just transferred from the head of the provincial company department this year

author:Operator Finance

Operator Finance Wu Bihui/Wen

Jilin Mobile in recent years performance losses seriously, not only replaced a leader, as an important municipal company - Changchun Mobile also just replaced a leader shortly this year, this time the operator financial network tried to reveal the new Changchun Mobile general manager Sun Jian, I don't know if he can take on a heavy responsibility?

Exclusive secret Of Alls New General Manager Sun Jian of Changchun Mobile Just transferred from the head of the provincial company department this year

According to the data, Sun Jian just took over the position of general manager of Changchun Mobile around May this year, and the former Zhan Peiliang is not yet aware of the specific movements, and such adjustments may be related to the performance of the three major local operators.

The data shows that Jilin Mobile once had a serious loss in recent years, once from a profit of 1 billion a year to a loss of 1 billion a year, so last year from the strong provincial company Anhui Mobile transferred a new leader Jiang Feng, in addition to the excellent performance of Jiangxi Mobile to transfer liu Qinghua, a deputy general manager proficient in marketing, and from Henan Mobile, which ranked in the top five in terms of revenue scale, bai tao, deputy general manager, which made employees see some hope.

However, Changchun has always been the most important market for the three major operators in Jilin Province, and in the first half of last year, Changchun Telecom was listed as the fourth place in the group's prefectural and municipal branches. At the same time, in the first half of this year, Jilin Unicom also began to turn around losses.

These are actually alarm bells for Jilin Mobile. So a few months ago, the general manager of Changchun Mobile made adjustments, and Sun Jian, the former general manager of the engineering construction department of Jilin Mobile, took over.

Sun Jian is naturally proficient in the construction of network engineering, which is of great help to the reversal of the company's performance. After all, after the network is built, local users, government and enterprise customers will no longer be lost, and the performance improvement is needless to say.

In addition, Sun Jian also succeeded Jin Wei as the general manager of Tonghua Mobile in 2012, and now Jin Wei has been promoted to deputy general manager of Jilin Mobile, and after 2014, Sun Jian has become the head of the provincial company department. That is to say, Sun Jian is not only proficient in network construction, but also has the management experience of the prefectural and municipal branches, so that he shoulders this burden is naturally a recognition of his ability.

At present, the pressure of Jilin Mobile is very large, and friends and businessmen have improved, and now we can only see whether Sun Jian can take the lead.

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