
Liu Zichen fat into a pig? Lin Zijun on the golden eye? Guo Zixin is back? Cat Sister regrets plastic surgery?

author:Influencers unveiled

Liu Zichen was fat

Some netizens met Liu Zichen in Beijing to drink afternoon tea, and the encounter was not the focus, the focus was that Liu Zichen was fat, and the "snake essence face" that had once been on fire had also become a "gyroscopic face".

It seems that everyone misunderstood him at the beginning, he looked like a natural face, if the plastic surgery is willing to make the face fat, or then the whole thing is not thin back, so everyone must have misunderstood him.

It is not impossible to see "Japanese-Russian mixed race" in this way.

Liu Zichen fat into a pig? Lin Zijun on the golden eye? Guo Zixin is back? Cat Sister regrets plastic surgery?

Lin Zijun had golden eyes

GoldenEye is really a treasure show, Xiaolin (Lin Zijun) wants to help the rich girl friend Xiao Mao through the program to get back the money that was cheated by Xiao Mao's boyfriend, after the program was broadcast, Xiao Zhang found the program to tell Xiao Mao that he was a liar, and Xiao Lin found that he was also cheated of 300W.

Roughly such a situation, the relationship between the characters in the show is far more complicated than this, you can go to see if you want to see, after all, the red sister is not very clear.

It turns out that Internet celebrities also have times when they are deceived...

Liu Zichen fat into a pig? Lin Zijun on the golden eye? Guo Zixin is back? Cat Sister regrets plastic surgery?

Guo Zixin returned

Netizens contributed Guo Zixin 5 months did not update Weibo, the last time disappeared many people said that the opening of beauty salons illegally ran away, this return to Weibo is only to show love, as for the disappearance of what is not mentioned.

There is also a reply to the husband under Weibo we do not know what is going on, we only heard that her previous private life was very messy, boyfriends everywhere, but on the love of this show seems to have stopped, so this time is true love?

Liu Zichen fat into a pig? Lin Zijun on the golden eye? Guo Zixin is back? Cat Sister regrets plastic surgery?

Cat sister regrets plastic surgery

Cat Sister Voice Live admitted that she did go for plastic surgery, but she was not too satisfied with the results of the plastic surgery, and because her face was still very swollen and ugly, although the wrinkles were gone, the whole face became very strange.

When there is no whole time to think about the whole, the whole and feel unnatural, regret is useless, and as long as it is not a big whole has nothing to worry about, if it is really a big whole, it should join the army of red faces.

Plastic surgery should still be considered clearly.

Liu Zichen fat into a pig? Lin Zijun on the golden eye? Guo Zixin is back? Cat Sister regrets plastic surgery?

Easy to burn sell brushes

A beauty blogger good beauty is not recommended, began to recommend the brush, easy to burn recently in their own videos began to sell brushes, but also said that there is no such brush in the country (to say that easy to burn the joint name is really the only one).

But if you want to say that the brush can not be found in China, it will be punched in the face by the big god on the little red book, and the brush is not a chip and cannot be found in China...

Red sister guessed that she may be a makeup is really not easy to sell, you can only find another way to sell brushes, otherwise what to do, the competition of Internet celebrity makeup is so fierce, you have to make money.

Liu Zichen fat into a pig? Lin Zijun on the golden eye? Guo Zixin is back? Cat Sister regrets plastic surgery?

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