
Middle School Entrance Examination Essay Series: Suspense and Care (Wuye Composition Class)

author:The sound of autumn leaves

Suspense and care


The suspense of the door

The door to the school hall was kicked.

Poor door. Since the day I pressed it, there has hardly been a day without being kicked. The thirteen or fourteen-year-old child is the age of Sahuan'er. Opening doors with your feet and closing doors with your feet has long been an unsurprising mass practice.

The director of education was so distracted by this that he had posted various warnings on the door, but they did not work. He went to the headmaster: Simply, change it to an iron door -- let them "nibble" on the iron guy. The headmaster smiled and said, rest assured, I have ordered the strongest door. Soon, the broken door was torn down and the new door was installed.

The new door seems to be quite 'popular', and it has not been kicked once since it was installed. The children walked to the door and always involuntarily slowed down. The sun swirled with the door, and the brilliant gold sprinkled the children's faces. At the moment of crossing, the children felt the joy of loving and being loved.

How can this door not be strong—it holds a full amount of trust, it boldly hands over a fragile dream to the children, so that they learn to cherish and care in the beautiful fear.

It's a glass door.

Strange police officer

  A woman passed a man at the entrance as she returned to her apartment. Although she felt that the man

Zi was a little concerned, but didn't think too much about it, so he walked over.

  Not long after, the woman saw on television the news of the murder in the apartment where she lived.

  Some time later, a police officer came to visit the woman's residence and said that he wanted to ask her if she had seen any suspected criminals.

  For an instant, the woman thought of the man who had passed by the entrance before. But because I don't remember much,

  She thought that maybe there was no connection, so she didn't tell the story.

  Not long after that, the woman saw the news of the murderer's arrest on television. The face of the prisoner on the TV was that of the criminal police officer who had recently come to the door to inquire.

Death of a boyfriend

  There was a couple who drove home after a day of dating. Just as they were about to reach their destination, the two parked their cars on the side of the road and enjoyed the warmth of parting in the car. However, when they wanted to drive away, they found that the car could not move. The boyfriend helplessly decided to go out for help and asked his girlfriend to lock the car

Don't leave the car.

  The girl obeyed her boyfriend's words and obediently stayed in the car and waited. But unconsciously, she heard something rubbing against the roof of the car. Although the girl was very frightened, she still kept her promise to her boyfriend and did not leave the car for half a step. However, the strange voice kept echoing in the girl's ears, and she didn't want to leave for a long time.

  In the end, the girl was rescued by passers-by at dawn. When she looked up, she found her boyfriend hanging from a street tree.

  The eerie sound that terrified the girl all night turned out to be the sound of her boyfriend's feet rubbing against the roof of the car.

Smart friend, have you read the above three texts and found the suspense and care in them?

First, what is suspense? What does suspense do?

The so-called suspense is a way of setting up a question or contradiction in a certain part of the article (either at the beginning or in the middle) to create a certain psychological state of eager expectation and enthusiastic concern of the reader. Because suspense is an urgent requirement for interest to continue to extend forward and to know what will happen later, so the suspense is set well, and it can receive the artistic effect of attracting the reader to read it with tension or concern.

  To set up suspense in the work, one is to make the narrative avoid flat and straight narrative, so that the article fluctuates and enhances the vividness and twists; the other is to attract readers and firmly grasp the reader's heart. When a common folk storyteller "sells a pass" when he tells a book, he is also taking advantage of the psychology that people always have the psychology of "wanting to know what will happen later" and use suspense to grab the audience.

Second, the way of suspense:

1. Process suspense. The proposal, deciphering, and completion of a suspense is often the complete conclusion of an independent event, and is a relatively complete expression of the subject (the essay "The Second Examination" is of this kind). This kind of suspense is not only a narrative method, but also a method of conception. Therefore, this kind of suspense must have a certain length from setting to completion. As far as an essay is concerned, suspense should not be set too much, generally one or two are on the line, do not pursue "five minutes of an excitement point" like Hollywood movies.

2. Twists and turns. In the process of narrative, suspense is constantly created, so that the narrative itself pursues an artistic effect of suspense and twists and turns.

3. Residual suspense. Pending, it can leave the reader with room for imagination and make the article meaning endless.

4, the suspense of the topic: my "alternative" dad tears of flowers The sunshine is not gentle today

Please read the following two texts carefully, find out the suspense, and tell us how the suspense is arranged.

   Night, like the night of lacquer

  In a grass hut halfway up the mountain, dim lights flashed out. There were two brothers sitting in the room. The older brother is in the third year of high school in the county this year, with excellent grades, and will be admitted to college next year; the younger brother is in the second grade of junior high school. My father died of illness three years ago. Outside the home, all by the mother alone, long-term overload labor, the mother is sick and bedridden, no one at home to work, the brothers decided to keep one at home, the other to continue to school.

  For a long time, there was no sound in the room. A strong wind blew through, the curtains on the doors hunted, and the flames kept beating.

  "Brother, you go to school, I'll stay at home." The younger brother said to the older brother. My brother didn't answer. Looking at his yellow-skinned brother, his heart ached. Do you go to school yourself and let your weak brother work at home? The brother walked over and stroked his brother's head, "Listen to your brother's words, you are still young, it is the time to study, the brother stays at home, you are at ease to study." "No, brother, you're going to school soon, you go to school, and I'll do the work at home."

  The brothers hugged each other tightly, and each could hear each other's heartbeat. Tears, silently flowing...

  Neither of the brothers could convince the other, and in the end they had to decide by casting lots.

  The younger brother found a pen and paper and leaned down on the table to write, and the brother stared at the dark night outside the house.

  "Brother, you should arrest it first." The brother turned around, froze for a moment, and grabbed a ball of paper from the table, which read: "Go to school."

  The younger brother looked at his brother and said, "Brother, your cast is school, I work at home, you go to school." ”......

  The older brother stared at the piece of paper in his hand, his heart fluctuated, and the younger brother was still so young, working at home would tire him out. No, I should let my brother go to school. He turned to see that his brother was gone in the house.

  The brother looked down and pondered for a moment, as if he suddenly understood something, and found the lump of paper from the paper basket of his brother, unfolded it, and it also said "Go to school." Suddenly, my brother understood everything. In order to let his brother catch it first, he would...

  Looking at a piece of crumpled paper in his hand, the brother's eyes flashed with tears, and his hands, trembling, slammed, and the brother turned around and shouted, "Brother..." Rushing towards the thick night outside the house.  

elder brother

  Brother, dark skin, thick arms like a strong cow; brother, rough voice, unkempt hair, like a toiling horse; brother, taciturn, get up early and touch the dark, like a donkey pulling and grinding. It is said that the brother was picked up, because the brother is a person who can work hard like an animal as long as he has food to eat, and he is the only one in the family

One of the labor force.

  The wind gently swept around, and the sound of brother panting was heard, and the drops of sweat of brother fluttered in the wheat waves, and in the sun, like pearls, they flew up and sank into the boundless wheat waves.

  Did my brother really pick it up? In the endless darkness I asked the stars that were still twinkling, perhaps they knew if the brother had come out of the mother's belly. ay! Thinking of my mother, remembering that as soon as I asked her brother if she had picked it up, she secretly wiped away tears, remembered the heartache and helpless look of my mother looking at her brother, and remembered... I guess brother didn't pick it up! The stars were speechless, and only boundless thoughts melted into the boundless darkness.

  However, finally one day, a car picked up ... Not brother, but me...

  The whole village was stunned, and the mother's thin body reclined on the threshold like a white paper that could not withstand kneading, and a few strands of yellow hair were sandwiched between the silver hairs and blown wildly in the wind.

  Brother, I think of my brother, and I desperately break free of the warm hands of my biological parents and rush to the wheat field. Under the sun, the brother's dark face rolled with water droplets, were they tears? Or Sweat? I stood on the field and let the tears flood my eyes, but I was no longer able to call out the heavy "Brother! ”

  Brother, looking at me with a smirk, said: "After I go back, I have more time to accompany my mother, and she has sacrificed a lot for you." ”

  Mother, mother sacrificed a lot for me, yes, mother sacrificed her own son, for me, the baby I picked up, so that I can sit in a spacious classroom today, my mother turned my brother into a livestock in the family.

  For countless days, my mother brought me a bowl of fragrant rice, but stuffed a hard nest for my brother, and I said to my mother, "This is not fair!" The mother only smiled and said, "You need nutrition when you go to school." ”

  I now understand that the fate of my brother and I was arranged by my mother, in the end my brother and my mother-in-law, or I and my mother-in-law, why did my mother do this? At this moment, we understand that there is something greater in this world than maternal love.

  It is like a spring of Ding Dong, nourishing my heart, like a warm ray of sunshine, giving me the strength to move forward, I want to ask my mother, am I more important than her son? Maybe it doesn't have to be, because the mother thinks so, which is the understanding of things by the mother, the kindest person.  

  Third, what is caregiving:

The things written in the front must have a fall in the back; the things written in the back must have an explanation in the front, which is what is called care. If the writing neglects to take care of it, it will cause a disconnect between the contexts, and the structure of the whole text will appear fragmented.

Fourth, the commonly used care methods:

  1. Take care of the end and end. The beginning and end of the article are far from each other. That is to say, the things described at the beginning or the questions raised are deepened or answered in various ways at the end, giving people the impression of ending and ending.

  2. The title of the essay should be taken care of. This method of care is often used in articles with more subtle titles or deeper meanings, and certain explanations and comments must be added. Therefore, the writing has a comment, description, and pointing effect on the title. Such as Lu Xun's "For the Remembrance of Forgetting".

  3. Dialogue response. It is to repeat it many times in the language of typical characters. For example, the mantra of Xiang Lin's sister-in-law in Lu Xun's "Blessings": "I am really stupid, really, I just know that when it snows, the wild beasts have no food in the mountain pass and will come to the village; I don't know that there will be spring." This sentence appears many times in the text, highlighting the heavy blow of the child's death to Xianglin's sister-in-law.

  4. Take care of the details. Vivid and typical details appear repeatedly, which can highlight the typical meaning of details. For example, in Ru Zhijuan's novel "Lily Flower", the hole in the small communicator's clothes appears four times, highlighting the shy and simple character of the little warrior.

  5. Keywords are taken care of. That is, the key words and phrases that express the main idea correspond to each other and complement each other in the writing.

  6. Suspense care. In the work, there is no immediate release, but repeated hints, so that the reader's interest in the fate of the characters or the outcome of the event is more and more intense.

  7. Foreshadowing. That is, before and after, in the process of description and narration, the author prompts or hints at the related characters or events in advance, that is, lays the foreshadowing, and naturally forms a care relationship after it appears. For example, Maupassant's short story "The Necklace".

Example sentence 1:

I asked myself the reason for living more than once, but each time I told myself a different answer, I used the same question to ask others, the answers were not the same, I was very confused, I tried to break free of this bondage, and faced only the silence of failure again and again.

  A cheerful cry of the cuckoo shattered the early morning silence and awakened my sleeping dream. Turning over and getting up, wandering to the window, suddenly finding that the world outside the window was so fresh, I couldn't help but have an urge to go out and walk, without much thought, put on a piece of clothing and go downstairs...

  The air was so fresh that I took a deep breath and walked aimlessly down the gravel path. The sky is so blue, the grass is so green, walking like this, thinking, the tiredness of the past few days has been blown away by this cool morning wind. A childish voice interrupted my thoughts, and I followed the prestige to see a little boy running toward me with a bouquet of flowers and saying, "Big brother, give you this." "Give me this. My heart couldn't help but tremble, and before I could say thank you, the lovely boy had run to his companion, still grimacing at me, and I smiled at him slightly, and my nose was on the flower, so fragrant! Unfortunately, I don't know what the name of this flower is.

  I continued to walk, a crisp erhu sound, mixed with a hoarse Beijing accent, resounded throughout Lin Yu, making people feel an experience that had never been experienced before, much more delicious than what they saw in the theater and on TV, although they could not see the figure, but the old man's relaxed demeanor was as if it were in front of your eyes. There was a step ahead, and a young man in a wheelchair was trying to rush up, and again and again, he failed, not knowing whether the mist had wet his clothes or whether the sweat had soaked his clothes. I was just about to go over to help him, but a butterfly-like figure had already arrived, she dropped a coin under the wheel, and then bent down to pick up the coin, pushed the wheelchair up the steps, a thank you, and then a polite sound, woven into the most beautiful music in the morning forest, the "butterfly" flicked its long hair, and disappeared into the mist.

  I walked back, thinking about the scene just now, I couldn't help but feel a burst of excitement in my heart, little boys, old people, "butterflies", young men, their figures kept filling my brain. I suddenly became enlightened, because people's experiences are different. Of course, there are thousands of reasons for them to live, and as they change with age, they will re-examine and position their reasons. No wonder there are so many answers. However, no amount of answer can be separated from three words: truth, goodness and beauty.

  Looking up again, the sun has revealed its face, the morning fog has dissipated, the sun shines on the body, it is very comfortable, it is good to be alive, what to do? My steps are getting bigger...

  Brief comment: This is a lyrical prose, the author takes the whereabouts of "I" as a clue, through the description of the words and deeds of "little boy", "old man", "butterfly", "young man", showing the colorful and colorful beauty of human nature, structurally, paying special attention to the care: "go downstairs", "continue to walk", "go back", "my steps have taken bigger..." constitute the main line of the whole text.

Example sentence 2

  Speaking of emotional intimacy and recognition of things, a small incident that happened between me and my classmate Li Ming in elementary school immediately came to my mind.

  That day, the class was holding a parent-teacher conference, and the parents were listening intently to the teacher's speech, when suddenly a harsh glass burst broke the silence. Looking at it, the glass of the window on the north side of the classroom was gone, and only I stood there outside the window ledge—I was in trouble. For some reason, as soon as my hand touched the glass, it fell. But no matter what, the glass is hit by me, the evidence is there, no matter how to escape, I must pay.

  After the parents' meeting, the mother who already knew that her son was in trouble took out 10 yuan to give me and asked me to compensate the glass, but until the money was handed over to the principal's hands, I still felt aggrieved in my heart, so why was the glass so untouched? The glass was broken and the money was lost, but it wasn't over so quickly.

  On this day, I suddenly saw Li Ming at the south window, I don't know what he was doing, look closely, he was actually pulling the nail nailed to the window sash? I suddenly remembered: Didn't he often pull the nails of the north window sash before? I suddenly realized: "I said how that piece of glass is so untouched, it turns out that the nails on the window were pulled out by this guy to nail his ship mold!" "Knowing the situation, I was very angry in my heart, and I was criticized by the principal, and my mother's hard-earned 10 yuan was also adrift. No, I'm going to report this to the principal and make a fuss for myself.

  But is it possible to do so? I hesitated again. You must know that Li Ming is the principal's son, not to mention that things have passed for such a long time, can Li Ming admit the account, even if he admits the account, the principal will certainly not "mention the old things again".

  However, I still reflected the matter to the principal with the attitude of trying it out. The headmaster, with a serious face, listened to my narration and told me, "You go back first, and this matter will be mentioned later." ”

  "Mention it later" is actually "never mention it again", I thought indignantly.

  To my surprise, two days later, the principal called me to the office and said to me kindly, "I'm really sorry, I asked about the glass, and the nails in the glass window were indeed my son who pulled out his ship model." After that, I must have criticized his act of destroying public property in the General Assembly. He said, took 10 yuan out of the draw and gave it back to me.

  Many years later, the glass incident in elementary school still remains in my memory, and I admire my elementary school principal, who has always had a great influence on me with his attitude of not knowing things in a pro-family way, and has become my code of conduct for future people. 

  Through the small matter of breaking glass, this essay expresses the truth that things cannot be recognized by emotional closeness and distance. In terms of structural arrangement, a typical three-stage structure is adopted. The opening chapter" "A small thing immediately appeared in my chest", the middle recalled the past, and the ending "Many years have passed, the glass incident in the elementary school is still in my memory", echoing from beginning to end, and the concept is complete.  

 Embrace the tree

One day, at the door of a fast food restaurant in Manhattan, New York, USA, a strange scene appeared: "[Opening suspense]

The strong man hugged the tree tightly, and his expression was sincere and touching. The people watching the bustle around were also very serious, and two people took pictures with their cameras. After a while, someone next to me greeted, "Hi, Daniel, all right." The strong man let go of his hands. 【Suspense again】

What's going on? It turned out that the strong man named Daniel was the owner of this fast food restaurant. He receives a lot of takeaway business every day and has to ride his bicycle to deliver the goods. In order to facilitate and prevent theft at the same time, Daniel locked his bicycle to a tree in front of the store with iron chains. Unexpectedly, a gentleman who loved trees saw it and wrote to the New York City Greening Administration, accusing Daniel of abusing trees. Soon after, Daniel received a notice of fine that read: Abuse of trees, fine of $1,000.

Daniel was taken aback and realized that he had violated the country's laws on greening and protecting trees. He admitted his mistake to the Greens Authority and requested leniency. 【Answer the suspense, take care of the previous article】

When the reporter interviewed the news, Daniel said: ". He also said that this incident gave him a profound lesson and made him deeply understand that nature provides people with conditions for survival, everyone has received the grace of nature, and we must consciously protect the ecological environment and live in harmony with nature. In this way, we have a green home.

Assignment: Write an essay on the topic of "Accident", pay attention to setting up suspense, and do it before and after.