
"Smile Charity Action" has helped more than 75,000 children with cleft lip and palate regain their smiles for 30 years

author:Two or three miles of information Hangzhou
"Smile Charity Action" has helped more than 75,000 children with cleft lip and palate regain their smiles for 30 years

City Express reported that "she must have watched too many cartoons when she was pregnant." ”

"How did you give birth to the 'Eight Precepts of the Pig'?"

"Children can't suck milk, what will they do in the future?"

The gossip of the relatives was stuck word by word on the heart of the young mother Xiao ju. In March 2016, at a hospital in Bijie, Guizhou, her son Changkui was born as a baby with a severe cleft lip and palate.

In our country, about one in every 600 newborns is born with cleft lip, palate or cleft lip and palate. Cleft lip and palate is caused by some protrusions of the maxillofacial surface during fetal development that are affected by some factors and do not develop or fuse normally, which may be related to genetics, nutrition, endocrine or infection, trauma, etc., and its formation mechanism is not yet fully understood. But Xiao Ju, who lacked this knowledge at that time, was often annoyed and felt that she had done something wrong to cause the child's pain.

"I don't know what to do, who to ask for help, just that I have to take on this responsibility." A year later, Xiaoju heard a good news: Smile Tomorrow Charity Foundation will provide free surgical treatment for children with congenital cleft lip and palate at the First People's Hospital of Bijie City, go to the hospital to register for screening, and meet the conditions to undergo surgery immediately.

It was then that Xiao Changkui underwent his first restorative surgery. His chief surgeon is Professor Shi Songmin, medical director of the Smile Tomorrow Charity Foundation, who has accompanied the Smile Charity Action for 30 years since his first medical volunteer participation in the public welfare activity of providing free surgery for children with cleft lip and palate in 1991.

Today is World Smile Day, and we wish the "Smile Charity Action" a happy 30th birthday!

Behind 75,000 baby rabbit lips regaining their smiles is 75,000 poignant stories

"As long as you see those children, you see those parents, that kind of expectant vision, you may go down this road like me." 」 Shi Songmin, 66, has been on the front lines of helping children with cleft lip and palate and has seen many stories similar to Xiao Changkui.

She once met a 72-year-old man who squatted in front of a hospital and refused to go, and because of his age and the risk of surgery, he did not pass the screening.

Shi Songmin still remembers it vividly. She asked the old man's son, "Why don't you go back?" The old man's son replied, "My father felt that he had come into this world with his mouth open, and he did not want to go back with his mouth open." When Shi Songmin heard these two words, his heart was sour, and he finally decided to perform surgery on the old man.

"Grandpa still has a hunchback and can't lie flat, so we put two pillows on the operating table so that the hunchback is level with the head." This invisibly raised the operating table, and then I stood on a large stool and gave him the surgery to do the operation. ”

In Qamdo, Tibet, a pair of siblings rode horses for three days, came to the hospital, and found Shi Songmin. The 17-year-old sister said that she listened to the local university student village official that A doctor from Qamdo could do cleft lip and palate repair surgery for free, so she brought her 2-year-old brother to seek medical treatment. All five of their siblings were cleft lip and palate patients, because a horse could only sit 2 people, and the other children missed the opportunity for that operation.

In the past 30 years, the footprints of the "Smile Public Welfare Action" project have traveled through more than 20 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China, helping more than 75,000 children with cleft lip and palate at home and abroad to regain their smiles.

In April this year, Xiao Changkui, who had just celebrated his 5th birthday, underwent a second free cleft lip and palate repair surgery in Liupanshui. The child recovered well, and when he went out again, the points that had been pointed out were gone, and it was rare for someone to see it, and they all gave a thumbs up and praised "the operation was too good." This fall, the little Changkui who has regained his smile can happily go to kindergarten.

700 healthcare workers took vacations to volunteer

Public welfare activities should be more meticulous, rigorous and efficient

The successful surgeries, the smiling faces that bloom again and again, are because there are about 700 medical volunteers like Shi Songmin: plastic surgeons, anesthesiologists, pediatricians, nurses... They pay not only love and affection, but also superb medical skills, a strong sense of responsibility and accumulated holidays.

Chang Jinping, a nurse in the plastic surgery department of Hangzhou Plastic Surgery Hospital, is also a senior volunteer who has been involved in the rescue activities of smiling cleft lip and palate since 1991. "Every event is an opportunity for academic exchange, the medical volunteers are very professional, and we can learn a lot of new knowledge." Jiang Ping said.

In 2011, she participated in the "Smile Public Welfare Action" held in Linyi, Shandong Province, when the leader of the anesthesia department was Qiao Qing, director of Run Run Shaw Hospital, and when making preparations, he asked for an additional oxygen cylinder in the general anesthesia surgery room. The local hospital has a center for oxygen supply, and it is difficult to understand why it is necessary to have an additional oxygen cylinder. Director Qiao said: "To ensure safety, we do charity activities, the social attention is very high, the work should be more meticulous, the consideration should be more thorough, and there can be no slightest mistake." ”

The centralized surgery of "Smile Public Welfare Action" generally has nearly 100 units, and the pace is very fast. The next day, in an orderly work, anesthesia machine in an operating room began to alarm, and it turned out that the oxygen supply pressure in the center was insufficient. Director Qiao immediately made a decision and connected the spare oxygen cylinder to resolve the crisis without affecting the patient or the operation. "It can be seen how critical the role played by experienced veteran volunteers is, and the collaboration and execution of a team is also very important." Jiang Ping said.

"Our free surgery is rigorous. Because for a baby with a rabbit lip, the number of surgeries that can be done in a lifetime is limited, he is not a test field. Dong Chenbin, deputy chief physician of pediatric plastic surgery at the Children's Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, attaches great importance to the "quality and quantity" of public welfare activities, and he participated in a seminar of "Smile Public Welfare Action". The conference brought together doctors who repaired cleft lip and palate in China, who discussed surgical methods, post-operative care, anesthesia, monitoring, etc., focusing on how to effectively make treatment better and safer. "It's not just a charity event, it's a bit like a research hospital, able to sink your heart to review, to reflect, to summarize."

In addition to professional medical volunteers, "Smile Public Welfare Action" also has more ordinary volunteers from loving enterprises and schools, undertaking volunteer services such as shooting, registration and guidance. Every child's bright smile is a joint effort of donors, volunteers, local government departments, hospitals and foundations.

"Smile Bank" went online

Save your happiest smile

Today is World Smile Day, and on this day every year, the Smile Charity Action will call on more people to pay attention to children with cleft lip and palate. Because of the epidemic, we have been wearing masks, and those moments of showing kindness with a smile seem precious. Do you have a beautiful smile on your phone or someone else's? Like what:

The first time when the water rocket was launched, the village children smiled happily;

Eat a hot lunch, the smiles of the elementary school students are satisfied;

Receiving the acceptance letter, the smile of the cold door students full of hope;

After completing a public welfare activity, the volunteers were tired and sincere smiles...

Collecting these smiles is like cherishing a happy memory. Smile Tomorrow Charity Foundation, Together with Tencent Charity and Xinshixiang, has jointly built a 24-hour × 365-day long-lasting online "Smile Bank", which has been launched at 22:00 on May 7. Scan this version of the QR code, pay attention to the "Smile Foundation", reply to the keyword "smile", you can store everyone's #Laughing Happiest Photos # and memories. These photos will be saved forever, and when you are unhappy, you can take them out at any time and gain the power to be happy again.

"Smile Bank" also invited 8 celebrity smile ambassadors such as Jin Chen, Jin Jing, Ma Li, Peng Yuchang, Song Zu'er, Wang Sutaki, Wu Xin, Zhou Bichang (in alphabetical order) to jointly "open business", and they will share their private photos and stories behind the smile.

Thirty and shining tomorrow there will be you

In the future, we will pay attention to all aspects of the baby rabbit lip

On the evening of May 8th, the 30th anniversary ceremony of the "Thirty and Bright Tomorrow with You" Smile Tomorrow Charity Foundation Smile Public Welfare Project will be held. Donors, volunteers, foundation staff, partners, etc. are the protagonists of this festival. Five volunteers and four donors will share their experiences with the Smile Action project in the form of TED Talks. Jin Chen, Hani Kezi, THE9-Zhao Xiaotang, THE9-Kong Xueer, Chen Songling, Li Xiaofeng, Bai Yufan, Zhou Zhengjie, Lu Yanqi, Sun Jialing, Yuan Baizihui, Meng Qin, Yan Shangjia and other caring stars also sent blessings and support.

"After so many years of practical experience, we have also found that it is not enough to rely on centralized free surgery again and again." Wu Wei, founder and chairman of the Smile Tomorrow Charity Foundation, said that in recent years, they have also cooperated with local hospitals to create a regional diagnosis and treatment center model, so that patients with cleft lip and palate can go to designated hospitals for free surgery at any time; at the same time, the project also selects and funds potential and caring young doctors from cooperative hospitals to go to well-known domestic hospitals for further study to improve the diagnosis and treatment level of grass-roots hospitals.

The "Smile Public Welfare Action" project is iterating, from simple cleft lip and palate repair, "evolution" to sequence treatment from birth defect monitoring, cleft lip and palate repair, orthodontic dentistry, speech training, as well as parenting guidance, psychological care and other comprehensive services, and will actively develop public welfare support in the field of major disease relief in the future.

Wu Wei said that today's rapid social and economic development, the people's material and cultural living standards have been generally improved, but there will inevitably be vulnerable groups in society that need help caused by diseases, accidents, environmental and other factors, which is the unshirkable responsibility of the charity foundation, "In the future, we will pour more care and support into many social issues such as healthy China, rural revitalization, science and technology for good, education upgrading, cultural conservation, community governance, environmental protection and so on."

Source: Hangzhou Net

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