
Ken Takakura forever: a male god of the film world with superb acting skills and high artistic integrity

author:Ping trace language

#日本的娱乐圈中, which star do you like the most? #

Speaking of favorite Japanese stars, the first thing that comes to mind is Ken Takakura, not only because the movies he starred in are familiar to our Chinese audiences, but also because of his noble character and highly respected.

Ken Takakura forever: a male god of the film world with superb acting skills and high artistic integrity

Ken Takakura was first familiar to the Chinese people because of the movie "Pursuit", the prosecutor Du Qiu, played by him, in order to find out the complicated case of collusion between the underworld and the business and political circles, did not hesitate to bear the notoriety of the procurator's involvement in the crime, risked his life to investigate the case while being pursued, and even disguised as a mentally ill person to lurk in the mental hospital to investigate the case, and finally brought the hidden criminals to justice. In this work, Ken Takakura left a deep impression on Chinese audiences with his unique performance style and tough screen image.

Ken Takakura forever: a male god of the film world with superb acting skills and high artistic integrity

One of the warmest characters he played was the "fugitive" Tajima Koho in "The Call of the Distant Mountains", who absconded to the Negawa wilderness of Hokkai because he accidentally killed the loan shark who forced his wife to death, and during the period when he was helping the cattle farmer Minzi's family, his industrious, kind and upright qualities deeply impressed Minzi and her son Takeshi, and just as he and Minko sparked a spark of love, the police pursuit also came to the fore.

Ken Takakura forever: a male god of the film world with superb acting skills and high artistic integrity

In the movie "Happy Yellow Handkerchief", he played the miner Island Yong as a drinker after mistakenly killing passers-by and went to prison, and his wife met like a yellow handkerchief hanging at the door of his home when he was released from prison, which proved that he was still waiting for him, and Shima Yong had been wandering on the way home after prison, wanting to go home and not daring, afraid of facing his wife's rejection, Takakura Ken performed the extremely complex mental journey of a man who knew how to return, and expressed a man's emotions mixed with love, responsibility, and remorse to the fullest.

Ken Takakura forever: a male god of the film world with superb acting skills and high artistic integrity

In the movie "RailroadMan", Ken Takakura played a railroadman who has been with the railway and station all his life, he shows a deep feeling of the Japanese for rail transit such as the Shinkansen, he does not have time to accompany his wife and daughter because of his work, and as a result, his infant daughter and gentle wife both died of illness, and his feelings for the railwayman profession are mixed with attachment to flesh and blood. This work is novel, with reality, memories, dreams intertwined, and a complex narrative structure, which many viewers watch because they appreciate Ken Takakura's performance.

Ken Takakura forever: a male god of the film world with superb acting skills and high artistic integrity

Ken Takakura's films have been co-starred with director Yoji Yamada, and his golden partner is the famous Japanese actress Chieko Takashi.

Ken Takakura forever: a male god of the film world with superb acting skills and high artistic integrity

In 2005, he accepted the invitation of director Zhang Yimou to participate in the starring film "A Thousand Miles and a Single Ride", and his noble professional ethics and friendly spirit of cooperation once again touched Chinese filmmakers.

Ken Takakura forever: a male god of the film world with superb acting skills and high artistic integrity

In 2011, at the age of 80, he also starred in the movie "Only for You", leaving behind a film industry story with Yuko Tanaka.

Ken Takakura forever: a male god of the film world with superb acting skills and high artistic integrity

Ken Takakura has starred in 130 movies, 5 TV series, 9 documentaries and 7 books in his lifetime, which can be described as a prolific artist, he has always succeeded in creating a male image that is both tenacious and considerate and affectionate with his superb acting skills and profound life experience, and Ken Takakura is good at delicately showing the subtle and restrained emotions of the Japanese nation, which has won the love of many audiences.

Ken Takakura forever: a male god of the film world with superb acting skills and high artistic integrity

He is extremely disciplined, rigorous and low-key, never competes for rankings in acting, respects the cooperative staff in filming, and never causes trouble to the crew. On November 10, 2014, Ken Takakura died of malignant lymphoma at the age of 83, just like that, there is no longer a tough guy in the film world, the male god Ken Takakura!

Ken Takakura forever: a male god of the film world with superb acting skills and high artistic integrity

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