
The paper is short and long, and the paper is full of concerns about the city

author:Southern Daily
The paper is short and long, and the paper is full of concerns about the city

Dongguan Museum "Paper Short Love Long" exhibition audience message. Nanfang Daily reporter Gong Mingyang photographed

■ Warm more "Wu Guichun" follow-up

Wu Guichun did not expect that the wings of the butterfly would set off a warm spring breeze.

On June 24, before leaving Dongguan, he wrote a message of just over 100 words when he returned the reader card at the Dongguan Library. This improvised writing made his life reversed - not only did he stay in Dongguan, but he also became the spokesperson for the city's staff bookstore.

Out of affection, the message he wrote in the library's guestbook is the beginning of the "butterfly effect", but more importantly, this passage written in the guestbook can be found, can be disseminated, amplified, so that the national media, hundreds of millions of netizens pay attention to and move.

This warm spring breeze actually originated from the small message instinct to be cherished by people, and originated from the city's willingness to treat everyone who stopped here with warmth.

●Nanfang Daily reporter Yu Yujia Honghai Jin Yanming

Coordinator: He Xuefeng

Leave a pen of paper short and long

Wu Guichun's message was first disseminated in the library readership, and Liang Lizhen, a librarian at Dongguan Library, was "wet with eyes" when she saw the message. After Liang Lizhen forwarded the message in the "Readers Exchange WeChat Group", she was soon contacted and said that she wanted to help Wu Guichun find a job.

Of course, Wu Guichun was not the first to "confess" in the guestbook.

In 2005, the new dongguan library was opened. An unknown reader wrote the following sentence in a guestbook: "... The library is completely open to the public, there is no cumbersome entry procedure, and the tolerance of various personnel reflects the care and fraternity of human nature. I want all public facilities to be fully open, without barriers, without asking about place of origin, not asking about age, not asking about education, not asking about the purpose of coming in, not asking about names..."

Ten years later, in 2015, the message was printed as a poster by the Dongguan Library and posted at the gate, hoping to "find him or her who left a message 10 years ago to participate in the anniversary celebration" activities. For The director, Li Dong, it is this message that spurs the library to run the library with the concept of inclusiveness and openness to serve the majority of readers.

Not only libraries, but also many cultural venues in Dongguan have warm memories between guestbooks and audiences.

"The history of each place is always continuous, and we have to be good at discovering. This exhibition made me deepen my sense of identity with the culture of my hometown..." After walking around the "Paper Short and Long" exhibition hall of the Dongguan Museum for more than 1 hour, before leaving, Ah Wen, who has been a loyal audience of the museum for three or four years, wrote a message for the first time.

The letterhead of The Message of Arwen is a red and white card designed in Chinese style, which is a message souvenir specially designed by the Dongguan Museum for some specific exhibitions. If it is a normal time, the museum's guestbook is an A4-sized hard-shell loose-leaf book. Liang Xiaofei, a staff member of the Propaganda Department of Dongguan Museum, said: "Up to now, hundreds of pieces of paper have been written one after another. ”

There are big and small, long and short, new and old, although the form of the message is different, the sincerity of writing the message is the same, and the human touch of the urban public cultural space is quietly circulating in between.

Listen to a trivial wish

For visitors to cultural venues, the message is more of a brief expression of emotional thoughts, but for the operators of these cultural venues, the words on the guestbook are the "catalyst" to help cultural venues improve and innovate.

Xie Jun, director of the Guancheng Art Museum, said frankly that if there is no communication, the artist and the audience may be separated, "Artists often think that the exhibition of paintings should be self-interpreted by the audience, but the audience suggests that we set up a guide through the messagebook to let everyone better understand the work." As a result, the Wancheng Art Museum gradually developed professional critics, professional painters and citizens to participate in the tour from the very beginning of the curator's tour.

Also responding were the audience of Dongguan Keyuan Museum. After each exhibition, keyuan Museum will collect the questionnaire and analyze the opinions of visitors. Yang Qiaoli, a staff member of the exhibition department of Keyuan Museum, found that most tourists would prefer to see calligraphy and painting exhibitions with Lingnan characteristics, or special cultural relics exhibitions such as porcelain and jade, "In addition to the preferred exhibition types, some tourists suggest that our exhibition forms can be more abundant."

Therefore, in the "History of Engraving - Tai'an City Museum Collection of Taishan Stone Carvings And Rubbings Exhibition", a replica "Stone Mountain" appeared in the center of the exhibition hall, and the stone carving rubbings were displayed, and the audience also seemed to visit the Dai Temple to see the majestic style of Mount Tai; and the recently exhibited "Qingfeng Writing Heart - Li Zhiguo Chinese Painting Exhibition" should show the elegant style of Lingnan, Keyuan, flowers and birds and other elements blended in Chinese painting.

In 2019, Keyuan received more than 670,000 visitors and held 43 exhibitions, ranking 17th among the 5,535 museums registered in the country. It can be said that the rich exhibition forms and the full scene are inseparable from the page of "audience survey".

The Lingnan Art Museum, which is adjacent to Keyuan Garden, has been setting up the guestbook for seven or eight years. In response to the suggestions of "supplementary text introduction", "increase the exhibition form" and "design interactive activities" suggested in the message, staff member Li Yufei recorded and implemented them one by one.

On weekends, the classroom on the second floor of Dongguan Library is also full of people, Cantonese, Japanese, flower arrangement, photography... In the past 15 years, more than 2,000 various public welfare courses have benefited more than 1.3 million migrant workers.

"Soon after the opening of the new library in 2005, migrant workers who usually read books left messages asking if we could teach them Cantonese and computers," Yang Xiaowei, deputy director of the Reader Service Center, noticed that many migrant workers wanted to integrate into the city and improve their skills, but they were constrained by economic factors and could not afford expensive training classes, so they turned to the library.

Since then, the "Part-time Work School" has been running until today, becoming a "gas station" for many migrant workers to start a business and find employment - "I have met many friends who learn English", "I feel that cantonese has made great progress", "my colleagues and I have learned more about the world"... The "part-time work school" that originated from the message has received rave reviews in the message.

In Yang Xiaowei's view, although public cultural services are of a public welfare nature, they are also a kind of service industry: "What is the most lovely thing about libraries? The loveliest thing is the people. Asking the reader to leave suggestions in the book reflects the reader's thinking and is also a kind of motivation and supervision for us. ”

Pamper a kind of inclusive openness

Dongguan is one of the first batch of demonstration areas of the national public cultural service system. More and more public cultural venues that "walk the heart" attract people of different identities, different academic qualifications, and different household registrations to come in, understand, integrate, and fall in love with the city.

Wang Yanjun is still often sitting at the reader service desk, every time someone withdraws the reader card, Dongguan Librarian Wang Yanjun will remind as usual: your reader card can be saved, no matter where in the future, you can use digital resources through the Dongguan online library. According to the National Statistical Annual Report on Cultural Relics, in 2019, the official website of Dongguan Library reached 4.74 million visits, and the total number of digital resource borrowings (downloads) exceeded 3.3 million.

Behind the data is the concept of "paying equal attention to paper resources and digital resources". No matter where they are, as long as readers open the website of "Dongguan Library", digital resources such as 1.5 million e-books, 60 million papers, and 200,000 sets of online test questions can be fully enjoyed. "Many people withdraw their readers' cards because they want to leave Dongguan, but even if they go to the north and south of the world, Dongguan's book digital resources are still open to them, and our relationship with readers will never be broken." Wang Yanjun said.

During the interview, the staff of the Dongguan Cultural Venue told reporters that more and more citizens can now be seen willing to enter the exhibition hall.

At the Lingnan Art Museum, a few kilometers away from the Dongguan Library, staff member Li Yufei said that more open and more inclusive is the reason for the popularity of the exhibition hall: on the one hand, the art museum is close to Keyuan, and young parents come to visit the exhibition and participate in activities after taking their children to visit the park and feed the fish on weekends; at the same time, the art museum is next to the Xiaocun Market, and grandparents who come back from buying vegetables often come in to cool off.

In the view of Wang Huijun, director of the Guangdong Provincial Zhongshan Library, equal and public cultural services can enable cities to meet the spiritual needs of more people.

Dai Heng, a well-known cultural scholar and member of the National Cultural and Tourism Public Service Expert Committee, said that the emotional sincerity reflected in the messages of readers represented by Wu Guichun. In his view, public cultural venues should use an equal, open and inclusive attitude to accept all kinds of people and convey true warmth, so that the "stranger society" is no longer strange.

■ Sound

National Cultural and Tourism Public Service

Member of the Expert Committee Dai Heng:

In sincere emotion

Perceive the sense of acquisition of the public

Nanfang Daily: What is the significance of the guestbook for public cultural venues?

Dai Heng: I think the setting of the guestbook is very important. On the one hand, the guestbook is an opinion book, good or bad can be expressed, the people need to be, full of dissatisfaction can be reflected; on the other hand, the guestbook is the carrier of emotional exchange between public service agencies and audiences, from the seriousness of the audience's message, the sincerity of emotional expression, can perceive their sense of public culture, sense of identity.

Another function of the guestbook is to let the audience freely express their feelings and feelings, which is very important.

Nanfang Daily: This time Dongguan's public cultural services have "caught fire", what do you think of this?

Dai Heng: I am not surprised that the incident in Wu Guichun occurred in Dongguan. If the librarian of this library did not have an upward and benevolent heart and the concept of caring for the people, she would not have been able to ask Wu Guichun or let him write that paragraph.

It is hoped that Dongguan can continue to provide better public cultural products and services to further improve the city's civilization.