
Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

author:Noisy M

Cersei Lannister

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

She is the daughter of the powerful Tywin of Westeros

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

She and Jaime are known as the Golden Twins

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Her beauty is among the best in the Seven Kingdoms

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the proud daughter of heaven

She was once a queen and empress dowager, and a mother of the world

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Later, she became the queen step by step

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

People who like her can say she's inspirational

She is said to be a Chinese mother

It also attracted a lot of fans

I don't agree with [the stall hands]

First, after she became a king, she cheated in marriage

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Or cheating on his own twin brother


Of course, Robert is not a good husband

Both were politically married

There is sex without love

It could also be said that there is no sex [goodbye]

If she and James are true love, two people you love me, I can still accept [make a grimace]

However, during James's captivity, he cheated on LanCel

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

(Although I have not seen the original book, I also know Cersei's reputation, cheating on a lot of people [18 forbidden])

Second, private life is extremely unruly

Third, over-spoiling children

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Joffrey's tyrannical nature not only restrains her, but also spoils Joffrey

As a result, Joffrey acted arbitrarily, and after Robert's death, no one could restrain the little monster

(Tywin can, but I think Tywin is too lazy to restrain him, people don't have time, if you are a king I can restrain you, if you are not a king, people are too lazy to look at you [contempt])

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

I know that a person is a perverted little monster if he is in his bones

No matter how much discipline you try, it doesn't work

But you can't turn a blind eye

It's even amazing

Isn't Cersei a little responsible for the Purple Wedding?

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

If Joffrey is as easy to wield as Tommen, will Old Rose still find Littlefinger to join forces to poison Joffrey?

Fourth, no brains

Joffrey cut off Stark's head as soon as he took office

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Cersei only symbolically stopped

We all know that she was self-proclaimed empress dowager at the time, and if she was in the way, she could be stopped

At this time, the clear-eyed people can see it,

Lan Li held a heavy army and established himself as king

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Stannis stared at the tiger

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Robb marched south to ask his father for advice

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

I don't know if Cersei really can't see it, or if she sees it and thinks it doesn't matter

Cersei thought to herself, "I'm not afraid of you [melon eaters]."

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

The second thing is to step down as Ballistan

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Patriarch of the two dynasties of Balistan

By the way, he was too old to protect my son

He was dismissed

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones


In fact, it is good to step down from Ballistan

Joffrey did not deserve to be protected by Ballistan

He did not deserve the allegiance of Balistan

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

At this time, the clear-eyed person can see it again [thinking]

Ballistan was not only the patriarch of the two dynasties, he was not weak in force, and he had a certain political insight

I reckon he also understands some platooning

And loyalists like Ballistan are very popular

If Ballistan had defected to any of the five kings, he would have been a great power

We in Ballistan are because of the honor-oriented people, in his eyes except Targaryen and Baratheon, everyone else is a rebel

So the people disdained to participate in your Battle of the Five Kings, and turned to Essos to take refuge in the relics of their old master, Daenerys Targaryen

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Can't think of what to say about Cersei [I want to be quiet]

You say she has no brains, but you are putting Joffrey on the throne

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

You say she's okay with her brain, and after putting Joffrey on the throne, she did a series of stupid things

Let the Lannisters suffer a few defeats

Let King's Landing face an embattled situation

If it wasn't for Tywin asking Tyrion to come back and rectify their mother and son, they wouldn't be demonized

Rectify the embattled situation of King's Landing

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Ten times their mother and son are not enough to die [teeth]

(Somehow, as soon as I said that their mother and son died ten times, I was inexplicably excited [covering my face].

How can I be so vicious [teeth])

Fifth, there is no sister-brother relationship

I've never seen a sister hate a younger brother like that

Tyrion survived to adulthood, and Jaime was credited the most

If it weren't for Jaime's protection, Tyrion would have been killed by Cersei long ago

The only time Tyrion saw Cersei's weak side was because of Joffrey,a little monster, and Cersei was completely unable to control him

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones
Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Cersei then regains her face for Tyrion

Maybe the director and screenwriter also want us to see that Cersei also has a vulnerable side

But I don't eat that set [witty]

A madwoman is a madwoman, and no matter how fragile she is, she is also a madman

Joffrey Baratheon

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

"Emperor of eternity" Joffrey

"Love the people like a son" Joffrey

[I want to be quiet]

If not to say that this drama casting is good

As soon as I saw the stills from Joffrey, I wanted to kill him [I wanted to be quiet]

Originally, "bear child" was a derogatory term, but I still felt that Joffrey did not deserve to be said to be a "bear child"

He only deserves to be called a "little monster"

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

I can never forgive sansa for what he did [crying]

Why do such cruelty to a little girl

Cut off his father's head

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Sansa watched as her father's head and the heads of the northerners who watched her grow up were hung high

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Let Marin Tran beat Sansa

In full view of everyone, he beat and pickpocketed Sansa

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

If Tyrion hadn't arrived in time, Sansa estimated... [Tears]

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

If Tyrion hadn't stopped him, he would have given Sansa Robb Stark's head as a wedding gift


I really can't think of anything else Joffrey can't do?

Joffrey probably completely it

Fucking brainless and cruel

Each time, Joffrey originally wanted to tease Tyrion, and each time he was taught by Tyrion to be a man

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones
Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

The purple wedding happened, and Tyrion was wronged,

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Indirectly led to the death of the red venomous snake

This in turn indirectly led to Tywin's death

These people are more or less dead and a little depressed

Only Joffrey was poisoned at his wedding

I didn't think anything of it, but I clapped my hands in amazement

I also knew I shouldn't be so vicious, but I couldn't control my happy mood [laughing and crying].

"Magic Mountain" Gregor Cregan

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones


Is he human?

Does he deserve to be called a man?

I really can't think of any merit in him

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Earlier Cersei and Joffrey, I dare say, I hate them

I didn't dare to think about the magic mountain, and I felt scared when I saw too many stills


Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

May there be no such person as Magic Mountain in the world

"Little Peel" Rams Snow

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

How to describe him?

Although I have not seen the original book, I also know that the small peel in the original book is too different from the small peel in the plot

And as far as I know, the little peeling in the plot has also captured a lot of fans

The little peel in the original, huh...

First, the small peeling appearance in the plot is not bad

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Look at the original again

"Shoulders tilted, a body of extra flesh, garlic nose, sausage mouth, the only good thing is the eyes, with the color of the Bolton family, looking like two dirty pieces of ice"

It looks like this (the middle one)

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Let's not look at the style of conduct

First of all, the appearance is so different

Of course, Ivan Ryan, the little skinner in the plot, started out with the role of Luno

The value cannot be too bad

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Second, the style of conduct

The little peel in the plot still has two shots

First of all, the force value is not weak

When Theon's sister rescued Theon, Little Peel killed a lot of Iron Men with just two daggers

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Skilled in archery

During the Battle of the Bastards, one arrow was fired to tease Rickon, and then the second arrow shot Rickon unmistakably

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

When the giant Wangwang broke through the city gate, the little peeler shot another arrow into the giant's eyes

The last giant also died at the hands of the little skinner

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Let's talk about the small skinning force value in the original book

Basically only force has no value [frown]

Luce Bolton said this about the little peel

"Only swings the sword like a butcher with brute force"

The most important thing is that the little peel in the plot has a certain military talent

First, he used Theon to retake Kalim Bay without a single soldier

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

When confronted with Stannis, it took only twenty people to burn Stannis's grain and grass

The grain and grass were burned, and heavy snow fell in the sky, so that only horses could be killed and eaten

Stannis tries to stop the snow

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

He sacrificed his daughter

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

This move made Stannis completely lose his military heart

Many soldiers fled with what remaining horses

In the end Stannis had no choice but to march on Foot into Winterfell

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

When Stannis was repairing, Little Peel attacked him and went to war against Stannis

There is no suspense

Defeated Stannis

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Stannis also died at the hands of Brienne

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Stannis is defeated, and the little skinning is a little credited, but Stannis himself is the biggest murderer who defeated himself

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

In the battle of the bastards in the back, the leading ability of the little peel is also unforgettable

First, he shot Rickon to anger Ronald

He also ordered a rain of arrows to shoot and kill Nuo's warhorse

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

So there is this classic scene

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones
Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

The two sides fought fiercely

Totally in the anticipation of small peeling

Another wave of human wall tactics

Surround Nuo's gang

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

If it weren't for the bottom cavalry, the little skinner would have won

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Of course, the episode also has some evil deeds of small peeling

It's just a lot less than the original

The same is to throw the girl into the woods and then hunt and kill

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

It's just that the most brutal acts are not filmed

There is no way to show it when it is filmed


Abuse of Theon

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

The method is unbearable

Mental insufficiency that tormented Theon

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Little Peel has all the drawbacks a villain should have

Cruel, tyrannical, perverted

There is no affection at all

In the face of his father's suspicions, he did not hesitate to stab his father to death

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Like the Red Wedding, when he stabbed Robb to death

Unspeakable similarity

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

It was learned that the father had another heir

Let the dog bite the stepmother and half-brother

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Compared to Joffrey

It's a little witch

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

When I saw it, my heart trembled [I was about to cry]

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

In general, the little skinner in the series is a complete villain

But with good looks, good martial arts, superb swordsmanship, and certain military talent

Captured a wave of fans

"Warm as jade" small peeling [sneaky laugh]

Someone I'll never like in Game of Thrones

Cersei and Joffrey are properly hated

Magic Mountain and Little Peel I don't think anyone can hate it

It's terrible [petrified]