
Tear-jerking: Chinese Sanda superstar died at the age of 23, and his elderly parents lived in rural debt!


Boxing and martial arts are now becoming more popular in China and are gradually on the right track. But the scene that happened on the Sanda arena that year is still unforgettable.

Tear-jerking: Chinese Sanda superstar died at the age of 23, and his elderly parents lived in rural debt!

On October 31, 2011, in the semi-final of the 80 kg class of the Chinese Wushu Sanda Kung Fu King Championship, Henan Sanda athletes played against Cui Fei of the Armed Police Brigade. As a result, in the second round, Cui Fei hit the side of Shangguan Pengfei's head, and then Shangguan and Cui Fei hugged together, and before the referee could pull away from the opponent, Cui Fei hit the back of Shangguan's head with swing punches. In the end, Shangguan Pengfei fell to the ground in response and never got up again.

Tear-jerking: Chinese Sanda superstar died at the age of 23, and his elderly parents lived in rural debt!

Cui Fei still punched his opponent in the case of the referee's suspension, and this practice of black boxing was overwhelmingly criticized and scolded by netizens, but this did not save Shangguan Pengfei's life: after more than 20 days in a coma, the 23-year-old Shangguan Pengfei passed away.

Tear-jerking: Chinese Sanda superstar died at the age of 23, and his elderly parents lived in rural debt!

It is worth mentioning that Shangguan Pengfei's prize for winning at that time was only more than 4,000 yuan, the monthly salary was only about 5,000 yuan, and his inheritance was less than 20,000 yuan. After his death, his elderly parents are still living in the countryside, losing their financial resources and owing more than 20,000 yuan in foreign debt. And Shangguan Pengfei's opponent Cui Fei finally chose to retire because he could not bear criticism and insults. Boxing fans commented on this: "The responsibility of the referee is very small, it can only show that Cui Fei's quality is low, when the referee stops, he is still hitting the back of the other party's head, Cui Fei You are in the process of hitting, this has violated the moral norms of the game, your Cui Fei's mental quality is by no means suitable for being an athlete, and I don't know how your teacher educates you in the primary course, I really can't understand!" Speechless and sad! "Hurry up is a grandfather, you have to retire." "The armed police use their strength to serve the public, they can't use black fists, and if they win, they will be scolded, so why bother?"