
Sun Dongliang, political commissar of the Yongcheng City Public Security Bureau, went to the police station to supervise the theme education activities

author:Peace and eternal city
Sun Dongliang, political commissar of the Yongcheng City Public Security Bureau, went to the police station to supervise the theme education activities

Political Commissar Sun Dongliang exchanged and learned from the police at the Wenhua Road police station

Sun Dongliang, political commissar of the Yongcheng City Public Security Bureau, went to the police station to supervise the theme education activities

Political Commissar Sun Dongliang inspected the development of study at the Xincheng police station

On November 5, Sun Dongliang, deputy secretary of the party committee and political commissar of the Yongcheng Municipal Public Security Bureau, went to Wenhua Road and Xincheng Police Station to supervise and inspect the development of the theme education activity of "not forgetting the original heart and keeping the mission in mind", and the responsible comrades of the Political Department and the inspection brigade accompanied the inspection.

Sun Dongliang separately listened to the reports of the responsible comrades of the police station on the theme education of "not forgetting the original heart and keeping the mission in mind", the construction of discipline and work style of the public security contingent, and the recent development of key work, consulted in detail the establishment of various archives, and read the work account and the study notes related to the theme education of "not forgetting the original heart and keeping the mission in mind".

During the supervision, Sun Dongliang pointed out that it is necessary to focus on the objectives and tasks, highlight the characteristics of public security, and strive to achieve the goals of fruitful theoretical study, ideological and political baptism, the courage of officials to take responsibility for entrepreneurship, the solution of difficult problems in serving the people, and the setting an example of honesty and honesty. It is necessary to pay close attention to study and education, study in the original organization, meticulously organize training and seminars, enrich the forms of study and education, and strive to learn deeply and thoroughly, and apply what we have learned. It is necessary to closely follow the investigation and study, adhere to the orientation of problems, do a good job in transforming achievements, promote advanced models, and spur backward progress. It is necessary to closely follow the work of the central authorities, perform their duties, undertake their missions, and test the achievements of the theme education with the new achievements in safeguarding political security, maintaining social stability, and ensuring the people's tranquility. Sun Dongliang stressed: It is necessary to make efforts in the areas of contingent management, ideological education, and service to the people, do a good job in all work in a targeted manner, continuously consolidate and expand the achievements of the theme education, and write a new chapter in public security work in the new era.