
Yan Zhanfeng, secretary of the district party committee, went to Lixiang Street to conduct work research

author:Nine factions view the world

On October 24, Yan Zhanfeng, secretary of the district party committee and secretary of the party working committee of Shenyang High-tech Zone, went to Lixiang Street to conduct work research. He stressed that in accordance with the requirements and deployment of the report of the district party congress, we should adhere to the leadership of party building, planning and industry, keep an eye on the goal, work hard, and make greater contributions to the high-quality development of Hunnan.

Yan Zhanfeng, secretary of the district party committee, went to Lixiang Street to conduct work research

Yan Zhanfeng investigated Shenyang Jinchen Weiye Cooling and Heating Equipment Co., Ltd

Yan Zhanfeng went to Zhengcheng Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., Sunjiazhai Village and Shenyang Jinchen Weiye Cooling and Heating Equipment Co., Ltd. to understand the development and operation of enterprises and the construction of grass-roots organizations on the spot.

At the forum, the person in charge of Li Xiang Street reported on the work of the street party working committee. Yan Zhanfeng recognized the recent work of the street, he pointed out that Li Xiang Street has obvious advantages in location and great potential for development, the new leadership team of the street is strong and powerful, and the overall planning is sound, and the whole street must make up its mind and strengthen confidence, set higher goals, reverse the unfavorable situation, and in accordance with the goals and tasks set by the party congress, win the standard against the standard, bravely climb the new peak, and write a brand-new chapter of high-quality development.

Yan Zhanfeng stressed that it is necessary to seriously study spatial planning, adhere to planning guidance, highlight accurate orientation, actively strive for policies, introduce social capital, and strive to build a number of leading enterprises to make the streets bigger and stronger. It is necessary to do a good job in attracting investment and enterprise services, in-depth understanding of problems, helping enterprises solve problems, and creating a good business environment. It is necessary to promote the construction of new rural areas with the idea of "changing cages for birds", accelerate land circulation, and create a higher-level pastoral complex.

Yan Zhanfeng demanded that we should do a good job in safe production and the stability of letters and visits, focus on grid inspection, take the initiative to take responsibility, take the initiative, and ensure the harmony and stability of the whole street. It is necessary to further strengthen the building of grass-roots organizations, develop and expand the village-level collective economy, lead the revitalization of the countryside with party building, and strive to make the people rich and strong streets.

District leader Zhang Chen accompanied the investigation.

【Source: Shenyang Hunnan District People's Government_Hunnan News】

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