
Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions

author:Bright Net

From now on

In Zhifu District, Laishan District,

Fushan District, Development Zone, High-tech Zone

Start nucleic acid testing for all employees

Hurry up and find out

Zhifu District: Notice on the implementation of nucleic acid testing for all employees

According to the needs of epidemic prevention and control work, in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Party Committee's Leading Group for Epidemic Prevention and Control and Economic Operation (Headquarters), our district decided to carry out nucleic acid testing for all employees in the whole district from August 3 to 4, 2021. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

First, the detection range

All residents of Zhifu District (including local permanent residents, floating populations, foreigners, etc.)

Second, the detection time

August 3-4, 2021.

3. Precautions

1. Please follow the notice and guidance of the community staff to arrive at the designated place in a timely, segmented and orderly manner to carry out nucleic acid testing, prevent the risk of crowd gathering, and effectively achieve due diligence to ensure that no household is missed and no one is left behind.

2. Please bring valid documents such as mobile phones and ID cards during the test, prepare the "health code" in advance, and take the initiative to go to the sampling points set by the community grid units for sampling. Please wear a mask during the sampling process, do a good job of personal protection, queue up in an orderly manner, and maintain a distance of more than one meter.

3. Do not go out unless necessary, take the initiative to cooperate with waiting for notice at home, listen to the command and dispatch of on-site staff, keep the scene quiet and orderly, and must not make noise and disrupt public order.

4. During the testing period, the vaccination work at all vaccination points in the whole district will be suspended.

5. Recently, the weather in our district is hot, please pay attention to the heat prevention and cooling, and take precautions.

6. Please tell each other and inform your relatives and friends.

7. Do not believe rumors, if you have any questions and problems, you can call the Zhifu District Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters consultation telephone: 6015652, 6010227.

Epidemic prevention and control, everyone has the responsibility, and those who are in the same boat win. The industrious and wise people of Zhifu can always burst out of the strength of unity at critical moments, with your understanding and cooperation, we will certainly be able to unite as one, defeat the epidemic, and protect the beautiful homeland.

Summary of sampling point layout information in Zhifu District (first batch)

Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions
Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions
Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions
Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions
Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions
Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions
Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions

(Image source: Zhifu Bay)

The Zhifu District Committee coordinates epidemic prevention and control and economic operation

Office of the Leading Group (Command).

August 3, 2021

Laishan District: Notice of Laishan District on carrying out nucleic acid testing for all employees

According to the unified arrangements of the Yantai Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters, in order to resolutely and quickly block the transmission channels of the epidemic and effectively protect the health of you and your family, on August 3, 2021, our district carried out nucleic acid testing for all employees. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

All residents within the Laishan District (including permanent residents, floating populations, short-stay populations, etc.).

Second, the testing location

The sampling points are divided into fixed sampling points and mobile sampling points, and the relevant information of the sampling points shall be subject to the notice of each street park and community (village residence).

1. Please obey the arrangements of the community and village staff, and consciously accept nucleic acid testing at the designated sampling point at the predetermined time. The specific testing methods will be notified to residents in a timely manner by communities and villages.

2. Please bring your ID card to participate (children provide ID number or household registration booklet), and bring a smart phone as much as possible.

3. In order to avoid the risk of infection, please wear a mask throughout the whole process, queue up in an orderly manner, maintain a distance of more than 1 meter from others, and consciously maintain the order of detection.

4. It is recommended not to eat or drink within 2 hours before sampling, and do not smoke, drink alcohol, chew gum, etc. within 30 minutes to prevent affecting the test results.

5. Elderly people, patients and other people with limited mobility who cannot go to the designated testing point, please inform the on-site staff, and we will go to the door for sampling and testing.

6. Summer is hot and hot, the queue time is long, please be patient, do a good job of summer cooling and other protective measures, to maintain emotional stability.

Thank you to the majority of residents and friends for their strong support and cooperation in epidemic prevention work! We apologize for any inconvenience caused and apologize for this.

The Laishan District Committee coordinates epidemic prevention and control and economic operation

Office of the Leading Group (Command).

Laishan District: Nucleic acid sampling point in Laishan District

Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions

Development Zone: Notice on carrying out nucleic acid testing for all employees in Yantai Development Zone

Friends of the majority of residents:

In order to better maintain the health and safety of the majority of residents in the district, Yantai Development Zone has launched nucleic acid testing for all employees on the morning of August 3, and strives to complete the first sampling in 24 hours. The relevant matters are notified as follows:

1. Nucleic acid testing work shall be coordinated by each town and street by region, category and time, and no less than one sampling point shall be set up in each community (village). The specific sampling time and location of the sampling point shall be subject to the notice of each community (village) and property company.

2. In order to improve the speed of testing and reduce the waiting time, residents are requested to prepare valid identification materials (ID card, residence permit or household registration booklet, minors can associate with the ID card of their immediate family members) in advance, and after receiving the notice, bring the certificate to the designated sampling point for registration and testing as soon as possible. For those who are unable to go to the designated sampling point for special reasons, please communicate with the staff of the sampling point to arrange on-site sampling and testing.

Residents who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 can only take nucleic acid samples at least 24 hours apart. Try to avoid eating, drinking, chewing gum, etc. within 2 hours before sampling to prevent it from affecting the test results. Before the test results are released, please try to go out at home, if you really need to go out, pay attention to personal protection, and try not to take public transportation. If the test result is negative, please try not to go out unless necessary.

Fourth, in order to ensure the order of the scene and avoid the gathering of personnel, the majority of residents are requested to go to the designated sampling point according to the time notified by the community (village) and the property company, and do not go at will. During the sampling period, actively cooperate with the on-site personnel to organize and manage, wear masks throughout the process, maintain a distance of more than 1 meter from others, do not talk, do not gather, and effectively protect their own safety.

V. Please wait patiently for arrangements, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, and actively cooperate with nucleic acid testing and related epidemic prevention and control work.

Thank you for your support and cooperation! If it is inconvenient for your life and work, please be more tolerant and understanding.

The Working Committee of Yantai Development Zone coordinates epidemic prevention and control and the economy

Office of the Operational Leading Group (Command).

Yantai High-tech Zone: Notice on carrying out nucleic acid testing for all employees

Friends of the majority of residents:

According to the unified arrangements of the Yantai Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters, in order to resolutely and quickly block the channels of epidemic transmission, scientifically accurately and effectively do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, and effectively protect the health and safety of the people, the following notice is hereby issued on the matters related to nucleic acid testing for all employees in the whole region.

1. Testing time: August 3, please listen to the community (property) and village notice arrangements for the specific time.

2. Test object: all residents of the high-tech zone (including permanent residents, floating populations, and short-stay populations).

Third, the testing location: please pay attention to the community (property), village notification arrangements.

IV. Precautions:

1. At present, there are no confirmed cases and asymptomatic infected people in the high-tech zone, please do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, do not panic.

2. There is no age limit for this test, please be sure to bring your ID card to participate (this round of testing needs to read the ID card information, children provide the ID card number or carry the household registration book).

3. The sampling process needs to scan the QR code, please try to bring your smartphone.

4. During the sampling process, please standardize the wearing of masks, do a good job of personal protection, queue up in an orderly manner, and maintain a distance of more than one meter.

5. All residents should go to the testing site in an orderly manner according to the time period arranged by the community (property) and the village to prevent congestion. Please consciously maintain the order of testing and social stability to ensure that the sampling work is completed efficiently.

6. All tests are free.

7. During the testing period, all residents in the district are asked to "do not go out unless necessary". Not participating in nucleic acid testing will bring many inconveniences to your life, and those who refuse to cooperate without legitimate reasons, obstruct epidemic prevention and control, or cause other serious consequences will bear corresponding legal responsibilities in accordance with law.

Thank you for your active cooperation!

The Yantai High-tech Zone Committee coordinates epidemic prevention and control and economic operation

Yantai High-tech Zone: Notice on the Announcement of Nucleic Acid Sampling Points

According to the needs of epidemic prevention and control work, on August 3, 2021, our district carried out nucleic acid testing for all employees. The sample points are advertised as follows:

First, the testing location:

TechNo Plaza

Contact person and telephone: XiuYan 13954535288

Sampling range/village/community: Caobu Village, Jinhai Famous Garden, Lanyi Garden, Ivy, Zhongsheng Hotel

Poly Aishang Hainan sales office

Contact person and telephone: Liu Xinwen 15653855280

Sampling range/village/community: Tianyue Bay, Haitian Yazhu, Purple Royal Mansion, Poly Ai ShangHai, Silver Sea Xi'an

China Overseas International Sales Office Plaza

Contact person and telephone: Zhang Liyun 13505356639

Sampling range/village/community: Zhonghai-Jincheng, Zhonghai-Jingyuan, Zhonghai-HaiyueFu, Zhonghai-Boyuefu

Xingsheng Mingshi City (Party and Mass Service Center)

Contact person and telephone: Wang Yiying 13606457492

Sampling range/village/community: Qujiawa Village, Wangguandun Village, Guojiatun Village, Nanshazi Village, Xingsheng Mingshi City, Longmen Community, No.2 Middle School Family Building

Liujiabu Elderly Youth Building

Contact person and telephone: Qian Xingkuan 13361335679

Sampling range/village/community: Sanxing Yuhai City, Xin'an Village, Xiaoshanhou Village, Xintianbao Village, Ritoubo Village, Liujiabu Village

Developed Real Estate (formerly Subdistrict Office)

Contact person and telephone: Sun Jing 13021622337

Sampling range/village/community: Nanzhai Village, Mashan Village, Yuejiazhuang Village, Wangjiashazi Village, Huishibu Village, Xitanjiabo Village, Dongtanjiabo Village, Boyuan Mingdu

Small square in Beizhai Village

Contact person and telephone: Zhang Changle 13336381124

Sampling range / village / community: Tobacco Family Building, Beizhai Village, Ligao Sunshine Coast, Seaview Palace, Ten Mile Bungalow, Gemdale Lanyue

Rongda East Coast East Gate

Contact person and telephone: Wang Lingyu 18553575655

Sampling range/village/community: Rongda East Coast, Dongbozi Village

Mashan Subdistrict Party Group Service Center (Xibozi Village South)

Contact person and telephone: Chujun Mei 13954532519

Sampling range/village/community: Xibozi Village, Xianglong Ideal City, Aerospace Community, Zhengyuan Yiju

South end of Haitian Road (Birch View)

Contact person and telephone: Zhao Jin 18305358688

Sampling range/village/community: City Service Family Building, Beishazi Village, Qinghua Yijing, Commercial Family Building, Agricultural University Family Building

Linbei Cultural Square

Contact person and telephone: Xu Liwen 15153548166

Sampling range/village/community: Linbei, Beishan, Shangzhuang

Contact person and telephone: Jiang Jiage 15166898192

Sampling range/village/community: Zou Jiaxuan, Hao Jiaxuan, Beiwang Jiaxuan, Jinshanqian

Contact person and telephone: Yang Fan 13884671712

Sampling range/village/community: Yunxi, Jinshan Shangzhai, Jinshan Xiazhai

【The Jinshan Bay area is a mobile sampling, and the specific sampling time period is subject to the information published by the street】

II. Precautions:

1. The scope of testing includes all residents within the high-tech zone (including temporary residents, staff, migrant workers, etc.), among which the returnees from foreign areas of the province should take the initiative to report and accept testing.

2. The sampling points are divided into fixed sampling points and mobile sampling points, and the relevant information changes are subject to the release of the street.

3. Please obey the arrangements of the staff, consciously accept nucleic acid testing at the designated centralized sampling point during the predetermined time period, and please tell each other to relatives, friends, neighbors and other people around you, so that you should check and ensure that no household is missed and no one is left behind. During the nucleic acid testing period of all employees, try to wait at home and do not go out unless necessary.

4. Please bring your ID card and take the initiative to show the "health code".

5. In order to avoid the risk of infection, please wear a mask throughout the whole process, queue up in an orderly manner, keep a distance of more than 1 meter with others, and do not talk or gather.

6. It is recommended not to eat or drink within 2 hours before sampling, and do not smoke, drink alcohol, chew gum, etc. within 30 minutes to prevent affecting the test results. Before the test results are released, wait at home as much as possible, and if you must go out, try not to take public transportation.

7. Elderly people, patients and other people with limited mobility who cannot go to the designated testing point, please inform the on-site staff, and we will go to the door for sampling and testing.

8. Summer high temperature and heat, long queue time, please be patient, do a good job of summer cooling and other protective measures, to maintain emotional stability.

Thank you to the majority of residents and friends for their strong support and cooperation in epidemic prevention work! We apologize for any inconvenience caused and apologize for this.

Fushan District: Notice on the implementation of nucleic acid testing for all employees

According to the needs of epidemic prevention and control work, from August 3, 2021, our district will carry out nucleic acid testing for all employees. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

All residents within the scope of Fushan District (including temporary residents, staff, migrant workers, etc.), among which the provincial welfare and returnees should take the initiative to report and accept testing.

The sampling points are divided into fixed sampling points and mobile sampling points, and the changes in the relevant information of the sampling points are subject to the release of each town street park.

1. Please obey the arrangements of the community and village staff, consciously accept nucleic acid testing at the designated centralized sampling point during the predetermined time period, and please tell each other to relatives, friends, neighbors and other people around you, so that they should be inspected and inspected to ensure that no household is missed and no one is left behind. During the nucleic acid testing period of all employees, try to wait at home and do not go out unless necessary.

2. This nucleic acid test uses direct scan ID card for identity registration (minors can be associated with the ID card of immediate family members), please bring your ID card with your resident friends and take the initiative to show the "health code".

3. In order to avoid the risk of infection, please wear a mask throughout the whole process, queue up in an orderly manner, keep a distance of more than 1 meter with others, and do not talk or gather.

4. It is recommended not to eat or drink within 2 hours before sampling, and do not smoke, drink alcohol, chew gum, etc. within 30 minutes to prevent affecting the test results. Before the test results are released, wait at home as much as possible, and if you must go out, try not to take public transportation.

6. Summer is hot and hot, the queue time is long, please be patient, do a good job of summer cooling and other protective measures, to maintain emotional stability. Thank you to the majority of residents and friends for their strong support and cooperation in epidemic prevention work! We apologize for any inconvenience caused and apologize for this.

Annex: Distribution of nucleic acid detection sampling points in Fushan District

The Fushan District Committee coordinated the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic operation

Distribution of nucleic acid detection sampling points in Fushan District

Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions
Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions
Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions
Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions
Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions
Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions
Yantai five district nucleic acid testing point information! Time + place + precautions

(Image source: Fukuzai Fukuyama)

Source: Jiaodong Online

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