
Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

author:Small pieces say big movies

Hello everyone, I'm in Alaska with glasses and a microphone, tablet.

Last year, I recommended a suspense drama called Who's the Victim.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Its story is very bizarre, although the first season is only eight episodes, the amount of information is bursting, and the suspense is linked one link at a time.

A year later, the two directors of this drama, Zhuang Xuanwei and Chen Guanzhong, have joined forces to launch a new suspense drama.

It's called "Inverse Game."

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Before the deadline, the show aired four episodes.

With these four episodes, its score has surpassed "Who is the Victim", straight to 9 points.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

The protagonist of this drama is the lawyer Liang Yandong played by Zhou Yumin, in order to facilitate everyone's memory, I named him Xiaobai.

As soon as Xiao Bai appeared, he was wearing a prison uniform, looking melancholy, and if he did not look closely, he would be mistaken for Liang Chaowei.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

*Wei Tsai, is it you Wei Tsai

Before going to prison, in addition to being an excellent lawyer, Xiao Bai also worked as a policeman, especially good at psychological portraits of criminals.

Unexpectedly, he had a bright future, but he was imprisoned for a rape and murder case.

The victim was a flight attendant whose back was torn apart by the killer and seriously injured and became a vegetative person (considered an attempted rape).

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

As far as the plot of the first four episodes currently broadcast is concerned, Xiao Bai has been wronged.

In the play, he and the flight attendant are not familiar at all, although they have seen it before the crime, but it is all because of business.

At that time, the party looking for Xiao Bai to fight the lawsuit suddenly disappeared, and Xiao Bai contacted a friend of the party and wanted to inquire about the whereabouts.

This friend was the victim flight attendant.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Xiao Bai found the flight attendant's residence in advance and pretended to meet her when she returned home.

When the two were talking in the café downstairs, the flight attendant said that she had just gotten off the plane and wanted to go home to rest, and she did not want to talk to him more.

When the flight attendant bought coffee, she saw the hotel membership card exposed in her wallet and felt that things were not so simple.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Xiao Bai also noticed that there were no traces of tying in the flight attendant's hair, indicating that she had not just left work (the flight attendant needed to tie her hair up when she got on the plane).

Part of her nail polish had also fallen off, which had fallen off last night's bath.

All the details point to the flight attendant lying.

Xiao Bai instantly had a bold guess: the flight attendant may be doing the skin and meat business in addition to her regular job.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

In addition to the many details revealed by the flight attendant, Xiao Bai also has a basis for judging:

His missing client is also doing this kind of business.

She and the flight attendant have a very good relationship, and both of them are likely to make extra money from this business.

Listening to Xiao Bai's words, the flight attendant seemed to feel offended, and she got up angrily to leave.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Xiao Bai, who was anxious to find the person in question, tangled with her for a while.

This scene was filmed by the surveillance of the café, and the waiter next to it also joined in the fun and saw the two people pulling and pulling.

In the future, this period of surveillance and witnessing was used as evidence that the flight attendant was violated by Xiao Bai.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

In fact, out of the café, Xiao Bai caught up with the flight attendant again and apologized to her.

He confessed that his client was doing that kind of business to raise money for her seriously ill husband, and he believed that the flight attendants also had hardships.

He has no prejudice against the flesh and skin business, and only wants to know the whereabouts of the parties.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Perhaps because of Xiao Bai's apology, the flight attendant told him:

She had recently seen the other person's back injured, most likely by a perverted guest.

After that, the flight attendant also lost the voice of the person concerned.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Xiao Bai, who did not get any substantive information, had to say goodbye to the flight attendant.

Just after returning to the law firm, Xiao Bai received a phone call, and the other party said that the flight attendant's wallet had fallen in the café.

There was no contact information for the owner in the wallet, but there was a small white business card on the table, so the café contacted him.

Xiao Bai didn't think much of it and agreed to go to the café to get his wallet.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

After getting the wallet, Xiao Bai immediately left for the flight attendant's house.

But when we got to the door, the door of the flight attendant's house was open.

He walked in and found a flight attendant with a serious back injury.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

In the midst of anxiety, Xiao Bai touched the flight attendant and called the police for her.

But the alarm center told him that someone had already called the police.

Subsequently, the police fell from the sky.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

In this situation, even if Xiao Bai is a gold-medal lawyer, he also has difficulty arguing.

The flight attendant became a vegetative person, and there was no way to clear his grievances.

Xiao Bai can only become a scapegoat for some pervert.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

This case is just an introduction to "Reverse Game".

The real big case is still to come.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

As the above stills show, Xiao Bai, who stays in prison, occasionally watches the handheld TV with his fellow inmates.

Through the news on TV, he knew that a serial murder and dismemberment case was taking place outside.

The murderer was extremely strange, killing women and cutting off their heads and lower abdomen to hide them.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

* The print media also reported that the murderer was known as the "Donglin Killer" (Donglin is the fictional city of the show)

There was nothing to do in prison, and Xiao Bai began to pay attention to the case.

Through limited news coverage, he actually made a detailed psychological portrait of the criminal on the wall of the prison.

When the portrait gradually became clear, Xiao Bai seemed to have a premonition:

Did the missing party also die at the hands of this perverted murderer?

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

In the prison, Xiao Baiyun solved the case, and outside the prison, the police were in a mess.

At that time, the murderer had already split the bodies of three people, and the police used various means to find no trace of this demon.

Soon, the fourth deceased appeared and found her body, which was on a rainy night.

The body was wrapped in plastic bags and floated on the river under a bridge.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Watching the plastic bag drift through the protective net used by the police to intercept, it will drift farther away...

A new police station officer jumped off the bridge desperately to guard the bag of corpses.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

This stunned young man, I named him Amao.

Ah Mao is a typical hot-blooded young man who pays attention to a rampage.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

The body of Ah Mao jumping into the river was tested and came from a Thai stowaway.

She works as a local maid and belongs to the Three No-Man.

Her body, like the first three victims, was without a head and lower abdomen.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

When the police investigated the deceased's origins, they found that the girl was already a married woman and a child in her hometown in Thailand.

After she smuggled in, she found another lover.

According to the informant's intelligence, this lover was not small, once a mercenary under the drug lord, and his skills were strong.

More critically, some people have seen mercenary domestic violence, this kid is still selling drugs, and the drug reaction has also been tested in the body of the deceased.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

* In order to get the informant to help, Ah Mao and his superiors used torture

Informants also told police that mercenaries were more cautious and would only make occasional appearances at markets that opened twice a month.

Ah Mao did not hesitate and went directly to the market to try his luck.

He did come across mercenaries, and the two of them engaged in a hand-to-hand combat.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

With all his might, Ah Mao captured the mercenaries.

But when questioned at the police station, the mercenary knew nothing about his lover's death and was grieving.

His performance is obviously deeply in love with the deceased, and even because of despair and sadness, he still wants to commit suicide at the police station and go with the deceased.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

For the drugs detected in the lover's body, the mercenary solemnly promised that his lover would not take drugs.

This girl has always been particularly motivated, has ideals in her heart, and is hardworking.

The mercenaries never let each other touch the drugs, and the girl had no interest in drugs at all.

This poison is likely to be forced into the body of the deceased by the real murderer in order to incapacitate the deceased.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

From this inference, the mercenaries sensed who the killer might be.

He gave the man's name: Big Money (Qian Zhiyang).

Big money is the line of mercenary drug trafficking, and mercenary smuggling is also arranged by him, and he is fierce for people.

And this boy is currently serving a prison sentence, he and Xiao Bai are in a prison, and the crime is also sexual assault and murder.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Because he had just been arrested and imprisoned, he still had time to commit crimes.

So Ah Mao went to the prison to ask him questions.

Big Money naturally denies it with all his might, and at the same time he also reveals a key message:

The mercenary's lover had recently asked for a lot of money once and asked him to help find a place to beat the tire.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

According to Da Qian, the girl was pregnant with the mercenary class, and when she and the mercenary broke up, she did not want the child.

This information was quickly confirmed by the forensic side, and it also had a chain reaction.

After forensic investigation, not only was the mercenary's lover pregnant, but the three previous victims also showed signs of pregnancy, pregnant with male fetuses.

That is to say, the murderer of this case specifically picked pregnant women to commit murder.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

The police had a hard time getting this information, and Xiao Bai in the prison had already come to the same conclusion through reasoning.

That's God.

There is a prison guard who is very concerned about the genius Xiaobai, and he is friends with the desperate Sanlang Ah Mao in the police station.

Knowing that Ah Mao came to the prison to find a lot of money, Xiao Bai also asked the prison guards to let Ah Mao come to meet him.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

* This prison guard, friends who have seen my commentary of "Want to See You", should know

The prison guards mysteriously pulled Ah Mao and came to Xiao Bai's cell.

Ah Mao was confused and inexplicable.

When he saw a bunch of reasoning and analysis diagrams painted by Xiao Bai on the wall, he was shocked.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Xiao Bai told Ah Mao that he had been studying the serial murder case.

The deceased missing their lower abdomen, most likely because the killers wanted to obtain their womb.

The uterus is a fertile organ, and XiaoBai deduces that the murderer cut them, mostly resenting the user of the uterus, the pregnant woman.

Xiao Bai wanted to know more about the inside of the case and enrich his own inferences, but Ah Mao chose not to tell him.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Xiao Bai did not care, and also put forward a bold conjecture.

Based on information that the four deceased were missing their wombs, he guessed that the killer was also a woman.

She may have had pain related to childbirth, so she used this act of killing and dismembering to make up for her psychological defects.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Xiao Bai's assertion is not empty.

The first to be able to dismember the body multiple times is preferred for four professions: butcher, forensic doctor, doctor, and cook.

None of these four professions are exclusive to men.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Secondly, the four deceased people did not have obvious trauma on their bodies, indicating that there was no fighting or struggle between them and the murderer.

In other words, the killer did not pose a clear threat to the deceased.

And the tension that does not cause women, in the current social environment, is mostly women.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Ah Mao listened with a confused face.

He and his colleagues at the police station never imagined that the killer would be a woman.

And what Xiao Bai said is not unreasonable, and his psychological portrait ability is not a waste of time.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Ah Mao returned to the police station, hesitating whether to tell everyone about Xiao Bai's reasoning.

His concern was: Xiao Bai was a suspect in a rape and murder case, could his words be accepted by his superiors?

Ah Mao hesitated and hesitated, barely looking for an opportunity to say this idea, but was instantly complained that he "loves fantasies too much".

The seniors also specifically told him that the deceased did not struggle because he was anesthetized and poisoned before he died.

Just when Xiao Bai was depressed, a new case came.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

*This is a new victim

The deceased this time is slightly different from the previous victims.

The previous victims were all killed when they were not pregnant in the early stages of pregnancy, and this time the victim was a pregnant woman with a big belly.

The previous victims did not have obvious trauma, but this time, the victims were beaten to death.

The killer did not drug the victim again.

The deceased was also missing the lower abdomen, uterus and unborn child this time.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Seeing the new case report in prison, Xiao Bai realized that something was wrong.

He felt that this case was not the work of a serial killer.

Someone was imitating her.

He asked the prison guards to tell Ah Mao the news quickly.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Ah Mao is still digesting the news, and the police investigation has made a breakthrough.

They hacked the deceased's mobile phone and discovered that she had entered the dark web during her lifetime.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

She often hangs out on a dark web perverted website and is a regular visitor.

Through hacking technology, the police found that the deceased had a friend on the dark web, with an ID named Mothman.

This moth man, a sadist, had contacted the deceased for abuse.

In order to catch the fish, the police sent a female policewoman to pretend to be a masochist and enter the dark web to have a perverted meeting with Mothman.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

This operation is dangerous, but the police are fully prepared.

Xiao Bai saw that Ah Mao was hesitant to respond, expecting that the police would be attracted to the imitators, and he quickly made a psychological portrait of the imitators.

He believes that imitators imitate killings in order to become famous.

And the police himself to find the door, he will definitely engage in a blood case, let himself "achieve fame."

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

Reality once again verified Xiao Bai's speculation that when the policewoman went to meet the imitator, the communicator was interfered with and lost contact with her colleagues.

She was about to be brutally killed by Mothman and split up on the dark web...

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

The first four episodes of "Reverse Game" ended in such a sinister atmosphere.

After reading my brief introduction, you must have come to a conclusion:

The amount of information in this drama is not less than that of "Who is the Victim".

In addition to the main plot above, Xiao Bai also has a branch story in prison.

In the branch story, many enigmatic characters are in the shadows and unidentified.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

For example, with the big money in the prison, he seems to have been afraid of a certain officer in the prison.

When questioned by the police, he would occasionally look back at the prison camera.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

There is indeed a strange officer in the prison.

Some time ago, he took a long leave of absence because of some injury.

After coming back to prison, he seemed to have always wanted to say something to Xiao Bai.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

*This officer is played by Zheng Renshuo

Xiao Bai's own case is also confusing.

Where did the missing party go?

And who framed and created the flight attendant rape and murder case?

This suspenseful chess game of "Reverse Game" is a bit big.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

In summary, "Reverse Game" is very worth chasing.

Zhou Yumin's performance in the play is like his appearance - not Liang Chaowei, god like Liang Chaowei.

After years of precipitation, this idol drama senior has a calm and tense acting skills blessing.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

* The drama in the prison is dark and dark, and you can't rely on facial expressions to emphasize emotions, and Zhou Yumin has come to a trick without a trick

The narrative mode of "Reverse Game" is a bit like the classic suspense film "The Silence of the Lambs".

It's just that in "The Silence of the Lambs", it is a real murderer who solves the case for the police in prison.

In "Reverse Situation", Xiao Bai not only has to help the police solve the case, but also finds a way to rehabilitate his grievances.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

It creates a dual-character and dual-case extreme mode for the show.

A policeman, a prisoner, each carrying a task to solve a crime.

The dark web imitators who appear at the end of the first four episodes are once again added to the double case.

That's why I said that "Reverse Game" is a bit big — once it is not well controlled, so many cases, one collapse, it will all collapse.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

That's exactly what I'm worried about.

Although "Reverse Game" has the original bottom, according to friends who have seen the original work, there are many modifications to the drama version.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

*The original author also wrote Operation Icebreaker, but the scores were around 7.5

I sincerely hope that so many pits dug out in the drama version will be filled perfectly in the end.

Otherwise it would be a waste of a wonderful start.

Great! Is this the scale that Chinese dramas can have?

See you tomorrow.

Bye bye bye.

The picture in this article comes from the network

EDIT: Kang Meng