
Short story and oath master

author:Yunbu 2d9M

Original bend full rope

Short story and oath master

Since the "Etouling Incident", Lei Guanghua has been attending a finalization meeting on a new weapon in Beijing. When the avalanche occurred in mailbox 706, Lei Guanghua was hospitalized for emphysema, saw the disaster report, and was anxious to be discharged to understand the recovery of production. When Wang Lie learned of Lei Guanghua's thoughts, he rushed to the hospital to stop him from moving, and decided to hold a military production oath meeting in the hospital, notifying the main leaders and military representatives of more than a dozen large military industrial factories, including 706, 707, and 708, to report to the meeting. Bai Luming, deputy chief of the Propaganda Section of the 9th Division, and Wu Bingzhi, deputy director of the warehouse of the Rear Base of Etouling, attended as specially invited representatives, and all cadres at the provincial organs, departments, and bureau levels attended the meeting. Through the oath-taking meeting, we should step up efforts to grasp the revolution and promote production, and change the situation of "soft and lazy" leading bodies of military enterprises.

The niece was quiet and had not yet been assigned a job, and became the only relative who accompanied her uncle Lei Guanghua. Lei Guanghua told Jing that in the war years, with the performance of Bai Luming and Wu Bingzhi, they could all become generals with wisdom and courage. When talking about the Luohan Dam task force, Lei Guanghua especially sighed: "If it were not for Wu Bingzhi's efforts to coordinate relations, not only would the food of the task force be poor, but I would not be able to accept the review in a relaxed environment." I heard that he was seriously injured while fighting the fire in Goose Head Ridge, and I asked how his body was recovering! Quiet thus further deepened his good feelings for Wu Bingzhi, and he was proud to have such an old classmate.

The oath-taking meeting was arranged to be held in the small auditorium of the hospital. Lei Guanghua was going to preside over the meeting with a sick person, but before anyone left the ward, Wang Lie, accompanied by Tian Zhong and Sun Wangyun, came in. Wang Lie shook Lei Guanghua's hand and said, "Now some people are confused, fighting for power and profit, indulging in song and swallow dance, and can't see clearly that the enemy is sharpening his sword." Today we sing a song of "Borrowing the East Wind", borrowing the 706 mailbox to fight against the snow storm and the east wind of the 'Etouling Incident', giving everyone a hard slap and taking advantage of the momentum to push up the province's military production. Several provincial leaders in charge of the "mouth" have come, Lao Tian presided over the meeting, Lao Lei spoke, Lao Sun supervised them to establish a military order, let's take a hard bow to see which one has the face to be the 'deputy squad leader'."

The oath-taking meeting was repeatedly planned and convened by Wang Lie, together with Tian Zhong, the "second in command," and Sun Wangyun, who was in charge of the "organization mouth." Bai Luming, Wu Bingzhi and Deputy Director Li of the 706 Mailbox Revolutionary Committee were placed in the first row. Seeing the chiefs come over, the 3 people had unspeakable admiration and kindness in their hearts. Lei Guanghua grabbed Wu Bingzhi's hand for a long time without letting go. As soon as Lei Guanghua let go of his hand, Wu Bingzhi's hand was tightly held by Tian Zhong again. Everyone learned that Wu Bingzhi, deputy director of the warehouse of the rear base of Etouling, had successively made great contributions to the "liberation" of the two old governors, and praised Wu Bingzhi for having the courage to attach importance to feelings and was a young talent who dared to shoulder heavy responsibilities. When Wu Bingzhi had escaped from the side of several old chiefs, Wang Lie introduced Bai Luming to everyone and said: "He is a college student who has thrown his pen and joined the rong, and he has made meritorious contributions in the self-defense battle on the plateau; during his tenure as a representative of the Yellow River Machinery Factory, he rectified the mess that was not optimistic from the upper and lower levels into an advanced model of grasping revolution and promoting production; he went to 706 a few years ago to stop the armed struggle, and this time rescued more than 300 workers from the snowdrift; everyone read his speech in 706 and poked at the key points. I hope that the leaders of each factory can be inspired by it! ”

After Wang Lie's introduction, Bai Luming saluted and said: "The work is done by everyone, I just fulfilled the responsibility of a soldier, and thanked the chief for cultivating me." Wu Bingzhi, an old comrade-in-arms who is not afraid of suffering and two who is not afraid of death, is my learning example! The comrades attending the meeting were impressed by Bai Luming's modest temperament, and there was another round of applause.

At the beginning of the meeting, Bai Luming briefly reported on the situation of emergency rescue and disaster relief in the 706 mailbox, and suggested that the engineers who twice pointed out the disaster relief site as soon as possible were "liberated". When talking about the tragedy caused by the director of the assembly workshop causing the tragedy of his son caused by the artillery shells produced by the faction, Bai Luming said with a heavy heart: "If the faction is not completely overthrown, the quality of the products of the military factory will not be passed, and the training ground of the troops may become the training ground of the tragedy." Fighting a war can neither destroy the enemy nor save yourself. Human life is only once, and the life of a soldier is used to sacrifice his life for the country, not for a factional funeral! Ancient and modern wars between China and foreign countries have shown that the quality of weapons and equipment is the safety valve for the lives of soldiers and the seven-star sword that will defeat the enemy. Instead of the safety valve failing, it is better to carry the ghost head knife and fight with the enemy to the death! ”

When The White Deer Ming spoke, the needle dropped in the small auditorium could be heard. Sitting in the back row, he drank silently, and the handkerchief that wiped the tears could wring out the water. At this moment, she truly felt that the burning passion in the white deer's chest could be burned.

Deputy Director Li said in the report: "There are two major reasons for the excellent situation of grasping the revolution and promoting production in 706, one is that the 'Etouling Incident' has deeply shocked and ashamed the entire factory staff and workers. The vast majority of workers and staff believe that dozens of PLA soldiers were actually burned by factional fires, which is not essentially different from personally harming the PLA, and many people listened to the report of the heroic deeds of firefighting and took the initiative to hand over martial arts equipment. Second, Zhang Xinyong was unfortunately killed in destroying unqualified artillery shells. What particularly shocked the comrades of the whole factory was that on the day zhang Xinyong was sacrificed, his father Zhang Cooperation also held a meeting of the backbone of the rebel faction, saying that the Cultural Revolution was a stage of struggle between you and me, and Lei Guanghua was a capitalist who refused to repent. ”

Deputy Director Li took a breath and said: "On the night of Zhang Xinyong's death, Zhang Cooperating suddenly died of cerebral hemorrhage. After his death, we checked the relics and found that there were notes from Xu Pinghua who had made a wish that he would be the number one in the 707 mailbox; there were more than a dozen anonymous letters framing provincial leaders, of which the manuscript of the anonymous letter framing Lei Guanghua was still there. Zhang Xie was originally a model worker, an eighth-level fitter, and there were more than a hundred apprentices who were trained, and his prestige in the factory was very high. But after the truth of his instigation of the armed struggle came out, no one was willing to carry the coffin when he was in the spirit, or the representative of the garrison army carried the coffin to the car. ”

Li Tianmin, director of the Revolutionary Committee of the Yellow River Machinery Factory, carried a map of the dynamic trend of production. He pointed to the chart and said: "Before the military deputy Bai Luming went, the staff and workers of the factory could not work hard, they could not pay attention to work, and they could only complete about 50 percent of the tasks every month. Deputy Bai's clever trick is to find a few backbone cadres who have taken the lead in making trouble one-on-one to talk during the day, talk at night, talk repeatedly, and tirelessly explain to them what the harm of the turmoil is. What are the benefits of stability? At one point, there was an individual talk of up to 9 hours. At the same time as talking individually, Deputy Bai also suggested that the factory adopt 6 measures, including the masses to comment on the relief of workers with practical difficulties; the director secretary of the staff inpatient workshop should personally visit: select teachers for kindergartens among female workers; ensure that the meals in the collective canteen are delicious and cheap; replace broken doors and windows door to door; improve toilet safety facilities and increase the brightness of street lamps. Once these measures are implemented, the situation in the factory is getting better and better every day. Now outsiders enter the factory to visit, in addition to the remaining pieces of paper on the wall, there are no other traces of the "four big". Workers all know that the Yellow River Machinery Factory is a supporting factory for Artificial Satellite parts in China, and even a screw is vague. Everyone's slogan is that people produce in the workshop, and the satellite is in the sky. After Li Tianmin finished speaking, the applause from the audience was thunderous.

When it was Wu Bingzhi's turn to speak, he repeatedly said that there was nothing new to say, and that he had come to learn. Wu Bingzhi's modesty at this moment is sincere. He thought to himself more than once, Goosehead Ridge firefighting dozens of people burned, 3 cars scrapped, although he was a little injured, but by the media hyped up as "living Qiu Shaoyun", but also made dozens of reports inside and outside the military. The white deer Ming took command of the rescue and disaster relief, enabled more than 300 workers to escape danger, led the officers and men unscathed, and the speech in 706 was praised by both inside and outside the army. Compared with the two, they are still slightly inferior to themselves, and they will not be able to measure up when they speak again. Wu Bingzhi accepted it when he saw it was good, stood up several times to salute and thank him, but in the end he still did not speak.

The principal leaders of other military enterprises also made loud and loud speeches, saying that they should take the 706 as an example, strive to go upstream, and not sit around and shout with lame people. At the end of the year, I couldn't complete the task, and I put on a top hat and paraded the streets.

Lei Guanghua's heart was very heavy when he spoke. He said with an iron blue face: "Zhang Cooperation is an underground party member I developed in the Etouling Arsenal, and when the factory was built in 706, I transferred him to be a young commando leader." But such an old comrade is a good comrade, people can't help them go, and ghosts lead them to fly away. It is not surprising that I wrote an anonymous letter to falsely accuse him, because there were bad people behind him instigating, but they were not responsible for the product, so that the shells produced in his own workshop made his son a martyr, which I never dreamed of, and it is also unforgivable. This shows that a person who pursues fame and fortune by any means will eventually lose even his conscience and humanity. In the past, I was in charge of military production, and more than a dozen large factories were seriously factional, and there were many armed struggles, which had a lot to do with my failure to lay a good foundation. Now that the 706 is moving from great chaos to great rule, I hope that you will continue to make unremitting efforts and, under the guidance of Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line, transform the past big factional households, big armed fighters, and big loss-making households into big party spirit households, big unity households, and big profit households, and regain the leading laurel that belongs to 706! I also hope that other factories will not be dumped too far by 706, I am ready to spend half a year to investigate after I am discharged, a factory is not leaked, and when the time comes, I will come to congratulate you! ”

Wang Lie was not ready to speak, but was infected by the atmosphere of the meeting, and when summing up, he said impromptuly: "As commander of the military region and director of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee, I will only say two sentences: First, there will be a war between China and the Soviet Union, and whether we can win or not is that people are the first factor, but without weapons and equipment, the first factor is also unreliable. Beggar and Dragon King competition, your dog fighting stick quality is not up to par, you can play a few rounds! The second sentence is that Hannan is a major military-industrial province, there is one of the three parts of the world, weapons and equipment can not keep up, without Chairman Mao's questioning, I myself fell into the sinking river. Today you will also have to make a military order, and we will all die if we cannot complete the task at the end of the year. Comrade Sun Wangyun is in charge of organizational work, and he supervises and inspects the military orders of all of you, and he wants to drive the monks who do not strike the bells out of the temple! ”

Lei Guanghua returned to the ward, tears flashing. The color of the sunlight refracted from the tears cast a little spot of light on Lei Guanghua's cheeks. After four years, he once again saw the consciousness of the working class and the strength of the masses of the people. He firmly believes that once the broad masses of workers get out of the misunderstanding and break through the barriers, no historical counter-current can stop them.

Because Wu Bingzhi rushed to Mianzhou to make a report on the fire fighting deeds of Eltling, Bai Luming did not have time to tell Wu Bingzhi about his love relationship with Qin Yan, and the two almost had a big misunderstanding.

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