
The Chuanying District held a work meeting to further solemnize the meeting discipline and rectify the meeting style

author:China Jilin Net

On September 24, the Chuanying District held a special meeting to further solemnize the discipline and rectify the meeting style. Jian Junfeng, secretary of the district party committee, presided over the meeting and made a speech. Sun Deqiang, deputy secretary of the district party committee and acting district governor, Liu Jianliang, chairman of the standing committee of the district people's congress, Wang Chunye, secretary of the party leading group of the district CPPCC committee, and all leaders at the district level attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Shi Chunmin, deputy secretary of the district party committee, read out the "Circular on Further Solemnizing Meeting Discipline and Rectifying the Meeting Style." Zhu Jian, member of the Standing Committee of the District CPC Committee and secretary of the District Discipline Inspection Commission, conveyed the spirit of the "Circular on the Violation of Discipline by Some Party Members and Cadres During the Collective (Expanded) Study Meeting of the Theoretical Center Group of the Provincial CPC Committee."

Jian Junfeng pointed out that it is necessary to profoundly understand that solemn meeting style and discipline is the basic requirement for comprehensively and strictly administering the party, and it is also an important guarantee for the implementation of policy decisions and arrangements, and it is also an important embodiment of the work style of leading cadres. It is necessary to fully implement the implementation rules of the eight provisions of the central government and the relevant requirements of the provincial party committee, the provincial government, the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and resolutely implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on further correcting the "four winds" and strengthening the construction of work style. In accordance with the requirements of the "Circular on Further Solemnizing Meeting Discipline and Rectifying meeting style" in Chuanying District, it is necessary to conscientiously grasp the work of determining the main body, clarifying the process, standardizing the meeting affairs, changing the meeting style, strictly enforcing the meeting discipline, strictly controlling the scale, and strictly supervising the 34 serious meeting style and discipline work in 7 aspects, seriously rectify the problem of meeting style and discipline in our region, and further create a good meeting order. Jian Junfeng stressed: It is necessary to regard the solemn atmosphere and discipline of meetings as an important starting point for the current building of cadres' work style. Party members and cadres throughout the region, especially leading cadres, must always maintain a high degree of ideological sobriety, be in awe of discipline and rules, be diligent in self-examination, truly control themselves, establish a good image, and display the overall spiritual outlook of the leading cadres in the chuanying district in the video conference. Jian Junfeng stressed: It is necessary to use powerful mechanisms and means to rectify the work style and discipline. The "Seven Articles of Meeting Style and Discipline" is a powerful mechanism for the whole region to do a good job in the work of serious meeting atmosphere and discipline, and all units and departments must attach great importance to it, conscientiously study it, and quickly grasp the implementation. It is necessary to solemnly enforce the discipline of the meeting style from four lines: First, the "two offices" inspection office should report the whole district to those who violate the discipline of the meeting style and meeting; Second, the Organization Department should include discipline in the appraisal of leading bodies and leading cadres; Third, the performance office should deduct points from units and individuals who violate the discipline of the meeting in the performance appraisal at the end of the year; Fourth, the Discipline Inspection Commission interviews individuals and department leaders who violate the discipline of the meeting style and meeting, and if the problem is serious, it is necessary to pursue responsibility and accountability, and it is necessary to use strong means to resolutely curb the unhealthy trend of violating the meeting style and discipline. Jian Junfeng demanded that leaders at all levels should take the lead in setting an example and taking the lead in observing the meeting style and discipline. Leaders at all levels should always keep in mind and take the lead in observing the meeting style and discipline. It is necessary to give full play to the leading and exemplary role of the "key minority," and the more important the leading cadres in their posts, the more they must pay attention to the work style and discipline, and set an example and set a good example for the vast number of party members and cadres. Jian Junfeng pointed out that a unit is a contingent, and it is necessary to do a good job in building discipline in the contingent while changing the term of office. Serious meeting style and discipline is an important aspect of doing a good job in the discipline building of the contingent, and it is the work that the district party committee and the district government continue to grasp, and everyone must always maintain a high degree of ideological consciousness and action consciousness, jointly create a good meeting style, strive to establish a good image of the boat camp, and implement all the decisions and arrangements. Principal party and government leaders of township (town) streets and district-level departments and units attended the meeting.

The Chuanying District held a work meeting to further solemnize the meeting discipline and rectify the meeting style

The picture shows the scene of the meeting


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