
The 20-year-old girl marries a 60-year-old man and lives happily after marriage

author:Northern emotions

A scholar once said: "There must always be a stop-and-go trip, and there must also be a carefree love." Only in this way can we live up to our youth.

The 20-year-old girl marries a 60-year-old man and lives happily after marriage

Love is something indescribable. Two people who truly love each other can cross races, time and space, age, and eventually come together and live a happy life. This love is admirable.

In the eyes of most people, two people who love each other should be about the same age. If a couple is too young, such a marriage is not favored. Even if you get married, you will face a series of troubles after marriage, and it is difficult to live happily for a long time.

1 A rural girl from a poor background, went out to work, and suffered misfortune

Liu lives in Yunnan. She was born in 1990 in a remote mountain village with inconvenient transportation, poverty and backwardness, and many ethnic minorities. The local villagers make a living from farming, and every family has a hard time.

The same goes for Liu's family. She had several siblings, and her family lived in a few acres of thin fields. Her parents loved her son. After Liu graduated from elementary school, her parents let her stay at home and help her work. She had to drop out of school early.

Over the years, she washed and cooked, chopped wood and burned fires, and sometimes delivered meals to her parents in the fields. Since she was a child, she has tasted the hardships of life and experienced the hardships of life.

After she was a little older, her burden became heavier. Not only did she have to do housework, but she also helped her parents with farm work. She worked hard outside and outside her home and was exhausted by the end of the day.

She often envied girls with well-off families. She also hopes that her parents can hold her like a pearl in the palm of her hand. But she was born into a poor family. What can she do?

Most local girls marry around the age of 20. Liu's family was too poor. Very few people come to the door to act as matchmakers. Even if the matchmaker comes to the door, Liu can't look at the other party. A few years later, she became an "old girl", so no one wanted to marry her.

At the age of 25, many young people in the village went to Suzhou to work, which was a good opportunity to broaden their horizons and make money. Liu naturally did not want to give up. Excitedly, she followed a group of fellow villagers to Suzhou and found a job in an electronics factory.

The 20-year-old girl marries a 60-year-old man and lives happily after marriage

She wants to work hard, work hard to earn money, and be filial to her parents in the future. She thought well. She never expected to find liver disease during the physical examination, and was turned away by the company, so she had to go back to her hometown sadly.

2 After a few months of living in Hu Laohan's house for medical treatment, she found out she was pregnant

At that time, she hoped to cure her liver disease as soon as possible, so that she could return to Suzhou to work and earn money, but the family did not even have the money to see a doctor, and Liu's mood was relatively low.

A neighbor told her that there was a herbalist named Hu Laohan in the neighboring village. He knows herbs very well, and he can cure many diseases that are not clear in the hospital. The neighbor blew old man Hu into the sky. She not only praised Hu Laohan for his superb medical skills, but also said that Hu Laohan paid a fair fee. Liu was seduced by the persuasion of his neighbors.

She went to Hu Laohan's house to have a look. Hu Laohan is an old man in his 60s. He loves to laugh and can dig up herbs in the mountains. He's physically strong and energetic, and people in their 50s will believe him too.

Hu Laohan briefly inquired about Liu's condition. He patted his chest, assuring him that the disease would not be difficult to cure, but would take a long time. Liu immediately decided to stay and see a doctor.

The 20-year-old girl marries a 60-year-old man and lives happily after marriage

She lives in a nearby hotel. During that time, she spent almost every day with Hu Laohan. Sometimes she followed Hu Laohan up the mountain to collect medicine, and Hu Laohan regarded her as a granddaughter and taught her a lot of knowledge about herbs.

Two months later, Liu's condition improved. She was very grateful to Hu Laohan. She planned to stay and take care of her illness thoroughly. But here's the problem. She didn't have the money to stay in a hotel. Hu Laohan gave Liu a room, and Liu was even more grateful to Hu Laohan.

In order to repay Liu's dedicated care for Hu Laohan, the two got along day and night, and inadvertently developed feelings. A few months later, Liu found out she was pregnant.

She was scared. She is not married, but has children. Locals can't tolerate this kind of thing. After much thought, she planned to beat up the child. At this time, Hu Laohan said: "You are weak and have anemia. Abortion surgery is very harmful to you. I think you should give birth to a baby! ”

3 After six years of marriage, she had two children. She said: "I don't regret marrying him."

Hu Laohan got married, and several of his children got married. His wife died very early and he lived alone for many years. Liu's appearance rejuvenated him. He fell in love with the energetic young girl. He wanted to marry Liu.

He told Liu about this idea, and Liu gladly accepted it. They registered their marriage in 2018, when Liu was 31 and Hu Laohan was 68.

The 20-year-old girl marries a 60-year-old man and lives happily after marriage

Liu gave birth to a girl shortly after marriage, and Hu Laohan gave birth to a daughter in his later years. He loved his daughter very much. Hu Laohan is very cheerful every day. No wonder he was still able to get married and have children in his sixties. This kind of thing is unheard of. How could he not be happy?

The villagers were surprised to hear about it. Some people secretly speculated that the child was not Hu Laohan's, and Liu may have done something sorry to Hu Laohan.

At first, Hu Laohan did not take it seriously. He said that a large number of people is uncomfortable. He just ran off to do a paternity test. The results showed that the child was really his flesh and blood. In the face of the facts, those rumors gradually subsided.

After that, Hu Laohan cared more about Liu and loved his daughter even more. He always felt that something was missing. He wanted Liu to give him another son, and he was satisfied with both of them.

A year later, Liu gave birth to another child, a son. Hu Laohan's wish came true, and he danced happily.

Liu usually does housework and takes care of children, and Hu Laohan earns money by treating diseases. A family of four is peaceful and beautiful, and they love each other. They do not worry about eating and wearing, and live happily.

Now that Liu has been married for six years, she has given Hu Laohan two children. She doesn't have to go out to work or live in poverty. However, her husband is 35 years older than her, and she will have to face many real-world problems in the future, which she has to think about in advance.

The 20-year-old girl marries a 60-year-old man and lives happily after marriage

Someone asked her if she regretted marrying Hu Laohan. She said: "Hu Laohan cured my illness. He is my benefactor. I'm willing to marry him. I will never regret it and I am willing to take care of him for the rest of my life! ”

Liu and Hu Laohan had never met before. They met by chance. For more than half a year, they got to know each other and took care of each other. They cultivate deep feelings in their exchanges.

They were separated by 35 years, but they loved each other, admired each other, and had two children, which was the basis of their long-term happiness. I hope they will always love each other and be happy forever.

Are you optimistic about the marriage of Liu and Hu Laohan? What do you think of this one? Welcome to leave a message to discuss

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