
Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

author:Bluestone Films

Hollywood blockbusters have always been the main force in the film market.

However, because of the relationship between the epidemic, European and American theaters are basically suspended across the board, and the release period of cinema films can be delayed, and if they cannot be delayed, they can only commit themselves to online platform playback.

Therefore, this year's American network "blockbusters" are also many, from all aspects, the most important online American blockbusters in 2021 should be this "Tomorrow's War".

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

First of all, the production company of the film is the famous Skydance.

This production company must be familiar to domestic film fans, focusing on science fiction action blockbusters and producing many famous IP.

For example, the Terminator series, the Mission Impossible series, as well as Star Trek, Twin Killers and so on.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

This new film "Tomorrow's War" is also this route, a collection of science fiction, monsters, gunfights, action, family and other elements in one, the special effects team is still involved in marvel, "Rapid" and other works of the production team.

Any picture is visually exploding, good-looking, cool!

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain
Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

Secondly, the starring role of this movie is also not small.

There are "Star Lord" Chris Palat, Joan's nemesis Selena Yvonne Strakhovsky in "The Handmaid's Tale", and the grumpy old man J. Strakhovsky in "The Drummer" K. Simmons.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

There are those who can play, those who have strong acting, those who are happy comedians, and those who are popular, it can be said that this lineup is fully in line with the configuration of commercial popcorn movies.

It is reported that "Star Lord" for the filming of this film, tempered diet, strengthened training, lost as much as 32 pounds, from the stills, indeed handsome a lot.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain
Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

Of course, there is a more important reason, cost money!

According to foreign media reports, Amazon spent $200 million (about 1.3 billion yuan) to acquire the film from Paramount Pictures, making "Tomorrow's War" one of the most expensive movies in history for streaming!

What about the reputation of the network that spent so much money to buy?

Emmm, simply put, is not optimistic.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

Let's start with the movie itself.

Set in 2022, Dan (Chris Pratt) is a veteran who now works as a biology teacher at a high school.

On Christmas night, he and his friends have parties at home, and the World Cup is being played on TV.

At the most tense moment of the game, a transmission channel similar to a "wormhole" suddenly appeared above the football field, and a heavily armed army parachuted into the football field and directly came to a global live broadcast.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

(Fans are angry to see it)

This mysterious army explained that they were from humans 30 years later.

The reason why it will travel to the present is because 30 years later, the earth was attacked by the alien monster white spike, the alien species has a super reproductive ability, in just a few years, the global population is less than 500,000, the earth is in danger.

In order to save the future of humanity, they had to cross back to conscription.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

So the global large-scale conscription began, the original number of troops could not meet the demand, and ordinary people had to be conscripted.

"Luckily", Dan is one of the ordinary people who meet the conditions.

According to the plot setting, the selected civilians only need to serve for one week, and after 7 days, if they are alive in the future, they will be teleported back, but the survival rate is only 20%.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

Before each transmission, this group of militia will receive 7 days of pre-war training, but Dan's group of soldiers is more "unlucky".

On the night of the rally, there was an accident on the other side in 2051, and the white nails began to attack their last laboratory, and once this laboratory was destroyed, it was a white fight, doomed to lose.

Therefore, this group of recruits, who had just assembled and had not yet been trained, was urgently teleported to the future and directly participated in the war.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

When the "time machine" transmission started, the machine failed, the coordinate positioning was wrong, and the recruits were thrown directly over the city, losing more than half of the people just after landing.

The protagonist group, led by Dan, is lucky enough to land in a rooftop pool and retrieve a life.

The situation in 2051 is far worse than they thought, and the white spikes have already taken over the city, so they can only be cleared at once with bombs.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

Dan's squad receives a new mission, instead of fighting White Spikes, rescues the research squad trapped in the experimental building.

When they painstakingly found the building, the research team had been completely destroyed and hung by white spikes as a trophy.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

Well, the mission changed again, from rescuing the research team to bringing out the biomaterials from the laboratory for research.

Just after Dan Squad's stuff arrived, the white spikes that had been covering for 48 minutes finally appeared.

Let's see what this alien species that nearly wiped out humans looks like.

The shape is similar to the alien, with long hands and long feet and a tail, a mouth with sharp fangs, and a quick action and strong attack.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

However, the white spike can be regarded as an evolved version of the alien, it has 6 tentacles, and each tentacle can also fire the spike, depending on the speed and strength of its entry into the car, although it is a physical attack, but the lethality is not worse than the hot weapon.

Dan's squad was attacked by the white spikes in the city during the retreat, and they fought and retreated, and when they finally woke up, there were only 3 people left in the whole team.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

At this time, Dan meets the commander-in-chief in 2051, that is, his grown-up daughter Miao Li.

Miao Li left Dan alone and followed her on a confidential mission.

It turns out that there are also grades in the alien species of white spikes, and female white spikes are similar to the existence of "queen bees", which is not only responsible for reproduction, but also has super combat effectiveness and defense mechanisms.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

Miao Li, as the commander-in-chief of the R unit, is the captain and the head researcher, she has developed a toxin against male white spikes, and if she studies how to solve the female white spikes, then the war will be won by humans.

So she left Dan alone, planning to bring Dan back 30 years ago after the toxin was studied, use more abundant resources to create more toxins, and then transmit them to the present to deal with white spikes.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

After another battle with the white spike, they finally brought the female white spike back to the secret base to study it.

After a lot of experiments, the toxin that can kill the female white spike was finally found, but at this time, the female white spike also woke up and launched the skill long roar, and the male white spike began to attack frantically to rescue the "queen bee".

In less than a few minutes, the last fortress of humanity's security was breached...

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain
Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

Frankly, as a popcorn film, "Tomorrow's War" is qualified.

The visual explosion of special effects and art design, especially the presentation of the late 2051 death, is quite shocking.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

The fight scenes are also not ambiguous at all, and the 138-minute movie is played almost half the time.

From the sky to the ground, there are both team battles and individual battles. Weapons also appeared many times, heavy machine guns, pistols, bombs, and even knives and axes.

The first time Dan's squad is attacked by white spikes, the fight in the stairwell is like personally participating in the "eat chicken" game, and the tension is full.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain
Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

And as a science fiction action film, the movie also has a lot of tribute to classic science fiction movies.

Like the appearance of alien species, and the scene of the white spike attack, Dan and his daughter's farewell line are directly used in the classic line of "Terminator" - "I'll be back".

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain
Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain
Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

From this point of view, the watchability of "Tomorrow's War" is still quite strong.

The film Douban 6.5 (opening score 6.4, once rose to 6.6), is the highest score in recent Years in European and American blockbusters, the front row of high praise short reviews have also given 4 stars, 5 stars.

On foreign platforms, movies are also above the passing line, with the film IMDB 6.7, the Rotten Tomatoes index 52%, and the popcorn index 82%.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain
Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

That is to say, if you only pursue "popcorn cool films", "Tomorrow's War" does meet the standards, but if you want to watch a little more plot, I'm sorry, this movie really doesn't have it.

The film was only rated 3 out of 10 on IGN, and the reviewer gave the rating that there were big action scenes, but there was nothing that would shock you.

To borrow a comment from netizens: the low-end version of science fiction skewers, the more the script is more confused, like not giving the screenwriter the end.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain
Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain
Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

The plot of the movie can be summarized in three sentences: the routine is too old, the logic is too bad, and there are too many bugs.

The positioning of "Tomorrow's War" is a science fiction action movie, which follows the classic American heroism routine.

First of all, the "ordinary people" with full skills take over the heavy responsibility, the protagonist must have a family line, and on the way to save the world while fighting monsters, the reconciliation of father and son or father and daughter is necessary.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

But because it takes enough time to fight monsters, the depiction of the family line on the protagonist is pitiful, and we can see that the film wants to put the warm elements into the film, but it is really too thin.

All the contradictions are in the lines, and the epiphany and reconciliation are also very easy, really too unconvincing.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

Then there's the biggest "sci-fi" part of the slot.

Here we have not discussed the grandfather paradox that can be avoided from beginning to end in the movie, and from the setting shown in the film, it is also a variety of logics that do not make sense, and bugs continue.

First of all, why do people in the future world come to the people of the present world to fight?

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

The film's explanation is that the population will decline sharply in the future, and there are not enough people who can participate in the war, so it is to borrow people to fight.

This explanation makes sense for the time being, but before entering the war, there was no pre-job training for these people, and one person directly carried a heavy machine gun to the future world, so is this not to send to death?

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

But you say they don't have humanity, and they don't, they specifically select people who have died before 2051 to participate in the war, that is, they will die anyway, so why not make some contributions to the world for mankind?

Let's talk about the film's ingenious design "Time Travel".

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

In the movie, 30 years later, the time travel technology was invented, but because the technology is very new, it can only be fixed-timed transmission.

Then there's the issue of weapons.

In the next 30 years, we will already be able to invent the high-tech time machine, and when fighting with alien species, we will still use weapons in the present time and space, will it be a bit out of step with the times?

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

Along with the weapon problem is the problem of the combat effectiveness of the white nail, since it can almost make the human race in 2050 almost extinct, it is still only "human sea tactics".

And their combat effectiveness is very confused, relying on heavy machine guns and bombs can be sent away directly, and every six days there is a day of "Sabbath" forced dormancy, at this time the explosives are directly blown up, is it not solved?

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

What is the use of the whole film Miao Li working hard to develop toxins?

Since time travel can be transported to the past with weapons and people, wouldn't it be more practical to directly transport heavy weapons to future people?

What combat effectiveness can a man carrying a machine gun (without bullets) have?

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

Here I will not spit on the riot operation at the end, just say that this kind of protagonist group collectively demotes wisdom, and the plot of fighting for the sake of fighting is really unnecessary.

By the way, the movie also inserted a clip of the military training of our flower grower.

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

In fact, playing on the streaming platform is a bit of a pity for "Tomorrow's War".

Because it's a movie that requires surround sound and a huge screen experience, because its only value lies in the spectacular scenes.

Finally, a bonus: Don't bring your brain!

Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain
Spending 1.3 billion, the best American blockbuster in 2021, netizens prompted: Don't take your brain

Bluestone Film Editorial Office | Old Meng

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