
Qiaokou District "Information Technology and Classroom Teaching Deep Integration" theme month activities launched


Wuhan Education Television Zhang Bin Correspondent Shu Xiaoqing Wang Wenting

Qiaokou District "Information Technology and Classroom Teaching Deep Integration" theme month activities launched

On April 13, Qiaokou District held the on-site promotion meeting for the creation of Wuhan 'Smart Education Demonstration Zone' and the launching ceremony of the 2021 Theme Month activity of "Deep Integration of Information Technology and Classroom Teaching". Wang Ruoyi, a mathematics teacher at the Eleventh Middle School in the city, demonstrated the demonstration class of "Linear Vertical Triangular Pyramid Catching Ball" on the spot, using various information technology means to achieve a rich interactive mode, effectively forming a precise teaching closed loop of lesson preparation, teaching, homework, after-school tutoring and big data statistical examination analysis, showing the school's attempts and explorations in promoting the comprehensive upgrading and transformation of smart education applications.

Qiaokou District "Information Technology and Classroom Teaching Deep Integration" theme month activities launched
Qiaokou District "Information Technology and Classroom Teaching Deep Integration" theme month activities launched
Qiaokou District "Information Technology and Classroom Teaching Deep Integration" theme month activities launched

Tao Yong, principal of the Eleventh Middle School of the City, introduced that after five years of deployment and construction, at present, the school has entered the full deployment and in-depth application of smart education, the smart classroom system has been updated from version 2.0 to version 4.0, the mobile terminal for teachers and students has achieved full coverage of 27 classes, students can log in to the account of the smart classroom at home, under the class for compensatory learning, but also for the preparation team to grind lessons, evaluate lessons and campus classroom open to create a new platform. The school opens up third-party resources, docks the resources of the national public service platform, and the resource ecosystem of the school's characteristic resources, and establishes a characteristic school-based resource library, thus effectively realizing the co-construction and sharing of resources and experiences between schools, and building a new learner-centered education ecology.

Qiaokou District "Information Technology and Classroom Teaching Deep Integration" theme month activities launched

On the same day, the Eleventh Binjiang Junior High School and the Affiliated Primary School of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology also demonstrated the beneficial attempts of schools in big data to achieve accurate teaching, personalized education, and reconstruct teaching evaluation methods.

Qiaokou District "Information Technology and Classroom Teaching Deep Integration" theme month activities launched
Qiaokou District "Information Technology and Classroom Teaching Deep Integration" theme month activities launched

Guo Jun, secretary of the party committee and director of the Qiaokou District Education Bureau, said that the theme month activities will focus on the "construction and application of smart learning environment", "teaching method innovation under the support of big data", "teacher information literacy improvement" and other content, online and offline combined with theme forums, excellent lesson displays, teaching seminars and other activities, all primary and secondary school teachers in the district will take a "deep integration of information technology and classroom teaching" class, comprehensively promote Wuhan's "smart education demonstration area" and "six major actions", and actively build Qiaokou platform space + ubiquitous education "A new form of wisdom education."

Qiaokou District "Information Technology and Classroom Teaching Deep Integration" theme month activities launched
Qiaokou District "Information Technology and Classroom Teaching Deep Integration" theme month activities launched