
Ten years of trees sending souls

author:Poster News

Public Network poster news reporter Ding Houqin Qufu reported

If Yu Juan were still alive, she would be 43 years old by April 2 this year.

Yu Juan has been out of this world for 10 years. During this decade, many people still remember this anti-cancer doctor who died young and were influenced by her anti-cancer diary.

And her mother, Shuping, has been living in the mountains of Qufu for ten years. From one person planting trees to a group of people planting trees, she and her team planted tens of millions of yellow trees. She said that whenever she was on the mountain, she felt that the sky was her safety barrier, the mountain was her dependence, and the yellow trees were her children, her Yu Juan.

Ten years after Yu Juan left, the world has undergone tremendous changes, living standards have improved, green mountains and rivers have returned, and people have paid more attention to health. All this, Yu Juan could not see, and her mother saw it for her and participated in it.

Another year of qingming is approaching, and the 66-year-old Shuping has long since come out of excessive grief. At this time of year, she had to suspend other affairs and leave a few days of clean days, which was the time when she and Yu Juan were "alone".

For Shu Ping, these ten years have made her more aware of life and death.

Ten years of trees sending souls

The questioning and reflection of life

"Why do I have cancer?" In December 2009, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and on January 2, 2010, she was further diagnosed with advanced breast cancer, and Yu Juan put a heavy question mark in her heart.

Her first thought was that there was no family genetic history, usually good health, good food, good personality, always a positive and optimistic person, just gave birth to a child and fed breast milk for a year, such a person, how did he get breast cancer?

However, the solid pain in her body, and the doctor's diagnosis, told her that everything was real and could not be changed. While reflecting, she wrote an anti-cancer diary on the blog, hoping to remind people with her own experience and thinking that they must be kind to their bodies, because "living is king".

In the middle of the year, Yu Juan was too eager to live.

In the eyes of many people, Yu Juan is an enviable proud son of heaven. She was born in Jining, Shandong Province, her father was a special first-class chef in her early thirties, and her mother Shuping worked in the Municipal Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, and her family was solid and harmonious.

On March 26, in Dingzhuang Village, Shimenshan Town, Qufu City, Shu Ping recalled his daughter's school days with the public network poster news reporter, and repeatedly said that "the conditions at home were very good at that time."

Yu Juan is an only child and the pride of this happy family. She was smart and cheerful from an early age, and maintained her "academic bully" nature all the way, studying at Shanghai Jiaotong University with an undergraduate degree, studying at Fudan University with a master's degree, and after studying in Norway for two years, she returned to Fudan to become a young teacher.

According to her plan, she will be rated as an associate professor within two or three years.

Her husband teaches at Shanghai Jiaotong University and is also a young talent. In his eyes, Yu Juan's cleverness surprised him. In her later diary, Yu Juan also said, "I am not Feng Yu (Huang Yaoshi's wife who never forgot)," which shows that she is very confident in her memory.

In the last days of her life, Yu Juan made a deep reflection on her way of life.

One is the problem of diet. She had eaten a lot of wild animals, but those didn't taste good. She eats an astonishing amount of food, and there is no meat or pleasure.

The second is sleep problems. Yu Juan claims that she has not slept before 12 o'clock in ten years, and many nights she spends on bungee jumping, K songs, and online chats, while everyone she knows sleeps late.

The third is environmental issues. The home of a relative in Shanghai where she lived later detected that formaldehyde was seriously exceeded.

In addition, Yu Juan analyzed her own personality and realized that she was too competitive, too fond of doing the best in everything, too fond of dominating the overall situation, too fond of worrying, too unwilling to do nothing.

She added the word "too much" in front of several glowing words as a reflection with remorse. She even thinks that many of the certificates taken are meaningless.

Yu Juan wrote 70 life diaries in the midst of illness, which aroused the attention and deep thinking of hundreds of millions of netizens. And the most quoted passage is this:

At the critical point of life and death, you will find that any overtime (staying up late for a long time equals chronic suicide), giving yourself too much pressure, the need to buy a house and a car, these are all floating clouds. If you have time, spend time with your children, give the money to buy a car to your parents to buy a pair of shoes, don't desperately try to change to a big house, and be with the people you love, and live happily.

Many of the questions people think about will find answers over time. Yu Juan's life question, ten years later, we still see many changes. Economic development has shifted from extensive to high-quality, the concept of ecological civilization has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and people have paid more attention to safety and health...

Last year, a mother who was deeply touched by Yu Juan's "This Life Is Not Complete" recommended this book to her daughter who was in the first year of junior high school, and the little girl put it down after reading part of it, she said: Seeing her stay up late like that, eating everything, worrying for her, I don't want to read it.

However, in any case, Yu Juan's life diary triggered reflections of that era. Yu Juan's short life has also won many recognitions. Shu Ping told the public network poster news reporter that for ten years, every time Yu Juan's festival day, some of her colleagues and friends from Fudan University would hold a memorial service for her.

ShuPing said she always felt that Yu Juan was still alive.

Ten years of trees sending souls

The mountains are covered with wild yellow trees

From Qufu City to the north, the car traveled twenty kilometers, walked through a winding road, and arrived at Dingzhuang Village.

Dingzhuang Village is surrounded by mountains on three sides, south of Jiuxian Mountain, north of Huaxu Mountain, and west of Phoenix Mountain. Shuping lives right here.

Planting trees and patrolling the mountains all year round, Shu Ping's face was dark. Walking on the mountain road, the footsteps are flexible and powerful, and it seems that it has long been very adapted to manual labor. She said she spoke a little faster and thought clearly.

Yu Juan's death caused Shu Ping to be greatly hit, and even felt that there was nothing to love for him.

She could not forget that the day before Yu Juan died, she said in a very weak tone that she wanted to see the baby. The family hurried home and carried the two-year-old potato into the ward. Yu Juan looked at her son and her mother, and her eyes were full of tears. Finally, her gaze moved away from them and turned to the glass on the ward door.

Shu Ping knew how reluctant her daughter was to leave. Earlier, Yu Juan just said to her: Mom, you have raised me for thirty years, I can't be filial to you, I also want to serve the country...

Watching his beloved child being approached by the god of death, but unable to do anything about it, Shuping stood on the balcony of the ward and said: If I can make me suffer for Juanjuan, I am willing to jump from the 21st floor.

At 3:00 a.m. on April 19, 2011, Yu Juan left. Shu Ping was devastated, her wife stayed in Shanghai to take care of her grandson, and she returned to Jining alone. It was the darkest moment of her life, she burned all the photos with Yu Juan, the letters related to Yu Juan, and she even changed her name from "Su Ping" to "Shu Ping".

She came alone to Longweizhuang Village, Wucun Town, Qufu City. When Yu Juan was in the first year of junior high school, Shu Ping had brought her here. At that time, the traffic was inconvenient, on the way home, I saw that the child was very tired, Shuping said let's sit on the human three wheels. As soon as she sat up, Yu Juan said, "Mom, come down."

Shu Ping got out of the car, and Yu Juan whispered: Mother, why are this grandfather's shoes so old? A sad look appeared on his face.

As soon as she got home, Yu Juan asked her grandfather how to make Grandpa in the mountains live a good life. Grandpa said casually, then let them raise pigs, or plant trees.

Many years later, Yu Juan studied abroad at the University of Oslo in Norway. One day she sent her mother a plane ticket and a letter for Shuping to go to Norway to play. The letter was called "tips" by Shu Ping, instructing her to find someone in each place, what to do, and see her daughter smoothly all the way.

Yu Juan took her mother to 7 countries, and they spent two months of happy times.

Yu Juan asked Shu Ping: Mom, which country do you think is the best?

Shu Ping said: I think China is the best.

Yu Juan asked again: What about Norway?

Shuping said: Norway's forests are good.

Yu Juan said: Then let's move the forest back to Jining!

Shu Ping said yes. They clapped happily, like sisters.

At that time, Shu Ping did not know that her daughter was serious. Yu Juan, who works on biomass energy policy at the University of Oslo, knows that planting trees can really lead to prosperity.

What Shu Ping didn't know was that in order for Yu Juan to let her go to Norway to play, the 100,000 yuan scholarship did not move, and all the expenses were earned by her part-time work. At four or five o'clock in the morning, she stepped on the waist-length snow and carried more than 40 pounds of newspapers on her back to deliver.

Many villas are far apart, and it is often necessary to send a newspaper to climb a hillside. After ShuPing learned about this situation, he seemed to see his daughter walking hard in the snow on the hillside, and he couldn't help but feel very uncomfortable.

Later, in order to fulfill her daughter's wish, Shuping went to the mountains to plant trees, carrying a 40-pound backpack up the mountain every morning, and she never felt tired and bitter again. For ten years, Shuping was only doing two things: planting trees and patrolling the mountains. Today, the originally bare mountain is covered with yellow trees, and at the turn of spring and summer, the mountains are full of lush greenery. The green leaves whispered in the wind, it was the song of life.

Ten years of trees sending souls

Days of planting trees in the mountains

Five years before Yu Juan's death, Shu Ping almost never went out of the mountains except for the occasional visit to Shanghai to visit his grandson. She planted trees and rangers, did not communicate with the outside world, and did not give any media interviews.

Every day up and down the mountain, digging pits to water, tired, full of hand scars, nature's wind and sun to heal her wounds.

In the Internet era, information dissemination is everywhere. Shuping's story is known to more and more people, and they set up a volunteer team. From one person planting trees to a group of people planting trees, it is not only an increase in strength, but also makes Shuping really come out of grief.

In the past ten years, Shu Ping and her public welfare team have planted tens of millions of trees and greened 20,000 acres of mountain forests. At the foot of the Nine Immortals Mountain, the forest full of yellow trees is called the "Norwegian Forest", which is the agreement between Shu Ping and Yu Juan.

Even during the epidemic period, when people were isolated at home, Shu Ping taught everyone to raise seedlings in the WeChat group. It is very simple to operate, with a disposable paper cup, make a small hole in the bottom, fill the cup with soil, put in the tree species, and soon there will be young shoots emerging.

Later, she asked everyone to transplant on the spot. Planting trees pays attention to local conditions, there is no need to stick to the form, and there is no need to pay attention to scale.

Shuping contracted 20,000 mu of mountain forest, there are 50 mu of seedling base under the mountain, no matter how many years of saplings, who wants to give them free of charge, there is only one condition: plant it alive.

All ShuPing planted were yellow trees. This is also the tree species chosen by Yu Juan for the people of the mountains during her lifetime. The whole body of the yellow tree is a treasure, the young leaves can be used to fry tea leaves, the seeds can be refined into diesel, and the yellow wood is also a good material.

More importantly, Huang Lianshu does not compete with people for water or land for grain. The public network poster news reporter saw in Dingzhuang Village that the three surrounding mountains were planted with yellow trees. Even on the large rocks that are twenty or thirty meters high, straight saplings grow, like a sword inserted into a boulder. ShuPing said that it was planted by professional mountaineers.

Someone once asked Shu Ping: Is the person strong, or the tree strong?

Shu Ping said: Have you ever seen a tree growing out of a stone crevice? You can barely see a little bit of soil, but it takes root deeply downwards and grows tenaciously upwards.

As Shuping climbed from Dingzhuang Village to Huaxu Mountain, her pace was strong, and she did not look like an old man who was nearly old. At the foot of the mountain, the grass and trees are exuberant, the branches are full of branches, and ShuPing introduced to the reporter while walking: There is no road on the mountain, and this place has walked more times, vaguely like a road.

She can accurately find the spring water on the mountain and knows at any time how much water is. Each tree she knew very well, caressing them, making her feel at ease.

There are patches of mountain at the bottom of the mountain, and slender saplings grow in freshly watered fields. Shu Ping told reporters that these pieces of land are planted by some units, the saplings and land are hers, the people of the unit come to work, and eventually all the proceeds go to the village.

Participating in the "Norwegian Woods" program online and offline, there are 300,000 netizens from more than a dozen provinces. After the team was formed, there was a clearer Internet thinking. On this Arbor Day just past, with the support and coordination of the relevant departments of provinces, cities and counties, they came to the bank of the Yellow River in Liangshan County and launched the activity of guarding the Mother River.

The event has specialized copywriting and a precise division of labor, which is more organized.

Ten years of trees sending souls

Walking in the world with my daughter

Ding Qinglou, the branch secretary of Dingzhuang Village, rode on an electric tricycle and carried reporters and Shu Ping along the asphalt road built under the mountain. The mountain road is winding and undulating, flanked by blooming flowers, yellow, white and pink, full of spring.

Nearby villages seem to be preparing to take advantage of the ecological development of the countryside tour, and there are many restaurants and shops on both sides of the road.

"The other side of the mountain is the boundary of Ningyang, which belongs to Tai'an." Ding Qinglou pointed to the Phoenix Mountain not far away, saying that Dingzhuang Village is located in the northernmost part of Qufu, because it is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and in previous years there was no way to make money except for kilns.

After Shu Ping came, he not only planted trees on the bald mountain, but also turned the 400-acre abandoned kiln factory into green. The mountain village changed its appearance, and Ding Qinglou felt that there were more possibilities.

Ten years after Yu Juan's departure, Shuping turned it into a lush "Norwegian forest". Shuping said that now, she has fulfilled her daughter's wish. In the future, she will strive to make the people in the mountains live a good life.

Achieving this goal is not something that Shuping can easily achieve. Planting trees is the starting point and tree planting as a link, but it is by no means the only means of planting trees.

On the roadside of Dingzhuang Village, there is a stone stele standing in the ground, which reads in large red characters: Liu Xianggui Seedling Base. Liu Xianggui, a public welfare person in Hebei, is a noble person in Shuping's life, and when she was in difficulty, it was Liu Xianggui who provided 300,000 yuan of funds for sapling cultivation.

Liu Xianggui provided support not only this, he went to Dingzhuang Village to investigate, determined that Shuping did is a real public welfare, he took out more than 1 million yuan for the development of pension and breeding cooperatives, Shuping will be these two undertakings with "Lu Ji love", in order to thank the support from Jidi.

At the foot of Huaxu Mountain, Shu Ping opened the gate of a courtyard and led reporters in. It is a nursing home with three bedrooms and a dedicated kitchen. In the center of the living room is a long case with pen and ink paper on it. Paintings and calligraphy hang on the inner walls, and the room is full of ink.

Shu Ping told reporters that these works were created by the elderly who lived here years ago. They are all retirees in Jining or Qufu City, because they have the feeling of returning to the garden and living in the countryside, they live at the foot of the mountain, breathe in the fresh air, can be immersed in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and can also grow vegetables and flowers in the two fields in front of the door.

Ding Qinglou is still a month away from retiring, he has already made plans, the village set up a breeding cooperative last year, he wants to lead the production of organic products, build their own brand.

"The poor mountains and bad waters of the past are now becoming golden mountains and silver mountains." Ding Qinglou is full of confidence in the development of the village. He said the changes were brought about by Shuping.

Ten years. After Yu Juan had just left, the trees that Shu Ping had planted on the Nine Immortals Mountain already had a thick bowl and a pavilion like a cover. ShuPing said that when she could no longer walk, she would hand over the forest to the state and not take a single leaf with her.

"Fame and fortune, there is no difference is not hard." Yu Juan once wrote such a sentence in her diary. Today's Shuping looks like he has nothing, but he has mountains, rivers, lakes and seas. Yu Juan left her, but she always surrounded her, like a whisper blowing through the leaves.

In the past ten years, Shu Ping has more realized the meaning of life and death: as long as you do something valuable, no matter how long or short your life is, it is a precious life. She did not walk alone, but walked with Yu Juan in the human world.

(Some pictures courtesy of Dong Hongyi)