
"Octopus" vs. "Second Master Brother" Thousands of citizens frantically photographed the new and exotic products of the Agricultural Expo

author:West China Metropolis Daily
"Octopus" vs. "Second Master Brother" Thousands of citizens frantically photographed the new and exotic products of the Agricultural Expo
"Octopus" vs. "Second Master Brother" Thousands of citizens frantically photographed the new and exotic products of the Agricultural Expo

New and peculiar agricultural products are concentrated on the first day of the opening of the agricultural fair, thousands of citizens explored the curiosity

The West China Pavilion Group enthusiastically registered, and hundreds of auctioneers sent wonderful moments to the Agricultural Expo

Space pumpkin "vs." giant sweet potato, kiwi fruit "meets" red pomegranate, and 1400 pounds of "second master brother" to help...

On November 19th, the 3rd Sichuan Agricultural Expo and Chengdu International Urban Modern Agriculture Expo were reopened in Chengdu New Convention and Exhibition Center.

The agricultural expo "chartered" new exhibition center 9 pavilions, the exhibition area of 105,000 square meters, the scale of sichuan agricultural fairs the highest, the exhibition period will continue until November 23. Most importantly, admission to the museum is free for the public.

On the day of the opening ceremony, thousands of citizens "rushed to the scene" of the agricultural expo. Buy Thai high-quality fragrant rice, taste French estate wine, buy Icelandic deep-sea cod, watch authentic Muay Thai performances, experience the Han Dynasty journey, and even get in close contact with the 2-meter giant crocodile... The global high-quality "agricultural taste" has come to the bowl, can you still hold it?

"Octopus" vs. "Second Master Brother" Thousands of citizens frantically photographed the new and exotic products of the Agricultural Expo


The "Octopus" drone made a domineering appearance

A one-day flight can complete 160 acres of farmland spraying

"Wow, it's like a flying monster in Transformers." At 11:00 a.m. on the 19th, in the Sichuan Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Museum in Hall 4 of the Agricultural Expo, many citizens were queuing up to take photos with several drones of different sizes.

"They're not only avant-garde, they're also very useful." According to the on-site staff, this is an octagonal rotor agricultural plant protection UAV developed by Chengdu Frontier Power Technology Co., Ltd., which uses an efficient brushless motor independently developed by the company as a power to achieve a payload of up to 20 kg. Powered by large-capacity lithium batteries, drones can fly for up to 25 minutes. A single flight of the drone can spray 5 acres of fields, counting the spraying and take-off and landing time, it is expected to take 15 minutes. According to this speed, if the drone works 8 hours a day, it can fly 32 times a day and spray about 160 acres of field, which is equivalent to the workload of 8 people manually spraying for 1 week. At the same time, it can automatically hover and wait for rescue in abnormal situations such as signal disappearance.

"Octopus" vs. "Second Master Brother" Thousands of citizens frantically photographed the new and exotic products of the Agricultural Expo

Can adapt to a variety of environments and conditions, and set the corresponding mode for pesticide automatic spraying, "if it can be widely promoted and used, it will change the traditional farmers carrying pesticides, spraying a little bit in the field, not only reduce the workload of farmers, but also greatly save time, and ensure that each piece of land can be sprayed evenly to the drug." ”

"In fact, the operation of pesticide spraying drones is not difficult, and it is simpler than the operation principle of remote control toy aircraft." In most cases, the average farmer, Xiong Du, only needs one day of training to learn to operate, the staff said.

In addition, in this exhibition hall with an area of 700 square meters, there are many brothers of the "octopus" UAV, such as solar water lifting units, agricultural remote sensing aircraft, light energy-driven agricultural machinery, automatic filling and other advanced agricultural equipment, and 120 new technologies, new products and new equipment such as agricultural science and technology 110 are unveiled one by one at this agricultural expo.

Another type of UAV focuses on "high resolution", which can quickly obtain information on land consolidation, high-standard farmland construction inspection, and industrial layout planning, while conducting real-time analysis and high-precision agricultural inspection. Especially for agricultural disasters, high-resolution drones can quickly identify and quickly count disasters.

It is reported that at present, in Guanghan, Dongpo, Pixian, Luxian, Renshou and other places in our province, the main grain crops in the demonstration areas have basically realized the mechanization of the whole process of cultivating land, sowing, fertilizing, plant protection, harvesting, and drying.

"Octopus" vs. "Second Master Brother" Thousands of citizens frantically photographed the new and exotic products of the Agricultural Expo


1400 kg of ecological fat pigs

Eat microbes to grow up almost never get sick

Have you ever seen a 1400 pound pig?

On November 19, the first day of the opening of the Agricultural Expo, the Nanchong Pavilion in Hall 2 was already crowded with people, and everyone held up their mobile phones to the motionless behemoth in the iron cage.

"How can there be such a big pig?" "Did you eat hormones or additives?" "Can it run?" Surprised, some people cut through the crowd and found the staff in the museum to understand their curiosity.

The reporter walked into a cage nearly 3 meters high, and a pig with a length of nearly 2 meters slept on a thick cushion similar to rice. The complexion is white, the mouth is fangs, the fine hairs on the body are soft to the touch, and it weighs 1400 pounds. It rarely gets up and looks very "lazy". Some citizens put their hands in and poked at its body, and some people pulled its ears again, only to see it raise its head again, turn its face in a different direction and lie down.

"Octopus" vs. "Second Master Brother" Thousands of citizens frantically photographed the new and exotic products of the Agricultural Expo

"It's shy." Gong Dongfu, general manager of Nanchong Laida Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., laughed at the side and said that pigs are more than three years old, usually stand up and play, move flexibly, and are fat but not bulky.

In the face of a series of problems, Manager Gong explained to the citizens, "In fact, it is an ordinary pig breed, but it eats grain and microorganisms, and does not feed any additives." ”

He introduced that the pig in front of him is the company's "extreme breeding" test product, "extreme pig" in the company has a total of more than 40 heads, the heaviest one has been raised for more than 5 years, weighing more than 1600 pounds. Mr. Gong said that according to scientific calculations, a pig can reach 15 years old or even higher if it is properly raised.

Different from ordinary pig breeding methods, these test pigs eat grain that has been degraded by microorganisms, drink microbial degradation bacterial liquid, and sleep on microbial degradation mattresses with a thickness of 50 centimeters. Since feed containing heavy metals is not fed, there are no pesticide residues in pigs. Using beneficial bacteria in microorganisms to kill harmful bacteria, pigs are less sick and not sick, "compared with pigs of the same age, its body is more robust and young." Manager Gong said with a smile that this kind of pig meat is fat but not greasy, thin and not stuck teeth, and the market price is 30 yuan per kilogram.


Sweet potatoes in the air

The first at home and abroad, the root must grow in reverse direction

You've seen sweet potatoes in the field, but have you ever looked up and picked sweet potatoes? What is even more amazing is that this sweet potato is not stubble once a year, but a seedling is planted and harvested continuously for three or five years.

At the Sichuan Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Museum, you can see a string of "red lanterns" hanging in the air, which are sweet potato rhizomes with branches attached. This use of the growth characteristics of sweet potato and its related species, the use of grafting technology to block the transport of photosynthetic products to the underground root system, and partial accumulation on the ground, through pressure induction to form aerial sweet potato, this technology is the first at home and abroad, has obtained 2 patents in China.

"Octopus" vs. "Second Master Brother" Thousands of citizens frantically photographed the new and exotic products of the Agricultural Expo

Li Ming, a researcher at the Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, introduced that the aerial sweet potato has three characteristics, one is to use soil to cultivate in the air, the cost is low, and the management is convenient; the second is the growth mode of inverted hanging, so that the sweet potato roots must resist the gravity of the earth, grow upwards, and increase the ornamental value; the third is that as long as the sweet potato varieties that can be cultivated with soil in the world, they can rely on this technology for aerial cultivation, "and the air sweet potatoes are higher than ordinary underground sweet potatoes in terms of vitamin and other content." ”

Li Ming said that sweet potato seeds are placed in the air in the pot, when the root system is ripe to pick sweet potatoes, just take off the pot to cut off the sweet potato rhizomes we want to harvest, and the branches can continue to produce sweet potatoes after putting on the pot. Moreover, the plant life of aerial sweet potatoes can be extended to 3 to 5 years under reasonable cultivation conditions, and can be harvested every year, and each upright growth point can produce more than 5 kg of sweet potatoes.

"Octopus" vs. "Second Master Brother" Thousands of citizens frantically photographed the new and exotic products of the Agricultural Expo


Star appearances

Thai mixed-race male star hot scene Anime reality show invites you to take a group photo

As one of the series of commemorative activities for the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand, this year's Agricultural Expo set Up Thailand as the theme country, and 64 Thai entrepreneurs brought jasmine rice, tropical fruits and other "Thai" flavored characteristic agricultural products. The Thai Pavilion spent "big blood", not only occupied the most golden geographical location of foreign venues, the exhibition area exhibits the largest number of exhibits in all foreign venues, but also on the first day of the opening of the Agricultural Expo, invited Thailand's popular young student, who played the male protagonist "Miao" in "Siamese Love", actor Wittwest Helen Yawawonku (Pchy) to help the scene.

Not only did he jump and jump, he sang three songs in a row, but he also picked up the selfie stick and took a big selfie with the audience who pressed the black pressure on the stage.

With warm lights, pink-white veils, and a huge poster of "Thai Kitchen" plastered on the background wall, Pchy slowly stepped onto the stage amid the screams of many fans. Blue long-sleeved shirt featuring dark skinny jeans and a pair of red trainers. Only to see him on stage, fold his hands, bow to the audience, and a clear "Sawadika" in his mouth caused fans inside and outside the venue to scream. The handsome and sweet smile and lively and relaxed songs made the men, women and children in the audience stop and watch, and the scene was popular.

"Octopus" vs. "Second Master Brother" Thousands of citizens frantically photographed the new and exotic products of the Agricultural Expo

"Bounty hunters, ominous blades... Aren't these all characters in League of Legends? Near Hall 3, many young citizens found a few "familiar" girls and rushed forward to take photos with these game role-playing players.

It turned out that a fruit and vegetable exhibition hall in Hall 3 specially invited the Cospaly group to help, combining vegetables with role play, in order to attract more young audiences.

In the past, when it came to agriculture, many people would only think of facing the loess with their backs to the sky, but in fact, it was not, modern agriculture is to be combined with science and technology and fashion. And the Cosers said that as long as you pay attention to the agricultural fair, pay attention to their pavilions, group photos are very welcome.

In addition to the arrival of idols, there are also authentic Muay Thai performances that take place during the session. Amid the exotic music, the performers dressed in traditional Thai costumes, one move at a time, are fast and slow, full of masculine beauty, causing the audience to be better. If you want to see close-quarters hand-to-hand combat, hurry up to the Thailand Pavilion of the Agricultural Fair.

"Octopus" vs. "Second Master Brother" Thousands of citizens frantically photographed the new and exotic products of the Agricultural Expo


On the first day of the opening of the Agricultural Expo, 131.4 billion large orders were signed

On the morning of the 19th, the reporter of West China Metropolis Daily learned at the scene that at the opening of the Third Sichuan Agricultural Cooperation and Development Conference and the Agricultural Expo, the investment promotion results of the Agricultural Expo were released, and the signing ceremony of the agricultural investment promotion and agricultural product procurement projects held on the same day was also happy.

At about 10:00 a.m., in the presence of more than 600 leaders and enterprise representatives, representatives of 6 projects took the stage to carry out a grand signing ceremony.

Among them, the total investment in the Sichuan-Taiwan Exquisite Agricultural Cultural and Creative Industrial Park project and project is 280 million yuan, the total investment in the Heerkou Farm Project and the project is 1.5 billion yuan, the health care pension project and project investment in Beijing Xingyi (Meishan) Minjiang Modern Agricultural Park are 1 billion yuan, the total investment in the Pujiang Fruit Trading Market Project and the project is 450 million yuan, the silk fabric purchase and sale agreement and purchase amount are 60 million yuan, and the purchase and sale agreement and purchase amount of black tea products are 5.64 million US dollars.

"Octopus" vs. "Second Master Brother" Thousands of citizens frantically photographed the new and exotic products of the Agricultural Expo

According to reports, after in-depth docking and friendly negotiations in the early stage, a total of 704 agricultural investment promotion projects were signed during the activities of this agricultural expo, with a contract amount of 131.42 billion yuan. 21 cities (states) newly introduced 1229 agricultural cooperation projects, with an investment demand of 368.74 billion yuan.

On-site participation in the on-site centralized signing of 62 agricultural investment promotion projects, the contract amount reached 20.85 billion yuan, agricultural product procurement trade projects 60, a total contract amount of 4.87 billion yuan.

/Exhibition Hotline/

Free tickets for the agricultural expo The most convenient way to see the exhibition by bus

Since the 17th, since the West China Metropolis Daily opened the hotline of 028-96111 Agricultural Expo, many citizens have continued to visit the exhibition hotline. For how to view the exhibition, many readers have raised their own questions. The organizing committee of this event answered one by one:

Q: Do I need to charge a ticket for this exhibition?

A: Unlike other exhibitions, this exhibition is open to the public for free and does not require a ticket to visit the exhibition.

Q: I would love to come and see the agricultural exhibition, but I don't know what days the agricultural fair will be open to the public?

A: Admission for the general public is from 9:30 to 16:30 a.m. on the 20th to the 22nd, and from 9:30 to 14:00 on the 23rd.

Q: Where is this exhibition and how to get to it most conveniently?

A: This exhibition is the first to promote public transportation. Among them, the subway takes Line 1 to Century City Station. Buses can take: 84, 102, 115, 118, 504, 806 bus to Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center.

/Photographers watching the exhibition/

Pastoral style, literary and artistic fan, science and technology house "West China Shooter" recorded wonderful moments

"The cradle of Ziwei, the picking of wheat seedlings, and the ornamental vegetables... All of them have been carefully decorated, and it feels like a fantasy vegetable garden in the villain country. On the day of the opening ceremony, many citizens sent pictures of the Agricultural Expo to this newspaper. Among them, Ms. He sent this "family micro-pastoral" photographed in the ecological home exhibition hall of Huigu Agricultural Science and Technology in the 7 good exhibition hall.

"Octopus" vs. "Second Master Brother" Thousands of citizens frantically photographed the new and exotic products of the Agricultural Expo
"Octopus" vs. "Second Master Brother" Thousands of citizens frantically photographed the new and exotic products of the Agricultural Expo

According to He Lei, the market leader of the exhibition hall, the exhibition area is not only full of literature and art, but also full of scientific and technological elements, "such as this rainwater collector, which can automatically collect rainwater and automatically detect the soil for automatic watering, so that the plants can correctly 'replenish'." ”

This year's Sichuan Agricultural Expo will bring the world's top characteristic agricultural taste to the public, and its scale has been the largest in Sichuan's previous agricultural exhibitions, and it is also a rare agricultural event in the country.

West China Metropolis Daily continues to open the 028-96111 Agricultural Expo Exploration Hotline, soliciting citizens and photographers to talk about their experiences and feelings at the Agricultural Expo, and at the same time open the "Agricultural Expo in My Eyes" shooting action, citizens can send their agricultural photos taken at the Agricultural Expo to the [email protected], we will select the best to publish in the "West China Metropolis Daily" and the west China Metropolis Daily client, and share your happy moments at the Agricultural Expo with the citizens of the whole country. West China Metropolis Daily trainee reporter Yang Li reporter He Ailin photography Wu Xiaochuan