
The new book launch of "Ancient Jade Juying: Selected Jade collections of Ding Zhe's teachers and students" was held in Beijing

author:Culture bar

On the morning of October 10, 2021, the new book launch of "Ancient Jade Juying: Selected Jade collections of Ding Zhe teachers and students" was successfully held at the Beijing Book Building. The event was hosted by Beijing Book Building and Cultural Relics Publishing House, and hosted by Ding Zhe's Teachers and Students Ancient Jade Research Association. Li Zhanjun, former secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Beijing Distribution Group Co., Ltd., Huang Yuan, former deputy secretary of the party committee of the organ directly under the State Administration of Cultural Relics and vice president and secretary general of the China Cultural Relics Society, Hong Wei, vice president of the Cultural Relics Publishing House, Cui Zhi, president of the China Calligraphy and Painting Collectors Association, Ding Zhe, author of the new book, doctor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and famous ancient jade expert, Zhang Xiaozhou, former editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine "Cultural Relics", and the main members of the board of directors, experts and scholars of the Ancient Jade Research Association of Ding Zhe's teachers and students, together with relevant media units, attended the new book launch.

The new book launch of "Ancient Jade Juying: Selected Jade collections of Ding Zhe's teachers and students" was held in Beijing

Group photo of guests

At the press conference, guest Huang Yuan delivered a warm congratulations to the author and fully affirmed the new book. Dr. Ding Zhe, the author, made a keynote speech entitled "Strengthening Cultural Self-Confidence and Inheriting the Soul of Chinese Jade", reviewing his journey in the research, collection and teaching of ancient jade; expounding that ancient jade is the carrier of traditional Chinese culture and the empirical evidence of Chinese civilization for thousands of years, patriotism is the soul of cultural relics collection, and firm cultural self-confidence is the true meaning of cultural relics research. Two student representatives of Mr. Ding Zhe spoke successively, and they combined their own experience of following Ding Zhe to study and collect ancient jade, expressed their admiration for Mr. Ding Zhe's high school and integrity as a model, and their determination to inherit and carry forward the Chinese jade culture. In the interactive session of questions, Ding Zhe answered and exchanged questions from reporters and ancient jade lovers. After the press conference, Ding Zhe signed the new book purchased by readers.

The new book launch of "Ancient Jade Juying: Selected Jade collections of Ding Zhe's teachers and students" was held in Beijing

Huang Yuan delivered a speech

The new book launch of "Ancient Jade Juying: Selected Jade collections of Ding Zhe's teachers and students" was held in Beijing

Ding Zhe's speech

It is reported that "Ancient Jade Juying: Ding Zhe Teachers and Students Tibetan Jade Selection" edited by Ding Zhe, published and issued by the Cultural Relics Publishing House in September 2021, hardcover full color, exquisite arrangement, printing, high-definition and vivid images, can be regarded as another important work in the field of contemporary ancient jade research. This book captures more than 200 pieces (groups) of high ancient jade collected by Ding Zhe's teachers and students' ancient jade research association, which has been auctioned and purchased in overseas auctions for many years, from prehistory to the Han Dynasty, with a complete system and treasures, providing a number of important standard instruments for the academic and collection circles, and is also the epitome of the international high ancient jade auction in this century. The introduction and interpretation of the artifacts in each chapter are written by Ding Zhe to illustrate the key points of ancient jade identification and the evolution of jade culture, and the research is exquisite and quite creative.

The new book launch of "Ancient Jade Juying: Selected Jade collections of Ding Zhe's teachers and students" was held in Beijing

Signature of the author

The new book launch of "Ancient Jade Juying: Selected Jade collections of Ding Zhe's teachers and students" was held in Beijing

Book Shadow