
Gina Carano was swept out of Disney for her political views and is no longer a member of the Mandalorian crew


Lucasfilm issued a statement saying Gina Carano will no longer be on the Mandalorian or the future Star Wars crew. The company also condemned her recent remarks on social media. "Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and has no plans to hire her at Lucasfilm in the future," a Lucasfilm spokesperson said in a statement.

Still, Disney was very upset with her, arguing in a statement that her posts on social media that denigrated others based on cultural and religious identity were abhorrent and unacceptable.

Gina Carano was swept out of Disney for her political views and is no longer a member of the Mandalorian crew

On Wednesday, Carano shared a now-deleted post on Instagram that likened today's Republicans to Jews during the Holocaust. The article was taken and posted on social media, causing a serious response #FireGinaCarano这个标签也冲上热搜.

Carano, who played Carla Dune for two seasons in The Mandalorian, has previously been slammed for his political rhetoric on social media. Late last year, the actress mocked wearing masks during the pandemic, advocated voter fraud during the 2020 presidential election, and praised posts that demeaned the BLM movement.

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